Why do alt-right retards feel the need to cling onto e-celebs...

Why do alt-right retards feel the need to cling onto e-celebs? Why do they constantly praise and worship others just like the left does with its own celebrities?

It's honestly the biggest reason why I've never associated myself with this movement.

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Totally agree. It's pathetic

I don't know what alt right you're talking about mate, because the one on this website seems determined to attack these "e-celebs", which in my opinion is the real retarded thing here. Any movement needs spokespeople, people who will bring others into the movement.

because they are loser, bigger ones than your average chantard

Reddit need to be purged from this place

Kill yourself


>why do shills feel the need to try to corral a decentralized movement toward worship of (((e-celebs)))
Gee I fucking wonder.

This picture explains quite well, actually. The alt right is a fanbase/hobby, not a movement.

sure it was all fun and games when ecelebs became a thing on pol, teehee you are a shill if you are against them CHARACTER ASSASSINATION CHARACTER ASSASSINATION teehee

whats happening now is the position these people have put themselves in bad positions and are thus being called out

Jordan Peterson fiasco in one picture

nobody cares what "movement" you "associate" yourself with, hipster faggot

This recent wave of anti e celeb hate is being drummed up a couple of leftypol Nazbols on Twitter. You're playing right into your own enemies hands you little faggot.

the alt right is literally a term coined by us alphabet agent controlled mainstream media in order to lump together the opposition on the "right" that continues to be misunderstood to the point of the beginning of a paradigm shift (trump election onward)
they were hoping to get ahead of the curve; but as usual you have idiots that are like LOL THAT IS SO ME bc they are that politically savvy. The alt right is the milhouse banner all these 20s millennial fly under because this is babbys first politics

>continue to not understand
take a look for yourself archive.fo/KeKgO#selection-1143.0-1151.373

What else are we supposed to talk about? Are we all supposed to talk about ourselves?
>stop talking about Plato
>stop talking about Trump

Go make a thread about yourself and see what happens.

If you cant talk about public figures then there are very little to talk about.



wake up sheamus, fuck the ((alt rightâ„¢)), pol is far right


You are the faggot. This is not an us vs. them argument it's right vs. wrong. E-celebs are an absolute cancer and don't do anything actually positive for what we actually want. In fact they do the complete opposite because they are nobody's with no actual talent. They also just parrot the same 5 talking points from the last 5 years. "OHHH liberals are hypocrites!!" no shit. I trust in Trump and Trump only. All these other idiots can fuck off

Because altlites are reddit-tier nufags who cam during the election. All they can do is absorb and regurgitate the memes that surround them, they have no capacity to form their own thoughts


Ventis' tits are enough for me. Low T fags can fuck off.


Did we banned that concept from the hivemind already?

these eceleb women are just the girls smart enough to realize there was a paradigm shift and then change their online persona accordingly. they all have huge footprints where they (((believed))) the exact opposite to milk youtube dollareedoos and donations from losers.


>"Lauren Southern is a Canadian far-right political activist"
First result when you google her. Yet she's being targeted as well. What is the difference, really?



There is no alt right movement. Hillary invented them.



Lauren Southern. Holy shit you're dumb or leftypol actually both

>cant think for myself
>need people that think for me
>will repeat everything - listen and believe

Kill yourself you low IQ faggot, now support my Patreon please, teehee

Because nu-pol thinks this is some sort of secret club and they are part of a super cool movement. Which somehow means they have to give beta bux to e-whores.

fucking hell, there isnt even an altright. its literally a fucking skinhead tier meme. anyone who falls for it and starts identifying themselves as altright DESERVES to be derided incessantly, as its just a fucking boogey man the left propped up to blame things on.

yes, the "altright" loves their e-celeb faggots. they would suck their dicks and ask how much they should be paying for such a service. they fuck up this board and every other board they go to with there lackadaisical idol worship, screaming about how peterson is a god among men, lauren southern is somehow based but also a jew, or whatever fucking e-thot of the week they think will make them look good.hell, whenever one of them shows up here we tell them to fuck right off because they arent interested in discussion, they just want validation. they want to hear how smart their favourite goy is while ignoring any criticisms you may lob at jordan "you give me $10, i give you a personality quiz" peterson. they are a fucking joke. normies who wish they were the fringes of society, to have the acclaim of 'liking x thing before it was cool', but not too fringe because then that would be racist. i fucking hate the cunts. people like that, who follow no creed, no principle, no rule, only a symbol, should be the first to get killed. before the jew, before the communists. they should not represent us in any capacity, as they are not us.

that being said no one gives a shit who you associate with, just dont be a faggot and claim that you dont support something because someone who bullied you in kindergarten supports it, or that you dont support it because daddy said not to.

there is a difference between talking about influential figures in a clinical manner, and fanboying over them because of their patreon. you can talk about what hitler did without throwing your opinions on hitler out there.
>go make a thread, see what happens
who cares? quality is better than rote shit.

Well put. Agreed

e-celebs are fine, the problem is with the current batch of them we have. The biggest problem that we face in trying to mount a cohesive resistance is that if anyone actually puts their face out alongside their beliefs than the left immediately finds where their job is and gets them fired. The goal of an e-celeb, I suppose, would be that if someone is actually a decent representative of our values and is actually effective at political organizing than the combined efforts of our NEETbucks would give them enough to survive on, denying the left of their prefered weapon for shutting people down. Problem is the people we have now seem to have let things go to their head rather than focusing on saving the West.

moar redpills plox. rebuilding folder, and you've dropped some heavy shit my friend

They bring more people into your movement. If you want it to be a special secret club then you're not serious about it.

They bring more people into supporting their Patreons and not much beyond that.

That would be goddamn retarded.

I don't see how you think that playing by traditional rules will win this game? "We" don't need representation like that. It's petty and boring. It sways no one. Trump is in the White house as the ultimate representation.

I don't give a shit if people wanna spend their money supporting these people, as long as they don't spend mine. people who complain about this shit are honestly just butthurt that they can't make money like they can

Don't know Sup Forums is not the alt-right, you would have to go ask them

I don't want more people. I want high caliber people. High caliber people see the e-celeb stuff and walk away. All it does is suck in the useless idiots and keep them preoccupied with us vs them drama on irreverent things like gender and race. You are playing into ((their)) hands and it's obvious

Yeah, let's allow subcultures get sidetracked by half-timing carpetbaggers who are milking it to make a buck. You're just jealous, lol! Stupid fucking Portunigger.

The Belgic flag is visually similar to the Romanian flag so I suspect you of latent gypsyism.

> a bunch of mindless people are good for your movement

you are the one bitching about e-celebs, not me
i'm not mad at them just because some cucks like to throw money at them, i say good for them lel

see, you just want it to be an edgy SEEEKRET subculture, you're not interested in making this a mass movement
lol go away child

The problem is it shits up the board. The mods should make an eceleb board and they can go jerk each other off there

do you think all movements are compiled only of high IQ, highly competent geniuses? no, you're gonna have normies, you're gonna have the foot soldiers, you're gonna have women
it's common sense

Why is human psychology exploitable?

Read about tavistok newfags

fine, i'm okay with that

E-celebs syphon off people out of this mass movement into their own Personality Cults, like Peterson very obviously did. Don't be calling anyone a child here since, you the only one here with litral retard logic and have no arguments, Portunigger.

because alt-right have so little support among celebs that anything is something

peterson isn't even alt-right, he's a liberal
try harder nigger

well said mate, all of this is a great summary of the alt rights place on the food chain

cause leddit

When did political activists come to be known as e celebs?

>biggest reason
that and it doesn't exist

t.leftypol not bad you guys are getting better

Because they sit at home ranting about muh immigrants whilst offering nothing insightful.

That and patreon.

How do you do this

>muh classical liberal
Shouldn't you be working o your homework young man? And make your bed while you're at it

Since children like you started gobbling their cocks

I suppose helping organise a mission to block migrants trying to enter Europe isn't "insightful" enough for you.

don't you get it yet it was another onion juice set up just a longer term one
>shill e-celebs
>Sup Forums gets conditioned to hate all e-celebs
>fade to shilling heavily only female e-celebs
>Sup Forums keeps right on hating

>(((they))) fear their mainstream appeal
>(((they))) started a divide & conquer campaign

That would require us caring what other people think about anything. That's all the left and RINOs have is name calling and labeling. We have truth.

it's not for you
its not to change what you think
it's for women contemplating "joining the movement"

lol divide and conquer, if I wasnt phone posting I could give you a full timeline. the tldt version
>attempt to label and collectivise groups behind one media friendly term
>let it fester long enough to round up the most gullible among your target demo
>when natural division occurs, split away with your new gang of useful idiots
>you have them forever, your own pet version of opposition to target and manipulate

the truth is there is no divide and conquer, as there was never one group to really divide and conquer, if anything you should look at it as us weeding out the chaff

"If you build it they will come" women will join once success is shown regardless of optics

yup and the kikes know it
they can't stop it they're just trying anything they can to slow things down

>There is no difference between demanding that someone recognize the gay identity and demanding that someone recognize genderqueer dragonkin nonsense.

Wrong, because it's actually natural for some members of a society to be gay, it's been in societies forever, and even beyond human society in animal society. The genderqueer dragonkin nonsense is imaginary shit that only pampered spoiled modern kids could come up with.

This. There's plenty of women on Sup Forums. Hell, Southern and Mc Carthy are probably in this very thread masturbating furiously at the hate. That's the thing you boomer cucks and 14yo's don't understand; Women like to be choked, slapped, and told they're nothing more than a cocksleeve. It gets them gushing. The first orgasm they've had was bent over their daddy's knee, being whipped with a belt until their ass was red. Women are followers, not political leaders. This was a giant shit-test, and you white knighting cuckolds lost it.