Oak Island

Pol, whats buried at the bottom of Oak Island?

I would work non stop until completed...they clearly don't want to get to the bottom.


Canada's dignity.

Absolutely nothing

Nothing eh
It's my island
Fuck off

Stephen Paddock's motive

The Answer to the JQ.

The holy grail

>at only 100 feet
You sure?

Nothing. They've been using that Oak Island bullshit for documentaries since at least the 1970s. Very old fraud.

Ancient scriptures. That has been destroyed by salt water.


The 6 hour cut of the Phantom Menace


I love Oak Island.

The engineering is amazing.

There must be something down there. We need to get Zuckerburg and his money on it.

Jews were there, but clearly someone already let them out

A stone tablet that says something like "lol look at this dumbass."


>Pol, whats buried at the bottom of Oak Island?

Jesus fucking christ. This is clearly just a show to grab viewers. If they really wanted to get down there they could. What a fucking joke.
We can drill to thousands of feet down and make a right turn. Do you seriously think no one can get there. Its just a fucking circle jerk.

Your mom's dank dark cavernous vagina

noice, ive always thought those things were cool as fug

The fact that this is a full length TV series blows my mind. 5 seasons of NOTHING! NOTHING EVER HAPPENS! It is a miracle of editing that the episodes aren't 2 minutes each

>hey, go metal detect over there
>oh look a coin that was dropped by other people looking for the treasure
>hey I think I saw something shiny in that hole, better send down a diver
>oh no, it wasn't anything

I keep re-thinking why I even pay for TV...

Proof that Africans were Kings.

It's not just technicalities of ', getting there'.

There are tons of rules and laws the people's republic of canada are imposing on them.

witey doesnt want the truth out

/k/ expedition with a few boxes of dynamite wen

Doesn't the hole fill up with water and shit when you dig too far?

Acorns put there by chad Viking squirrelz, Oh, God! hows Bit Coin doing?

>Pol, whats buried at the bottom of Oak Island?

Justin T, the "bottom" of Canada

Probably nothing. Probably just people trying to stabalize a fucking sink hole and failing.

its a literal money hole where the water gradient is at ground level so it liquefies the ground around it. Think of it like digging at the beach.

Japan builds an ice wall to contain Fukushima, but nobody can get to a bottom of a hole on an island. Nothing suspicious about that at all.

What's at the bottom? Another island with a buried treasure

Alien shit is down there. Probably a monolith.

one of the entrances to Hollow Earth
another can be found in Antarctica which was known to Hitler and possible utilized by escaping nazis

O and that really works
Yeah works greaaat...
Glowing yet?

It's fun to think about, but even if there was something buried down there it would be sitting in seawater and has been for hundreds of years. And so much of the lore is unverifiable. I mean they lost the fucking stone with the weird writing on it, how does that happen? It was a huge stone supposedly.... It just reeks of a plot to draw in tourists or something that never really caught on.

Until you realize you're basically burning thousands of dollars a day to dig for something that probably isn't there anymore (if it ever was).

I saw a few episodes, I didn't realize it went on for 5 fucking seasons. Is it done or are they still going? Honestly the whole time it felt like the one dude who was financing the whole thing was ready to give up while the other guy who had no money just kept telling him to throw away cash and keep going.

Al Capone's vault

Another season.

This question would make a great tv show, OP.

I legit have no idea why it has taken this long to dig down that far.

I've looked into it. There's no reason for this bullshit. None.

Also, who would dig down that far to bury something? You'd fuck yourself trying to get it back out and if you wanted whatever it was you buried to be lost forever, just throw it in the damn ocean.

Hillary's secret email server

the bar

Nothing. It was a sinkhole that the original kid found. We know this because afterwards an identical depression was found on the mainland across the water. People thought it was a second money pit and started digging. They found the layers of logs and everything. Then nothing. They eventually realized it was a sinkhole and the logs were tress that had been pulled in at different times. The whole area has sinkholes just like it.

Still a comfy show though.

So last episode they found 18th century bits of pottery and human bone 200 feet down. Explain pls.

How is this politics? Stupid fucking faggot mods.

Well, according to this user , it's a sink hole, so if something got near it it'd "sink in" I guess.

Makes sense to me.

cry harder faggot.

Hmmmm..... agree but i doubt it was sinkhole.
Coconut fiber canr be explained

Nothing. It's always been a myth. They never actually found any of the shit they say they found. All the B.S. about traps and wooden layers, etc, has all been bullshit. Even when I was a kid, they were selling this garbage in Time Life collectible books about the unexplained. I loved the story back then.


What is it?

Fuck yeah money pit thread

Evidence to lock up Hillary

iirc a stone tablet with hieroglyphs was found, and when they pulled up out of the wood it was pieced into, the hole began to flood as if this stone was a plug.

“In Search Of” with Leonard Nimoy

Nazi gold stolen from Jews. Anything found should be split between the ADL and building more Holocaust memorials in the USA.

so the treasure is flooded then?

Actually yes


The show really stretches its credibility with the fact that no progress ever fucking happens.

Hillary Clinton's missing emails

brine pool

Hey dumbass, the problem is that no one knows where "there" is. They lost the original site and are just guessing where they think it is. If you want to spend thousands upon thousands drilling on a hunch then be my guest.


For context: that stone was found when the company that was digging was almost out of money. They miraculously found the carved stone and started showing it to potential investors that there was definitely treasure to be found. Oddly, they lost the stone in the following years when they eventually closed up shop.


Why are dan Blankenships lips blue?

Do you comprehend just how fucking difficult digging through that is? It's quite literally designed to be borderline inaccessible, because it will collapse in on itself at the drop of a pin.

figured, i remember reading about this shit YEARS ago, so i was just hoping that i was remembering it from then. back then it was concluded tit was a hoax, but i guess not enough people look at dumb obscure internet shit that they were able to make a 5 season long series

Couldn't they just drive a pipe down there, maybe with a cam?

Ark of the covenant

There's no money in the bottom of he hole in Canada. Even if it was the "holy grail" it wouldn't fetch as much money as a nuclear power plant.

A single red pill

Euron = Blankenship

probably just a natural sinkhole

A dvd containing the trailer for the next season.

There's nothing there.

Read about the history. There is zero historical evidence that there's anything there. There are a few local ghost stories and stuff like that. Some even involving Oak Island I believe.

But there's nothing on the island. Zero. This is one of those stories like the video game Polybius. It was literally dreamed up by a single person and that single person had a fucking field day trying to convince people of this mythical legend.

But when you actually investigate the legend it all falls apart.

Old Viking skeleton.

Lmao, it reminds me of that serie with those 4 dudes that go around in montana searching for bigfoot. It still going on ffs

>believing shut from TV
You are all so fucking stupid

What if it's just a specific kind of trash pit for the natives of that island?

\\\\\sn interned vampire?

Da fuq?!

Marie Antoinette's panties, a Viking Battleship, and a box of Chicken Tendies

this was my fav one. it came out after that story of one of the arks being found at some construction site near mecca, where a crane got hit by lightning, then the russians and the pope took the son of a bitch to Antarctica.
im not saying its false but i sure as hell cant prove it either way

I was skeptical at first but now after they found pottery I believe I know.

Many many years ago, Canadians began bottling maple syrup. They realized that by burying it, they would turn it into a vaseline type lubricant. This was thought it might make it less painful when their government anally sodomized them year in, year out


I think he has a heart condition that minimizes his vascular output


They got to the bottom a long time ago. The Mason's his the tablets of Enoch. The ark of the covenant.

Nothing anymore. FDR found the Ark of the Covenant there and kept it quiet to avoid the Canadian government seizing it and to preserve the resale value of the land. 33rd degree Masons currently have it in their possession, though it is in a re-created tabernacle at an undisclosed location and they are only allowed to enter the Holy of Holies to commune with it very briefly once per year.



Workin' on it! MAGA

masons got it long ago no doubt, probably in a mountain in the US somewhere. they own the police/military, gatekeeping for (((them))). was the templars plunder from the crusades + assorted bounties of what was left after friday the 13th. nearly every higher ranking police official, or military member i've ever met was a mason. including family. kike servants.

>pour cement down side walls

>they stop leaking

>easily hoist the treasure out

Only Canada could fuck this up

Years and years ago, probably long before most of you were born, I met a man in a dark little tavern by the crashing waves on Martin's Point. It was a dark and stormy night, and the old man told me that he had spent his life on the sea. As the night got on and he had more and more run, he started to talk about Oak Island. Back when he was a boy in Nova Scotia, this must have been in the 1920s, he knew a man that would sneak out onto Oak Island and dig in a hole that he had concealed from all view, kind of like a slanted hole that would terminate in the treasure chamber. He told me that one night the old man came back from digging with a look in his eyes that he had never seen from a human being. The old man had made it into the chamber under the stone slab. What he saw there, he wouldn't say, but when he could talk again, he told the boy that grew up to be that old sailor in the tavern that it was something so terrifying and so awful that it didn't belong on Earth. That was a day to remember, just talking with an old Canadian sailor and having him tell me about the treasure.

The rarest Pepe.

what will happen if(when) it’s unleashed?