Polan evil now, rawrrr

Where were you when Poland went ROGUE?

Seems like we're literally Russia now according to western media. I'm beginning to understand what that feels like.


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That's what the EU army talks were all about, the ability to militarily suppress dissenting countries. The UK needs to cut all contact with them and invest in the navy to block off trade routes with America and Europe. See how they'll like us keeping them hostage.

European arms buildup and an invasion of Poland?

where have I heard this tale before..?

>take the biggest amount of money from the EU
>Hurr screw you EU we dont want your rules
>but plz gibs moneys, vlad need vodka

Let the refugees in

or else

Wasn't it a different Polish government that took the money and agreed to those rules and then was voted out because Poles didn't want the refugees?

Answer me, Ahmed.


im just here to bait man, dont ask me to know stuff about eu politics

>Poland gets invaded by Germany under the guise of 'getting back what is theirs' v2.0

Jesus fucking Christ, I really wish I wasn't historically literate, then at least this shit would be surprising

At least last time they had a valid claim.

Yep, here's a highlight from the same article.

good, hopefully they kick your shitpile country out of the EU and you can watch your economy crash

Keep it up Poles. I regularly find myself thinking to myself. "Damn Poland is a boss" at least once a day.

What will actually happen is Poland and Hungary, potentially along with the Czechs will all leave and align with Russia. EU will fall apart afterwards as other euroskeptic groups rip pieces out of the EU.

Polan stronk.


>Poles are accustomed to their government stirring up nationalist fervor with blistering attacks on the EU
*rolls eyes*

Sorry, I was so busy laughing at America, I didn't notice.

Kek...what do they want to do...

The european union consists of cuck armies where one is a bigger embarassment than the other...

A third world country that generates a significant amount of their income by sending migrant workers to first world countries is going to leave the EU to go align with a bunch of third world countries, including one that is sanctioned to hell and back. Nice fantasy Amerimutt.

if you decide to start shooting germans I'll help

Slavic union needs to happen, stop aligning yourselves with western powers that haven't your interest in mind.
We're just using slavic nations as a forward to spite Russia.

(((its nose))) is the only part that should have been highlighted

You are a moron if you believe that the EU can just lose several member nations to the Russians and remain in their current state.
Post smuggies all you like, the USSR existed for 50 years and then imploded within a week. The world is due for a real upheaval.

The US still loves poland

So when will jerries invade polan for the 3rd time now with mudslimes and snackbars?

I hope they start a conflict with poland Gonna be Japan, US, UK, possible russia vs EU and China.

Took you longer than Trump to understand that the whole anti-Russian narrative is just a Jewish hoax. Now you are the Ivans.

>constantly occupied by foreign oppressors
>shit on by the rest of europe when not
>for the first time since the 1600's looks like it's going to manage to be independent for three decades in a row
>merkel doesn't understand why the polish don't want to be cultural enriched
Stay strong, Poland


Nah and before you say leaf I follow Polish politics pretty closely.

T.Polish oak tree

Fuck the EU. Germany is the reason Poland was decimated in the first place. If anything they should double the handout

good thing we have abunch of NATO armaments and men to protect it, also Poland actually pays their share, imagine that...

The sanctions will not matter if V4 allies with Russia. Those countries have everything that Russians need.

>since the 1600's looks like it's going to manage to be independent for three decades in a row
Wat. Poland was like the Nazi germany of that age.

>y cant i buy my friends

people never learn

stay strong Polfag

They gassed and baked the Jewish people and turned them into soap and lampshades?

>anti-european narrative
when leftists twist the meaning of words too much


The Tower of Babel has to fall at some point, it's simply too big and unsustainable in its current form—socially, economically, and ideologically—but at least we have a plan B ready for when it happens, with the initial steps already taken:


I predict a Fall of Rome scenario, with a power vacuum being created, resulting in Europe once again being divided into two great schisms—the Western Caliphates on the one hand, the Eastern Nation-states on the other, with the mission of safeguarding true Western values—science, empiricism, logocentrism, tradition, family, the hierarchy, etc. None of the post-1960s cultural revolution nonsense, which never extended its reach beyond the Iron Curtain—thankfully. It's quite ironic actually, to realize that the communist legacy turned out to be of some benefit to us after all.

I believe this is our ultimate geopolitical game plan. Only the bureaucrats in Brussels are deluded enough to believe that their project has any real chance of surviving. We've seen this before.

you have to be a ignorant of history or naive because it's you guys with Churchill who sold us off to Uncle Joe at the Yalta conference. You bombed Serbia who where fighting the muslims in the 90's and made Bosnia a Muslim stronghold in the Balkans. It's geo political, you'll use us and then discard us like tissue. Poland had a good 2 year run with PiS but now its all koshered up. Next years Nov 11 march will be organized by the kosher shabbos Pis goys to "reshape" Polish Patriotism to kike multiculti garbage.

Poland are being very bad goys, kek. Loving it!

Stay strong Polbros.

Let me guess the article was written by (or inspired by) Polish journalists supporting the opposition. Or better yet politicians themselves or their family members like Anne Applebaum.
We're treated like shit while we literally unironically did nothing wrong. What are they thinking is happening here? Everything is calm as shit in Poland.

Shit, this is going to end up with a shitload of shitty-ass Star wars memes

Ahh, finally we know what the EU army is for!

The EU, run by former Communists, financed by Germany, is now going to DP Poland again

>trying to fuck with countries like Poland and Hungary that have succesfully stood up to Nazis, USSR, roaches and every other (((empire))) that has tried to fuck with them

Good job Merkel you muzzie loving cunt

>anti-European narrative

The irony is completely lost on them.

>Wat. Poland was like the Nazi germany of that age.
Not it was not, what are you smoking. It was very tolerant and its people had unprecedented freedoms and rights, more than any other people in Europe.

Shit it's not like Russia but Iran. Americans are always on the verge of invading Iran even when they're becoming more moderate, have normal elections or show some friendly signals. No matter what we do (except for actually bending the knee completely to their every whim) they're gonna be like "oh, you bitch rogue state stop being so undemocratic"

>It's quite ironic actually, to realize that the communist legacy turned out to be of some benefit to us after all.

Thank Stalin who shoahed the original (((communists))) and subsequently instituted simple imperial authoritarian governance. The real Trotskyite Kibbutz commies all moved to the West.

Even if some nobles were narrow minded and ultra catholic and dismissive of their fellow protestant or orthodox nobles it was still known as the country "without stakes". Lots of Tatars, Scots, Ruthenians etc.

The only reason why communism proved useful in this regard is that USSR sadly survived the war. Without the Soviets there would be no leftist subversion afterwards which resulted in the 1968 revolutions.


I thought they liked stakes, not as much as the Russians but still enough to keep the Crows happy.

no worrys pol/ and you are the good guys and have support were on the right side of history

Oh, yes. But those were for something else.

round 2 with same teams?

>tfw you get to kill krauts like your grandaddy but somehow your the "nazi" now and so are poland.

>having allies beside anglos
oh you

Pay debnts
Accept rapefugees

I have a better idea.
Let's DON'T invade Poland.

with the uk leaving the EU, Eastern europe loses its ally. Meaning that GER and FRA will dominate parliament and pass through a series of left wing bills. In other words POL, HUN, ROM etc will get very pissed off and probably leave

>Without the Soviets there would be no leftist subversion afterwards which resulted in the 1968 revolutions.

Oh you dear sweet summer child... How naive you are.

Lol, don't know what that picture is, but the symbolism actually does a great job at representing the backwards, ideological worldview of the EU. The pyramid is turned on its head (the inverted incentives, and the resulting race to the bottom, aka degeneracy), there are multiple eyes instead of one (everything is just a point of view, there's no one objective truth), and the lack of symmetry (disdain for order)

Gotta keep them peasants in line.

I wonder if Poland the country that's going to finally bring down the EU. The situation seems to be rapidly escalating which sends a clear message to the entire world about the growing authoritarianism of the EU. Stay strong Poland and let the EU crash and burn as more and more countries lose faith in it.

I agree.

Germany is going nuts again and that usually means war.

At least the first one is true. Just this once Poland had an ally in UK. But there's no way we will leave EU until our region is stronger. The Three Seas would cease to exist immediately and this is currently the most important project. The best course of action is to rally as many countries as possible to oppose any initiantive that might lead to actual programs of immigrant relocation. Or worse, adoption of the same system of social system in the entire EU. Of course officially because Germany has the best one. Of course.

Lenin was a mix of at least 5 different ethnicities. Perfect for Bolsheviks because they wanted to get rid of all nations.

Poland has saved Europe twice. Hopefully the third time will be the last time it must do so.

God speed Poland. If I could have been anyone at any time or place in history I'd have been honored to be a winged hussar.

I'm not really a "POLSKA KURWA BRAVE HUSSAR" poster but this makes me smile. Gotta appreciate the memes that are actually positive towards us while they last.

What is with you, Poland, why can't you take in 180,000 shitskin migrants every year? Why do you have to be so anti-European?

Britain is Gondor, Poland Rohan, Germany Mordor, that's my perspective.

Germany is Isengard. Eretz Israel is Mordor.

Nah man we're out.

Its not a matter of you being strong and then leaving. Its more the EU making itself so weak that a small nation like poland would be better off out the EU than in it.

Im erect anons.

How come Poland didn't try to bring Germany to theInternational Court of Justice for WW2 reparations? I suggest they do, fuck Germany.

Build me an army worthy of Mordor.

EU countries take much more from Poland using their banks, supermarkets and whatnot.

The whole gibs is propaganda for the naive.

>Anti communist russian narrative
>Russia is a rogue country
>Begin to be treated the same way by eu

fight comrade for the mother land kill the german invader do not count days do not count miles count only the number of germans you kill URAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Yeah the price of labor and resources sent westward is a lot more than a bunch of roads and Libeskind buildings and shit.

no, lol. what

In 1990 the legal London government officially recognised the 1989 post-communist government as their successor. Poland recognised the treaties made by the communist state (like all other governments in the region because it was more convenient for them). So now Germany can produce a piece of paper signed by some commie dictator claiming that all is forgotten and that's it. The thing is that no such document has been shown yet and it had to be made with West Germany (legal predecessor of current Germany while East Germany legally ceased to exist).

If anything the matter is more clear with Russia who still owe us money which they agreed to pay us during the Potsdam conference.

Bavarian Illuminati was based in well, Bavaria, kind of the capital of evil. Israel is Minhiriath.

Good points.

Btw, Romania is a great ally to us actually, just like they were a great ally in the interwar period. The next Three Seas summit will take place in Bucharest. Romania is so underappreciated here in Poland.

>romanian soldier from 1919
Much love !

So essentially Germany doesn't recognise Poland.

Well if it will be least worth trying to go to International Court of Justice if Germany goes nuts. Funny how Russia is more moral about the question than Germany. I feel your pain mate.


Sweet bong solution, Heratio

Personally, the British army has the right to gut the German banks by forfeiture, but Britain keeps buying into the German all powerful lie. Germany as usual is just extremely naive and arrogant.

Friendly reminder, be on Lügenpresse alert. US (((State Department))) is making moves to meddle in elections over there. Article is for Hungary but I doubt Poland will be immune.

If Trump was genuine he would basically arrest Soros but he won't therefore his moral character is questionable.

Well not really. After the war USSR did give us some money but not for free. They took our coal in exchange. And in fact what they give us was only a fraction anyway. Now there's no official declaration that we want it now but some guy somewhere on the radio mentioned the case and apparently it was enough for Russia to make another hit piece about us and how good Soviet Union helped us develop after the war.

Any money we get will be used for budget deficit anyway.

Nah. We're trading the chinks for nips

Its like Karma.

Ive spent years warning Poles of the upcoming EU tyranny. At the time they were the biggest EU cocksuckers and total cucks to Germany.

>muh rising GDP!
>muh Russia!
>muh based UK plumber jobs!
>were too poor, no migrants want to move here!
>look at us! were so western now!

Welp, Polacks, hows it feel? Enjoying the long hard dick of Brussels faggots?

Remaining a member of the EU will always come at a price: your culture and your people. Never forget that.

>Forgetting greatest ally

700k? Is that a lot?

It's about 594,342 Euros