What do liberal mean with "being open minded"?

What do liberal mean with "being open minded"?

They mean to lay down for any bullshit anyone spews.

They aren't even usually conscious of the meaning when they say it.

Having your mind so open that your brain falls out of it

Long story short:

It's one of the dopamine re-uptake loops. Where you try to ignore negatives and see them as positives because it makes you feel good.

It's a way to gain status by appearing to take high ground and imply they understand some bullshit. You can tell this is what is happening by asking them to explain the bullshit. They will just repeat "have an open mind" instead of demonstrating any actual understanding.

Being open minded means not calling out degeneracy.

think what we tell you

Yeah my lib cuck brother pissed me the eff off this weekend.

>Im open minded
>But I won’t entertain the thought of conservative viewpoints
>or even centrist viewpoints
>Also the only book I’ve ever read is Harry Potter
>I am a manchild

I don’t know what being open minded means

allowing bad things.

"come to my position"
They don't want you to be open minded and consider all options, just theirs

They mean that having a moral objection to any of the deranged shit they come up with is a "prison" that hurts us more them them.

Basically it's what happens why you combine ego, pride, arrogance and condescension into a platform the sell to the public.

Agree with everything they say.

To consider facts and acknowledge ones own subjective biases before making a decision or judging another person.
An open mind is one that is not hostile to the concept of learning something new or being proven wrong.

Being a cuck is on the top of the list.

This. People need (reasoned) standards. "Being open minded" is often used as a cudgel to beat down standards and let barbarians into your city.

Liberals mean "believe exactly what I tell you to believe or I'll call you names".

You need to be open minded to understand our position. Being open minded is so important for critical thinking. Sometimes people just don't understand our positions because they are not thinking about them properly.

Drink the Kool-aid dumb goy

Open-mindedness is a good thing, but most people who talk about it are not open-minded. How many of liberals have evaluated the pros and cons of National Socialism with an open mind? Racial differences?

They equate tolerance of degeneracy with being open minded. There's nothing open minded about not having discovered what use values have. ''Do whatever you want'' is not a value, it's indifference to values. Having an open mind is not a purely positive trait, and I think anyone with a truly open mind would agree on that. I for one am way too willing to entertain complete bullshit on the miniscule chance it could be true.


>being open minded
It means being able to consider and evaluate unfamiliar ideas/opinions objectively and without prejudice.

In case of liberals it just means being suspectible to bullshit.


Being able to entertain an idea without accepting it.

Unfortunately for a leftist this means only liberal thoughts.

When liberals say "open-minded" they mean "willing to agree with me." True open-mindedness is being able to watch a Youtube video about the moon being a hologram in earnest without a stupid smirk on your face, genuinely considering the points being brought up and willing to change your mind if the facts and points presented are compelling.

Leftist meaning of it is, listen to what I and people that think exactly like me say

Being open minded is an excuse they use to justify their compassion for criminals and other degenerates.

They don't know...they guess.

Being "open minded" is the blue pill.
Being open minded is the red pill.

what they THINK they mean is "be open to new experiences"

what they ACTUALLY mean is "be indiscriminately tolerant to literally everything bad for you and your world"

Using the mind is ascension, all pills required.

> Full bottles
> Empty mind

Choose one.

Open borders for your brain.

I have a 45 caliber key for you

You can keep it. I like my mental borders locked tighter than the average internet addict's virginity.

Don't fight back against their bullshit

To have no standards or red lines. The problem with that is that abnormality gets normalized and every form of virtue is lost because everything goes.

Open your mind and your ass will follow

Let niggers fuck your daughter

>Reframing the situation so you have a dopamine hit anyway
Very astute observation.
In high stress careers, I've found this is neccessary for survival if not strictly true.

>10% Sales success rate goal
>Lose sale
>Now I have only 8 more no's before my sale

So by open minded, they mean "have no standards."
They couldn't rationally evaluate NatSoc because their only standard of value is social expedience.