You wake up tomorrow and see this

What do you do???

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I wouldn't mind. Mexico's pretty awful and it would still be an improvement to the trainwreck that is central america.

open a business selling pikes south of the border

Above my head?

I have awoken on a Halo ring.

I grab my shotty and go get me a blue holographic waifu.

As usual: stay comfy.

Would be US puppet in any case. Whatever.

It can't get any worse.

start a business selling anchors

its been done before

Go to the catalog and pick out a more interesting thread.

briefly holding mostly unsettled and unclaimed land that they ultimately lost control of in a quick war means they can somehow take back civilized areas from the strongest nation on earth despite the fact they cant even control their local drug dealers.

The fucking good old days, I miss my Emperor

What is Louisiana?

good, this way they can make enough money to pay for an even bigger wall

look how that turned out. mexico was never great. unless they were ruled by a european or someone who models their government after the europeans.

I don't know.

Both "Emperors of Mexico" were European white guys. The native Mexicans are worse than Africans. It just so happens that their savage genes breed out in a couple generations unlike the niggers.

Whats the problem with them being white?

And if natives are so subhuman why did they have higher culture and architecture and tech than West Africans?
You're just saying that because of current events.

the same we did before, kill all the mexicans and politics in pro of the mexican empire and use the bodies as ferilizer

Yeah "all Mexicans are subhuman because its fashionable to say so."

relax juan

So mexico got even darker and more subhuman? They have a wall on their southern border because they don't want useless stinky central americans.

mayans were doing egyptians shit on a completely different continent from the rest of civilization
i think thats pretty cool

No, Just imagine going getting compared to the uneducated ruralry every fucking day man. Feels fucking bad.

The third mexican empire wil rise and we will be an ok tier country. Heh heh.


If we get our shit together and get rid of that imposed republic we can finally go back to our Monarchist roots and become what we should of been in the first place. Now more self serving politians with unlimited power.

Time to create border gore.

I need a weapon and my AI waifu stat

are you me?

Try CK2.

central america makes mexico look like switzerland.


>el chicANO

Makd Mexico WHITE Again!

>the wheel

Bahahaha! Mexico is having a hard time keeping the Mayans in the fold! Without the drug war armaments it would have broken up long ago

Do they get a cool competent king or a glorified drug lord? It depends on that.

Estudiante de classe mediana Mexicana Negrillo

Bitch Argentinians too poor to travel and study abroad. Sad. When we the hegemony of Latin America we'll send you dietary assistance.