
Why does this picture upset so many people on this board? What do you have against freedom?

>inb4 obligatory strawmen arguments

It doesn't upset me personally but I feel sorry for the guy. A life of pure consumption.

It's the millennial problem in a single picture.

youre doin good, goy.
theres nothing wrong with that.
people that speak against your lifestyle are just haters of freedom, fellow white.

Enjoying themselves on a weekend?

No one cares about your plebbit posts. The only thing that gets repeated is
>you have to go back

Namecalling is not an argument. Clearly you all seem deeply upset by this photo, but none of you have made any rational or coherent explanation as to why.

I think it's because he has to virtue signal his lifestyle on Reddit

freedom does not guarantee success
in fact, without discipline, freedom is a straight path to moral degradation, n matter what you deem proper morals

tl;dr right's without responsibility is worthless

by all means, I encourage you to intake even more carcinogens
the tobacco, cannabis and refined sugar will wreck your health something fierce

why not all a 5th of vodka daily?

>Idolising infantilisation
>Watching an unfunny, pseudo-intellectual load of drivel for internet atheists who think they’re actually intelligent
>Smoking pot as soon as he wakes up because he obviously can’t handle his mental health and emotional issues in a healthy way
>Eating shitty ass froot loops

There’s plenty wrong with that picture.

Trump eats hamburgers every day and drinks diet cola and he seems alright.

the level of indoctrination is mind boggling.

>consuming (((their))) media.

>consuming (((their))) gmo poisons.

>consuming (((their))) poisonous cigarettes.

>obviously lacks the willpower to do useful things with his time like furthering his mental/physical capacities.

>oh, and shit tier glass and shit tier lighter adapter.

>plus the attention whoring and like the other user said virtue signaling.

>reddit is cancer


great representation of how pathetic our generation is

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Doesn't bother me it's just shit taste. Rick & Morty is TBBT for people who think they are above it. If I wanted to watch reference comedy I'd just watch Gintama. Cereal is dumb too, I can be a bit of a manchild but I'd rather something like Bacon & Eggs for brekkie.

It's his right to have a drug addiction and watch over rated TV shows.

I just don't want to hear him complain about how he isn't as successful as others and blame it on the system.

>Why does this picture upset so many people on this board?
he smokes like a fag instead of vaping like a god

It doesn’t upset me at all. I could honestly give half a fuck how you spend your Saturday morning.

But the photo doesn’t win a whole lot of respect from me either.

Hey, I'm an atheist and can't stand Rick And Morty. Nor I smoke weed or tobacco.
It's pure normie consumption fashion.
I'm currently doing my best to avoid anything but exercise, studying and cleaning.
No sugar for 15 days now, fap every 14 days. And I'm a noob, got a friend who's been doing shit like that for a year now.

There is literally nothing wrong with this if his wife and kids are playing in the other room.

>Enjoying the weekend
Looks like their weekend last seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year.

I'd rather smoke meth, weed's overrated nowadays

So as expected, there’s a lot of assumptions and charged accusations being presented against the person in the picture but nothing concrete. I say again, why are you all so upset and hurt over this, and furthermore, what are you all doing that seems to give you the right to thumb your nose and sneer at adults enjoying themselves?

Cocaine is the only red-pilled drug.

>got a friend who's been doing shit like that for a year now.
is he also fighting homosexual urges?

>fap every 14 days

I bet your loads got much bigger/more forceful

It's a good thing the people of Sup Forums are sucessfull, intelligent and rational....
Oh wait

I bet your farts smell amazing.

So not letting yourself be poisoned by 3rd world tap water and taking care of addictions is gay?
If only I could back time and do this when I was 15 instead of succumbing to consumerism...

Its not the pic itself or the items in the pic that upset me, its what the message the poster is attempting to convey with the image.
A message of indulgence and "care-free" living whilst the undeveloped world closes in us that upsets me. Sure the images reads, saturday morning, maybe suggesting its a once a week occurance, but there is a greater issue at hand here. The lack of a spouse of the opposite genetic sex or gender. The lack of a child or children and any efforts to develop that child or children into a productive member of society. A productive member that looks out for his or her fellow countrymen and works to uphold the values thatve made western civilization great. A productive member that educates him or herself on the perils of the jews trickery and how we should work toward ending the nightmare that the jew has created for modern man, all in the name of profits and power.

I don't know. I've doing that timing for the last 4 months. It's incredibly easy. But when I'm getting close to 20 days I start to leak. Single now of course...



>>>>in b4 strawman argument

Statement is ironically a strawman argument

That picture makes me happy. For every soyboy manchild in the world, that’s one more female to impregnate myself. Soyboys are like fags, their ideology doesn’t sustain itself over multiple generations. The soyboy meme will be dead in 20 years, because all the soyboys will die thanks to their weak immune systems by then, and they will not reproduce at any point in their lives.

>Upset that some one is upset
When you stop worrying about about what other people think then you will both understand and have freedom...you nigger faggot.

Cigarettes and Marijuana smoke do harm to the lungs. That and they're watching a show that was decent until its fandom started making statements with it in real life. I dont hate Rick and Morty because its shit, who the fuck am I to judge a show when I have no experience in animation or show business. I hate Rick and Morty because people think as though a fictional character can make a real life argument.

The only parts I disagree with is the smoking and the Rick and Morty.

There is objectively nothing right with this picture.

lastima qe seas at*o,si fueses religioso serías el übermensch, te dejo 1 fedora

Why are you not eating your fruit loops of a hookers belly faggot

>watching TV shows on tablets/phones

Faggotry level over 9000.

Watching a tv show, or anything except a videogame designed for a portable system on a screen that small automatically makes you a faggot.

4K is a thing now. Cheaper than a cell phone too. Buy it instead.

It doesn't,

Reddit spacing

get the fuck out

Gosh your a self-righteous prick aren't ya? You have no clue how this person lives their life. How should he be spending his Saturday morning? Enjoying Egg whites with tomato and some wheat toast and consuming some CSPAN? Would that be more appropriate? Judgmental fuck...

if you're not going to read my post then don't actlike you've given sufficient retort

freedom as such is not a sign of anything positive wwhen it doesn't inculcitate necesary values
you may "not be hurting anybody" by smoking pot and watching cartoons, but it doesn't change the fact that its a waste of time and fucking toxic and should be done sparsely and is not something meant to be proud of


Ciggs are bad for you and menthols are gay. 99% of modern entertainment is propaganda, R&M included. Refined wheatflour and processed sugar is soyboy tier diet. Weed can be good in moderation, but I get the feeling this guy uses daily.

We all die in the end, and according to nature whose living the "right" way or the "wrong" way, who makes it right or wrong?

Some African kids grow up learning stealing/killing means survival, they have no clue what's good or bad. We do not grow up with knowing good or bad, that's taught.

I'd rather enjoy my marijuana, cheerio's, and whore's on weekend, then be stuck in a government contractual marriage and/or slavehood.

user, did you post this pic, or spend your Saturday the exact same way as the "gentleman" in the OP?

>Why does this picture upset so many people on this board?

Because, Prick & Mordecai is a shit-tier show for brainlet niggers who have double-digit IQ but want to believe they're smarter than they really are.

If you watch that show, please, for the love of god, eat a fucking bullet. No, make that an entire magazine full, and nothing less than .40 cal.

It only bothers that hes showing off his pedestrian morning routine as if it was something worth bragging about like an instragram bitch

lul you can only think of other consumption based activities.

You keep your ashes/ butts in an airtight container, user. +10 intelligence. You won't get sinusitis.

It doesn't upset me, but I do pity the guy. I wonder how miserable his life has been that he resorts to this childish catharsis.

He has the right to do it. That doesn't mean it's good for him.

this picture makes me happy, because I know I am infinitely happier with myself than that dude ever will be. I quit drinking recently, which led to me getting back in shape. I don't eat anything remotely disgusting like his "breakfast". I don't smoke weed. I don't watch porn or jack off. I watch maybe 30 minutes of tv a day. my only vices are an hour of video games on Friday and Saturday and dipping tobacco. This dude probably didn't even get to enjoy his gay cartoon because he was too busy checking his upvotes every 10 seconds. Also, while he claims this is how he started his day, I guarantee his chubby ass was firmly planted in that chair until his phone battery got low and he had to go inside to charge it while he spent the rest of the day zoning out on the couch.

La iglesia y sus fieles son todos una manga de hipócritas degenerados. Al menos en este país.
Fui 7 años a colegio católico, tengo confirmación y comunión hechas, no hablo desde la ignorancia.
Los giles esos nos decían de no escuchar estas bandas "satánicas" pic related.

>Consumption based activities

This is a retarded description.

Did you mean direct alternatives to what was shown?

People afarid of being judged are usually shameful creat2urea.

I don't know honestly. I supposed people have a problem with grown men enjoying things that are meant for children as well as consuming drugs. If they think this is a problem, then they are focusing on the outcome of the problem and not what caused it. Just leave the guy alone, no one is asking you to be friends with him.

why does it upset so many people on this board? Because it's degeneracy. It looks like the person who took this picture has no future, and that they'll kill themselves before doing anything of note.

it doesn't upset me, and I dont' think it upsets "so many" people on this board. But IF it does, it's probably because "so many" people on this board do the same exact shit, and it bothers them to see how ugly their own life looks.

At least, that's why it bothers me to look at it. not that I have a problem with people living that way. I just have a problem with living like that myself, and apparently I'm too broken to fix it.

But I enjoy Christmas

>using bongs

I guess if you are rich as fuck and don't mind flushing half your weed down the toilet

the really sad part of this image is that the person responsible for it really believes this shit is cool. get a job. have a family. treat your wife well, and make sure she feels safe. take your kids hunting. talk to them like adults. grow the fuck up.

Smoking causes cancer.
Weed is degenerate and causes mental issues.
Both are habit forming.
the sugar in that cereal will make you fat and weak.
Rick and Morty is a children's cartoon show that doesn't develop your mind.

Anyone who is enslaved by these vices isn't free.

came here to post this

If it was a juicy steak I'd support but fruit loops?
why not bongs? aren't bongs the best way to get Rickity Rickity Recked while also conserving weed? Little one hitters are lame.

>using bongs wastes weed


this is one of those times you read an opinion or perspective so stupid and wrong, it just leaves you speechless

i'm not sure if you're just confused or what

>bandas satanicas
Jodete tio, me encanta el “Heavy Metal” y los cantos gregorianos

This doesn't bother me at all. I would love to smoke some weed (can't cuz I have a job) and I don't eat sugary cereal (wish I could tho). Cartoons are hit and miss these days.

HOWEVER, what bothers me is that some faggot needs to tell EVERYONE that he watches cartoons, eats fruitloops and probably doesn't have a job. Everyone is so fucking full of themselves these days.

I don't give a fuck.

>Everyone is so fucking full of themselves these days.
More like, everyone is so desperate for acceptance these days.

Because drugs are for niggers

>Your rights end where my feelings begin

Sup Forums turned into the snowflake SJWs it used to resent.

> confusing freedom for license

>claiming that OP is saying he doesn't have the right to do this
Shut the fuck up, shillnigger.

This somehow makes the 80s Satanism scare dissappear.
Christcucks are not innocent. Deep inside the seed of hyper authoritarianism grows strong. They just never mind their own business.
I mean look how degenerate the Vatican is. Lefty pope and his little boy lovers.

>duplicate file found

I’m tired of numales going on social media to talk about their everyday lives.
>be numale
>go on Faceberg and Shitter
>tell people that you drank Arrogant Bastard Ale while playing on your new Switch while watching rick and morty with your wife’s son


Yeah, that's what I pretty much meant.

not posting
>pickle rickers in the hou
>se tonight
baka my head

The only thing that bothers me is the poor taste in cereal. If you're going to buy a child's brand, go with Lucky Charms. Not only is Lucky Charms tasty, it's mascot reminds everyone that Irish are red headed, subhuman, mongoloids.

Something needs to be done about that fucking traitor

didn't you know everyone on the ch0n is an engineer or software dev making 100k at their first job out of uni?

Cuz you're smokin daddy's money.

You have to do what makes you happy, doing it responsibly is the real bitch. If this is your case, more power to ya.

>t. soyboy

freedom for bugmen is having the right to watch cartoons and shove buttplugs up their asses


Such is life under capital.
Work and play. One excuses the other. Toil like a slave so you can relax like an animal. Never a moment spent a free man.

>doing laundry
>so you can have clean clothes

You faggots are literally the ones who get beat up in school. The one time you got someone to sell you weed it was grass clippings and Raid. Your ideas are like flat earth LARP bullshit. That Nazi flag you love so much. Wear it. Its a free country. If someone beats you up for LARPing press charges or fight back. But you all look desperate, horny, stupid.

Doing laundry so you can have clean clothes is a perfect analogy for how things ought to be.

In the current situatio, laundry is done to clean the cum rags and the cum rags are made because laundry must be done.

...none of that shit is cool. It's boring and pointless.

True Sup Forums gentlemen love weed and drugs.
But not Rick and Morty. Watch Dexter's Lab instead.

>smokes weed
>Degenerate whoremonger
>unironically MTGOW
>Believes in Moral Relativism
Anons please, better yourself, find the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Work out, learn to socialize and have a clean room at the minimum.

We know exactly how these kind of people live their lives since they spend all day updating what they are doing onto kikebook.

Fuck off, shill.

Stop trying to demoralize and make Sup Forums an unhappy place, when it's the happiest place on earth.

And kys while you're at it.

no. the entire mentality loaded behind this shit is what's wrong with it.

the internet has created the biggest circle jerks the world had ever known, and i think it has accidentally caused some people to think peoples' pats on the head or lack of visible opposition to appear to be overwhelming approval for what they do.Which has caused a massive increase in their confidence level, although it be an inappropriate level outside of the circle jerk.