Good Night Alt-Right

Sargon raised and interesting question in MW's livestream tonight.

What is more important to the alt-right or any other ethno type, the concept of Ethnonationalism or the goal of Ethnonationalism?

Would you be willing to align with social justice perspectives were it to lead to the establishment of a white ethno-state?

Is the infiltration of SJW momemts a via path to Ethnonationalism?


Start at 35:00

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I am US alt-right white trash. I really don't understand much of what you said in your post. All I know is I hate gays, love guns, hate niggers, and vote Republican because when we give tax breaks to the rich, those job creators employ more people like me, in small towns, driving pickup trucks. MAGA.


There is no "movement"

Don't you retards get it? The media created the meaningless label "alt-right" to attach to anyone that doesn't conform to their leftist narrative. Literally anyone. They do this so they can lump everyone they don't like into one easy to target group. Natsocs, libertarians, conservatives of all types. The media will call you "alt-right nazi" because their definition of "alt-right" includes literally everyone who isn't a leftist.

Stop buying into mainstream media lies. This "movement" as you describe it is successful because it isn't centralized and the media can't attack "it". It is made up of the millions of enemies leftists have made all fighting against them for their own individual reasons.

The media desperately needs a centralized opposition in order to destroy them. They need to find a way to turn the chaotic hoard that is their enemy into a centralized target in order for their attacks to stick and have any affect. They can not smear us. They can not demonize us. They can not intimidate us. They can not silence us because we exist not as an organised group, but millions of disconnected individuals all fighting to destroy them.

That is what the "alt-right" is. The media establishment has been frantically searching for a clear target so their attacks will stick. In reality it's quite impossible. Watch them desperately try to will our "movement" into existence with poorly executed false flag events and payed off figureheads that identify as "alt-right".

The left is being attacked on all fronts. They desperately need a clear target to land their hits and give their base a clear view of their enemy. Let's not give it to them. Being against leftism is not a "movement". All organized movements can be corrupted and destroyed. The leadership can be infiltrated, bribed, attacked, blackmailed and much more. Millions of disconnected people fighting a common enemy can not.


He said that the (((alt right))) hasn't done anything, then suggests an idea almost identical IOTBW. Does he not realize that started here and infinity?

The entire thing was just Sarcuck trying to smugly reinforce the horseshoe theory nonsense.

^your face is i'ts not you ugly fuck^

>Would you be willing to align with social justice perspectives were it to lead to the establishment of a white ethno-state?

Kind of a dumb hypothetical tbqh

so a red-pilled libertarian. +1 here

^would you be willing to admit you are a dumb whore with daddy issues?

^or do you eat rancid herpes laden anus readily

Kinda make sense though. SJWs hate the white race, if you simply went "We know were bad, were sorry, here have some money and sovereign land. Will never come near you again"

They couldn't call you racist as your ethnostate would be founded on preventing oppression by the white race...

Maybe but what matters more, Sargon being right, or saving the white race from extinction.

It's a Jew. "White trash" and "hate" gave it away.

>They couldn't call you racist as your ethnostate would be founded on preventing oppression by the white race...

Please don't be retarded.

yeah, I don't think that would make them go away. They'd still be whining and complaining and trying to force their ideology on others.

So it wouldn't matter even if they had their own country.

If he's wrong then he's not proposing a way to achieve that, is he? (He's wrong).

Come on, you know it makes sense. You will never gain an ethno-state on this curreny trajectory.

You somply do not have the moral currency qithin the social consciousness.

Why is he wrong?

Fuck off lefty/pol/.

Sargon is just your run of the mill neoliberal.
He thinks the empowerment/liberation of the individual is the only morally justifiable purpose of the state and society. The only difference between a Democrat or Trudeau and Sargon ideologically is that they are in power, and Sargoy isn't. That's it.

Unlike them however, Carl preaches his delusion that because he likes being a bugman that only has to answer to himself (and to an omnipotent state bureaucracy that blocks other authorities from affecting him), that this is in any way a natural state, or that other peoples are in any way obligated to oblige him with this or not coordinate on ideological/identitarian/class political blocs themselves.

An undeniably reality is that power vacuums are inevitably filled. Carl has not come to this realization, getting endlessly assblasted over non-government authorities potentially interfering in his life, whether it's leftist academia wings, SJW corporations or the "alt-right" forming groups. If it wasn't for these groups filling vacuums in power, it would be the state. Or a religious blog.. Or written laws.

The entire premise that the left will accept the position if it's presented in an apologetic way is just arrant nonsense. Not least because he's putting every "SJW" in one category when it's quite clear they don't fit. Black nationalist types aren't the same as the self-hating leftist whites in any shape or form.

>The entire premise that the left will accept the position if it's presented in an apologetic way is just arrant nonsense

Pretty much. You can't reason with people on a crusade - they have made it their goal to destroy whites and by their secular gods will it be done.

I'm not leafty pol faggot

I honestly want an honest discuss on the viability of this aa an operation.

If nothing else it could be a laugh.

The only way to handle neo-liberal bugmen is to condemn them to the multicultural hell they have created.
Call them out if they live in majority white areas, and insist that they go and move into multicultural ghettos.
Their insistence on civic nationalism is closely correlated with their lack of life experience.

>He thinks the empowerment/liberation of the individual is the only morally justifiable purpose of the state and society
ask him if an indiidual can make rules on his business discriminating against browns and watch what happens

No, they want to destroy 'whiteness', which is really just code for capitalism.

>which is really just code for capitalism
We spoke about this. Please stop.

That's fucking retarded

No. An ethnostate wouldn't be worth it if it were an SJW Orwellian hell hole. Who cares if everyone's white if they're telling you that you have to use their preferred pronouns and give trigger warnings.

I use this argument sometimes to blacks and tell them that we should separate because whites oppress them too much, they don't know how to respond

Sargon's proposition is bullshit and he knows damn well that finding inconsistencies in SJW thinking doesn't lead to anything.


no. You can't have an alliance with sjw's.

Even if whites were to unite and form their ethno state away from Europe or the US, the sjw's would follow them there to ruin everything and flood it with niggers.

I dont expect the dregs of the anglo gene pool understand.

Ok ahmed

Can you people stop with the Jew shit it just makes you sound paranoid. You really gonna have me believe the little fuckers at the deli control the world when they're like 1% of the US population? Preposterous. This is why your movement will never take off: the whole Jew shit.

That's an individual's fulfillment being abrogated by something (another individual). Which is wrong, and should be stopped (by the state).

"Rights" and "consumption" are one and the same in the mind of the normie. Taste the freedom, my friend.

Ask an SJW if they support an ethno-state for blacks, the responses are interesting.

Name one local festival in your town.

It's precisely because they are 1% of the population that their dominance of finance, media and government is so suspicious.

You the pitcher or catcher?

BAMN’s parent organization worked directly with the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in the years just before it founded BAMN, according to NAMBLA documents

>Is the infiltration of SJW momemts a via path to Ethnonationalism?

It wouldn't be like that. Simply using their ideas of separating blacks and whites. As long as the separation happens, we can work from there.

Do they really "dominate"? I don't think so. I think there's some Jews in hollywood and stuff but they got there based on nepotism and merit. They're not really involved with the government. Only Jew in congress is Sanders I think


This is more wide spread in halls of power. They don't seems to be into rock and roll. Two horns maybe?

I don't think we can. Empowering SJWs only ends one way, user.

He probably doesn't, but even if he did, was that an "alt-right" thing? I mean, do you consider yourself "alt-right"? I kind of do and kind of don't. I think there are a lot of people that feel like me.

>Would you be willing to align with social justice perspectives were it to lead to the establishment of a white ethno-state?

social justice is literally the opposite in ideals to a white ethnostate. this is the most retarded hypothetical question ever. sargon has gone full cu,.ck mode and is obviously shilling and or being paid to say these literally retarded things.

Sargoy thinks the alt right is a defined movement of anonymous trolls who bother him on twitter

>Only Jew in congress is Sanders I think
Wew lad. 33% of the Supreme Court is Jewish.
While the number of jews actually in congress is explainable with nepotism, the actions of the congress are a bit harder to call anything softer than "dominance":

China seems to think they do as well:

So the problem with this line of thinking is that you're basically saying "We're bad, please put us somewhere that we can't hurt anyone else!" which probably puts us in ethno-reservations like the venerable savannah nigger known as the American Indian. I don't think we wanna end up like that.

new thread

Moral currency is one reason I WANT women in this movement. If your entire movement is motivated by hate you're not going to convince anyone that you're worth listening to. It doesn't matter if you're right, and YES normies need to at least feel some empathy for you to succeed.

I honestly don't think neo-liberal bugmen are upset with the mulicultural society they wish for. It's just more complicated monarchism with a black working caste. I think maybe that they don't realize that the black working caste is not nearly as useful as they think.

Al Franken (since resigned) Diane Feinstein, Brian Schatz, Richard Blumenthal, Michael Bennet, Ben Cardin, Chuck Schumer, Ron Wyden, Barbara Boxer, Joe Lieberman. That's 11% of the United States Senate right there, despite Jews only being 2% of the population.

It's the effect that they cause regardless, so they should bear the full consequences of it.
If you are a civic nationalist, you should practice what you preach.

Goodnight Alt Right

If we continue to support Feminism after winning a white ethnostate, then we have learned nothing and the cycle will start anew all fucking over again. White women will continue to vote for open borders and retarded politicians.

I am NOT about to let white men die so white women can just continue sucking and fucking on Tinder, ignore or destroy the family unit and vote against the nation's interest. There will have to be radical changes to womens rights, if not just by eliminating them altogether. White women have made it clear they cannot handle the responsibility of freedom, and need to be checked harshly.

I'm not saying to empower them. Just use their momentum to separate the races.

>If you can't beat them, join them
I'd MUCH rather beat them

Sargon, your plan has a critical flaw and you know it. If you think you were being clever, I'm sorry to shatter your delusions. Social justice doesn't want to liberate brown people from oppression and let them succeed on their own merit. They want to attach brown leeches to a white nation via taxing the white man into oblivion while Shaniqua shits out her 15th niglet from a different father so she can have a bigger welfare cheque. They're essentially creating a new aristocracy, and white men are the slaves. What Sup Forumsacks want is a world where we're the masters of our destiny, where we aren't just economic units working so Tyrone won't have to. The blacks will never leave because they know they can't make it without whitey. They don't want to be truly free and bear the responsibilities of being free. You know this just as well as I do.