Of course his ideal political system is shit...

Of course his ideal political system is shit, but he's so far ahead of its time for admitting that humans are shit and driven by ego

No political system ever will work or be humane, especially not communism or fascism, because humans will do it so that the ideal system will only work on paper

Start admitting to yourselves that you dont want a neonazi white supremacist nation for rational purposes or humane causes, but to satisfy your personnal ego which wants to feel the belonging to a "white race"

In my case, absolutely everything Sup Forums offers is against my personal interests, so fuck off with whatever bullshit morals you re coming up to to try and justify the validity of your inhumane, anti-equality and anti-liberty stances

Other urls found in this thread:


National Socialism was successful.

>my personal interests
You'll only run into problems if you're a nigger, a faggot, or a drug abuser.

are you a shit skin?

wow dude that's very deep, but seriously no one is going to give a shit about this thread.

Also nazis were not even about "supremacy" of any type. They were about being proud of themselves and encouraged everyone to be proud of themselves.

60 million deaths is an achievement?

Facism worked for thousands of years and democracy led to this state of society in less than a thousand years, really makes me think

>implying satisfying my personal ego is irrational

I want a white country because my country is currently white and all political and cultural trends point to things getting worse for white people the more third worlders are in a country (Brazil going from 63% white in 1950 to 48% white in 2010 and being lead by literal communists, South Africa going from 60% white in 1940 to 8% white now and also being lead by literal communists).

It's not really hard to fucking grasp why I don't want to be lead by retarded shitskins whose sole political position is "fuck whitey".

Who's fault is that? You're about to be ethnically replaced in your own homelands. These people will take everything you have.

I don't want people like you anywhere near us. You're the type that needs to be mowed down when the shit hits the fan. If you can't see the writing on the wall you deserve what's coming.

bugman cant recognize the world ouside of himself. what a shock

Democratic systems were intended to be run by taxpayers, there's a reason why the Roman mob rule of the late republic is considered a bad thing.

All he cares about is his gay porn, his welfare cheque, and his drugs.

What do you explicitly mean by that?

Yes, but i'm indifferent to my race and those of others

His political system is shit because its not really a political system, he attempted to tell others how they may be morally jusrified in usibg whatever means you can to become independent from the system. He stresses the "insurrectionists" goal should NOT be the establishment of a new system because it would be just as bad as any other system. He wants the individual to learn the rules of their society, use them to gain capital, power, or resources, then go full recluse.

Landowners didn't vote in the Roman Republic. Not even close. It would be like letting the largest CEOs vote in 2017.

Democracy is a sham, people just understand power democracy same as communism, power isn't want progress society

>complains about anti-equality and anti-liberty policies
>while also advocating for egoism
Literally lmaoing at your life senpai. Stirnerism is literally ancap without the NAP, which by and large means that those who eventually end up in control will enact anti-equality and anti-liberty policies onto you
>dude fuck self-sacrifice and civilization n shieet, I just want to do what I want

shut up piece of shit, there is no equality in replacing the white race with niggers in their own homelands, and freedom to be a slave to the system and to be an homosexual isn't freedom. fuck your personal interest that are destroying those of others, we are not forced to be an individualist and an hedonist like you

*what makes society progress
Do you have a family name?

They're not indifferent to you. I know your types. You can't make friends because you're socially braindead and your hygiene is terrible so instead of fixing yourself you abandon white society and cosy up to the niggers that will worship you. For now.

China will never open its borders. You may have been able to deracinate yourself but you'll NEVER be able to deracinate any of the third world. They see you for what you are.

shitskin have no race, you are mulattos, like your abstract religion and your abstract view of the world that nothing matters and nothing exist, only a self centered individualist point of view.

I’m hijacking this thread. It’s 3am here and I’ve just woken up from some kind of epiphany. I know this is true. This is the answer. Screen cap this as this movement starts now.
This is the only way to restore the West and save your family.


I'd rather redpill the normies. Thanks though.

You re obviously taking out the racism and expansionism in your equation

You re using that to somehow give yourself a belonging to the victims and submitting to communautarianism. The commies and pseudo-socialists do exactly the same thing by pretending to be part of the opressed proletariat against the evil porkies

Your world is much more complex than a "shitskins are trying to destroy civilization". Its a game of conquest of power, seak for autarchy and freedom from authority (and various other quests for satisfaction of the ego), with reasons being religion, race, class, gender, etc...

Go back to sleep Bruce this is just dream time


nice lie mohammed. the only racist are people like you believing they are above every races or that they doesn't exist, or that we can replace/genocide one and that's fine because only individuals matters.

>implying you’ll have a say
You’re an undecisive faggot that doesn’t stand for anything and you’ll be crushed between the Fascist and communist factions once shtf.

What the fuck? So now its the fascists who always wanted to live in peace without imposing their worldview from the hedonists trying to impose their morals and behaviours upon the whole world?

Dear, has the internet made you forget the entirety of History and trap you into self-delusions?

he was fundamentally right about ideologies being a spook to distract or worse, manipulate you, away from indiviual growth

The neoliberal accelerationist world will very soon prove you wrong

yes the fascists only wanted to be left alone, contrary to internationalist like you and your kike friends.

what history? you mean the reversed history of ww2?

You disgust me using the word "genocide" for white people. Even if they are replaced demographically, there's no Leopold II persecuting them around, ARE THEY?

tell me what the fascists spoke everytimes about? the international jew, international finance, international oppression. don't try to reverse the role of who is the aggressor here filthy kike. the only fascists are either jewish communist internationalist, globalist, or islamic/judaic. christians too but are less damaging today even if they genocided our ancestors to replace our religion with cuckery.

>Arguing on the Internet about fascism
Goys I am serious. Owning a smartphone and using the Internet makes you nothing but a food source.

Self-delusions, what can I say?

You act as if nationalism had never grown into expansionism ever

Jesus christ read a book, even if its wikipedia

All you're doing is claiming any sort of collectivism is wrong. Make an actual argument. Explain how you'll deal with Jewish nepotism and third world racism against whites.

and you disgust me by your insane hatred for white people that you feel justified for some pathetic reasons.
and if you want to talk about revenge, we should avenge all your raids in south france for millenia, all the slave you took for centuries, and your 800 years colonization of spain, we have enough reasons to exterminate you until the last one of you, so shut up piece of shit proselyte parasite, learn to live by yourself in your sand shithole and don't bother us again.

It's from the UN definition.

...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
—Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2

territorial expansionism isn't the same as an international mafia destroying the people from the inside, killing his soul and replacing it. you filthy semite predator.

I see you pushing this shit in every thread. Trying to get people off the internet. Why?

replied to the wrong person.. oops

I can't argue with a worldview so corrupted. You're gonna tell me the genocide of the tziganes was about fighting against the international jew as well?

Your claims have no proof anyway, they are just parcels from pol's eho chamber

You make me laugh aussie, continue

semites think only religion matters, these filthy proselyte. for them replacing a people isn't genocide because people/races doesn't even exist.

which genocide you are talking about you braindead arab? you didn't evolved past the holohoax fairytale yet?

Collectivism is ok, but not communautarianism

By the very nature of action, humans categorize the world around them into things that are done and things that are not done. By being a social constructivist not only do you admit that your position is arbitrary, but you deny the fact humans must categorize in order to survive.

Through reason, we hone our categorizations not only to help ourselves but to help each other.

By convincing yourself of psychological egoism (something even Stirner said was arbitrary which is why he championed ethical egoism) you project your own selfish nature on to others, trivializing existence and boiling down the purpose of life to butthole tingles.

This is the very essence of being a small-souled bugman. The arbitrary nature of materialism has crushed your soul by making the only thing you can identify with something that is material, you are a man because you buy Man Brand shaving cream, you are good because you belong to an activist group.

You are a parasite which can only exist in a society which has rejected your philosophy.

So he's right. You have zero arguments and can't back up anything you say.

They are building an ethnostate in the desert while flooding us with human trash. I find it funny when Jews say that Europeans don't exist. Europeans (whites) are far more culturally, religiously, and ethnically homogeneous than international kikery (Jews) that's for sure. You never see these inbreds extend the same deconstruction to anyone else.

The first is any more acceptable than the latter? Dont you think the fact that you elaborate so muh on the latyer but not on the first makes you any more credible?

first people that do communautarianism are muslims and jews in europe, they won't ever integrate and get rid of their religion, but it's better that way anyway.

I like to watch Americans post Unamerican things and claim it's true patriotism.

You sound like a kike. You can't make any real arguments only if it's bad for the Jew it's bad for everyone else. Fuck off. They're/you're the most communitarian and supremacist race on the planet.

eurasian fighting each other locally over small borders issue isn't the same as taking niggers and sandniggers from africa, making them cross the sea, to replace whites, you retard.

The Americans you hold up on a pedestal hated communists almost as much as they hated niggers.

>replace whites
Nobody is getting shipped to Africa.

>Start admitting to yourselves that you dont want a neonazi white supremacist nation for rational purposes or humane causes, but to satisfy your personnal ego which wants to feel the belonging to a "white race"

But what if that's the only reason I do this?

Not yet.

The red comes with the flag, I'm not interested in Communism.

kikes and arabs are the same inbred mulatto people that think of themselves above others over an abstract viewpoint of the world. they are eternal parasites and proselytes

They must be dealt with at the same time, that's for sure.

There's no satisfaction of the ego only through consumerism and materialism, far from that

And it does not only have to come through actions that forcibly impact negatively the others ego, it can be a win-win situation

And i re-insist, I am in fact in favor of cooperation and collectivism because they end up in win win situations for everybody, but i cant tolerate those who in the name of whatever (religion, race, etc...) push to a satisfaxtion of the ego that condemn inevitably the others

Google YouTube Facebook Sup Forums 23&me etc... the Jew has your every intention modelled. Smartphones... the Jew knows how you spend, where you are, what you say to who and when, all this is modelled. You are a stock animal for the Jew. Not in some apocalyptic future - but right now.
DITCH YOUR SMARTPHONE. GET OFF THE INTERNET. This is the only option left.

>fuck off with your bullshit morals
>because they don't apply to my bullshit morals
>I've already acknowledged my own morals are bullshit
>But you should change yours anyway

I agree with you OP

yes they are the same and allied naturally against europe.

Why don't you make an actual argument? Anything you don't like is egotism. We're at the point now where not changing course is suicidal. We don't have a choice in the matter, there's nothing to argue. Suicide isn't an option.

What a Jewish post.

you refuse any natural order, you refuse people autodetermination and their own lands, you think that everyone is at home everywhere, you only propose us submission or chaos, sorry but our countries are ours, and our people will be free. we don't give a shit about your abstract viewpoint of the world, if you want peace, accept that you are only a guest here, same as we when we go in the middle east. and no, it's not whites that make wars there, it's the same globalist that impose us you arabs to use you as leverage/civil war if we try to conquer back our own lands.

I'm talking about German expansionism, idiot. The million of deaths that occured from simply invading Poland. But yeah somehow thats less worse to die under pain and bombs than... Die of natural causes? Because even when admitting your foolish Grand Remplacement theories as being true, there are no Jewstapo or Muslim SS coming to our houses and killing every white people residing in them.

Hitler demanded only a portion of the territory stolen from Germany after WWI. Poland was blocking even food shipments in August 1939. Danzig had an NSDAP majority government six consecutive years before the war.


You don't even know basic European history. You're pseudo-intellectual that calls everything you don't like 'egotism'. Very Jewish line of argument.

hahaha, danzing and germany cut in two problem, is germany trying to have world domination. it is none of your business what happens in europe you retard sandnigger.
there is no jewstapo? what are these antiracist lobbies persecuting using the tribunals over political correctness, and these medias condemning everyone trying to say otherwise? these muslims thugs invading our countries and raping women? you are an hypocritical cancer, the more i talk with you semite, the more i hate you, filthy predatory parasites that pretend to have morals.

>foolish Grand Remplacement theories
Oy vey goyim don't look at demographic and voting trends! Facts are just theories!

>anythinf you dont like is egotism
Of course not, i only assume that egotism is the driving forces of the individuals and societys, and it can be for the best

Not an argument.

> mfw the frog comes to /pol to virtue signal and try to guilt proud honorable men about having self respect.

oh, a frenchy surrendering? have not seen this in recent history

it's better to surrender when it's against the wrong enemy.
allied killed tens thousands of french too during the war with their bombing, and their niggers GI's mass raped our women too. only european people matters now, i personaly don't care about nationalism.

I'll be happy to revisit the origins of WWII and check that claim out, i honestly must admit i have a lack of knowledge on what youre claiming

I gotta go guys, thanks for the debate (even though you just were here bashing me for being a jewish kike although im latino but whatever), dont feel myself coming back to this thread tho

Good pic

you are the enemy, faggot. why do you think the immigrant camps were at calais, not dover LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

mulattos except from eurasian people always become kike-like thugs like you thinking they are above every races concept and can make their own laws in the countries of other people, and end up worshipping an abstract god that pretend to represent whole humanity to justify their parasitic existence.

your sole purpose in life is opposing to others, you have not any creative intentions and think of yourself as the representant of whole humanity when you are just a retard useful idiot of the jews and organized chaos.

a white society would be better though and therefore its in my best interest to exterminate all the filthy ape peoples

no, i read all your bullshit, dismissing others, because facts mean nothing to you, (neither does history actually, you barelyknow what you are talking about). i just came to let you know you are a cuck. a french cuck at that. might aswell just be muslim. i seen your country. you embrace them like a mother does to a new born child. you are a filth enabler.

Government exists as a tool to control people. Want to make scientific advancement? Make a government to force cooperation.

>I'll be happy to revisit the origins of WWII and check that claim out, i honestly must admit i have a lack of knowledge on what youre claiming

talks shit, then concedes, then runs away. could you be any more french if you actually tried. wtf is wrong with your genetics

>anti-equality and anti-liberty
Pick one faggot.

>Believes that "spooks" are spooks

>i want a white county in the continent native to brown mongoloids.
Applie for citizenship in Iceland or in Norway faggot

nice projection here.
>you barelyknow what you are talking about
show proof and arguments please, but since as always you are on the wrong side of history and close to the true dictators, i'm sure you have none.
if there is filth in any country, it's thanks to people like you trying to destroy the people spiritual cohesion over monetary systems.


Fuck off, Frog

People on this board are a bunch of slack jawed faggots and can't handle meme tier philosophy let alone actual critical thought.

That being said I'd rather live in a neoconservative society than one governed by 'feminist anthropologists' or DNC crypto-fascists as their Keynesian welfare apparatus provides me with nothing.

>whoa dude working together is bad
>if you prevent foreigners from moving to your country that's bad
>having a country is bad

Literally kill yourself

all french are like this nowadays.
