Can't wait to see kaido slap the shit out of big mom

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>mfw Big Mom's face after she realizes best skelly actually got a copy of the poneglyph under her nose

Why didn't White Beard just ride Marco to the platform Ace was on?

White Beard was kinda large and the admirals would've sniped him easily

Yeah I'm sure che was used to riding his men.

>Sat on a rock somewhere licking his wounds
>Joined up with Shanks ready for a counterattack on BB

He's on a fucking rock feeling sorry for himself isn't he?



>no chapter next month and a half

wano when

where my nigga zoro

He could've shaken the ground and threw their aim off.

>No chapter for two millenniums

>had to STEAL a poneglyph
Is Roger one of the weakest characters in the series?


>He's on a fucking rock feeling sorry for himself isn't he?
Yep, that or drinking himself to death


>had to
>a pirate
>stealing shit
>must be a weakling


I dunno, he handled WB's death pretty well. But maybe BB destroying the remnants of WB's crew was too much for him.

Deader than Monet

Yap, King of Chickens!


Best girl and best couple!

right beside my nigga usopp

Don't underestimate the element of surprise.
They could probably reach the platform before anyone realized what they were looking at.

people are so retarded. That statement about roger was taken out of contents.

She's not saying Roger stole it and ran. What she means is that she doesn't want to anybody else to find one piece before she can. The current Yonkou's are nothing more than left over losers from the past generation.

Kizaru would jump in the air and use Yasakani no Magatama, Aokiji would Partizan from wherever he was, Akainu throws a giant Dai Funka into the air, Garp surprises both and throws a punch in a midair.

It's way too easy to attack both of them, while Marco is helpless and only WB can retaliate. Especially foolish when the rest of the commanders would be stuck on the ice and not even on the platform.

>Zou repair extended to a whole episode.

if this helps smooth out wholecake's episodes, give me a full filler arc

Again, they'd be too confused trying to figure out what they are looking at.
Just image it. You got this giant dude sitting on top of a little silly looking bird.

Do you not learn? You fags said the same thing before the Zou arc filler.

"I hope this makes Zou better xd"
Zou was shit and that 5 episode filler didn't help for shit, this filler won't help whole cake either

Now we know where Toei budget goes.

5 episodes, a full filler arc does not make, buddy.

Can't wait to see something important actually happen. Waiting for 200 chapters already.

Exactly, nobody shot Luffy's falling ship. And the aim of the admirals' is terrible, despite their combined efforts they couldn't hit Captain Buggy and Law's submarine.

oh he 100% is either a drunk or just feeling sorry for himself and is now a loser, but he's a phoenix so it's only so he can rise again

They see it. Take a second to process it. Then fuck them up. Simple as that.

"What's this unusually big Whitebeard looking silhoutte riding a blue firey bird that looks like Marco's form? Let's just sit here for 2 minuyptes and think about it, huh?"

The element of surprise works best when it's quick and unnoticeable. Not huge and incredibly obvious.

What if Ivankov used his gender bender hormone on Whitebeard before he set off on Marco?

That ought to freeze the Admiral's brain for a few more seconds.

He should've used it on Luffy. The April spoilers were the best ones and I was said Luffina didn't happen.

Also, think about how stupid a giant 15 foot man riding a roughly 6-7 foot bird would look. C'mon did you guys even picture this.

>being so literally autistic you can't tell when someone is clearly making a joke

Then he's making Whitebeard weaker.

I'm well aware that it's a joke, user. That's why it's funnier to discuss it seriously.

This exactly. Especially the "losers from the past generation".

Did anyone else cry like a little bitch because I sure as hell did. Only One Piece can make me care for a character whose design is as fucking retarded as Senor Pink.

Franky vs. Senor Pink is easily one of the best post timeskip fights.

>i- i was just pretending!

Do you think Ace's death is a joke?

they could have picked way better soundtracks though


Roger ran because he couldn't win against big mom and her crew which are even stronger now then back then.
Luffy isn't beating bg, the marine/wg will take her down.

> Roger ran because he couldn't win against big mom and her crew which are even stronger now then back then.

Never been said in the fucking manga. You guys are retards.

As opposed to???? Her giving it to him?

As opposed to beating the shit out of BM and taking it by force, I guess. stealing it?

In that context, stealing it implies sneaking into BM's headquarter and escaping with the Poneglyph (or the knowledge on it, since Roger had the VoAT) without a fight.

It doesn't. You are just dumb.

M8 I don't give a fuck about that whole retarded shitpost excuse, I'm just explaining to you the bait arguments you are apparently too dumb to understand.

No but the implications are enough. She didnt have as many children or soul power 20 years ago, which are what gives her strength.

>oi Rayleigh how about turning the world upside down with me? I can't do it alone cause I'm a pussy

No, it's not shut the fuck up. Roger got the informations written on the poneglyphes, he went to Ratftel, he used the voice of all thing, Big Mom is mad. That's all. Everything else is headcanon. Read the manga, make your own theories if you want but don't act like your own assumptions are canon.

He didn't steal anything, he just listened to poneglyphs and followed the voices inside his head. And his crew was insane to follow his lead.

Would you?

Don't tell me what to do

he wanted to use Rayleigh's boat, and you can't be a pirate captain if you don't have a crew to boss around

Year of Jinbe's death

Don't joke about it man, I'm certain BM fucked him up somehow. Since he rescued Luffy and Nami he's got a couple panel that looks like he's spacing out like he had to make a great effort.

He would have done so a long time ago if it is that easy.

Is this implying something?


Don't stop inflating the titties on your women. I want them all this big by the time One Piece ends.

Make it happen or I'm calling a lawyer.

>pirates must fight or they're weak
How about Roger simply wanted to reach Raftel and nothing else? If you don't have to fight you don't fight.

Don't forget Mock town & Shanks vs the bandits.

There are times when the bigger man avoids a brawl.

Except Roger had never won anything in canon. He always drawed against harp and Whitebeard and had a storm help him against shiki.

>Except Roger had never won anything in canon
He killed all of that spider guy's crew in the WBs.

He won the title of King of Pirates, I'd say that's pretty good.

ty oda

It's implying no one at Toei knows how to draw

We need more SaNami chapters.

It used to be until we started finding out about his scrub-tier tactics.

>Playing fair

Since chapter fucking 1 it's been all about who's the last man standing.

Roger ran from Gan Fall who was oppressing the Skypieans too then, because he used the voice of all things for those glyphs too. And that was a 400 year war.

He's a pirate not a hero.

Luffy will definitely take her down. You are like the fags who thought Luffy wouldn't take Crocodile down on Alabasta.

t. kaido

Luffy ran with the gold pillar on Skypiea because he knew he couldn't defeat the citizens of Skypiea.

Okay. Just know that Roger was the equivalent of Higuma in that scenario.

we need more salami chapters

Where ? They must have saved up so much.

Not... In... The... FUCKING CHAPTER.

Hey hey it's not my fault you can't understand

That leg moving scene at around 1:30 reminded me that I haven't seen Spaceballs in a while.

It's not in the fucking chapter retard. You people started with this because of the spoilers. Totally different story in the manga for some weird reason you guys keep believing non sense. It's not even implied in this chapter.

Roger got the info from his VoAT. Otherwise he would've lost. This means he was able to sneak in and learn faster than it would take to copy the glyph. He was a fast sneaky fucker instead a proud warrior with no scars on his back.

So what are the chances the final Sweet Commander we haven't seen yet ends up being the son of Ray or some other Roger Pirate, Roger did it so he could get close to BM and get her to show him the RP, just looking at it wouldn't be too much of an ask because he shouldn't be able to read it anyway.

That would be glorious if he never needed devil fruit powers or haki or superhuman strength, and he just Buggy'd his way to greatness through smarts and charisma

I hope that a lot of her past husbands are important, at least one of them should be a Marine.

Are we even sure that Big Mom was one of the emperors back in the day? That was over two decades ago after all, it could have been an entirely different lineup.

Do you think Luffy would have accepted being a Shichibukai if Fujitora had offered?

It would have given him more freedom in a certain sense, and he could reneg on any actual obligations he disagreed with as soon as they were demanded.
There would also have been more opportunities to see and fuck with the politics inside the Marines, seeing how Smoker and Garp and Coby and Sake Cup would respond.

I obviously don't think he would accept it on his own, but you could maybe invent a scenario where he or the marines are tricked into accepting or believing he's accepted.

Can we agree on a single character?

He definitely wouldn't have, as being a Shichibukai has a lot of obligations from the start. And he's too dumb to be able to see the good angle.

No. Fuck no. He doesn't like being under the Marines/WG, wouldn't like to be called their lapdogs, wouldn't want to give them part of the treasures he finds. Luffy doesn't give two shits about the disagreements he has had. He's fucking proud of Enies Lobby, Sabaody and stuff. He's not the type of guy to fuck with any fucking politics other than beat up the guy in charge.

Nigga, what the fuck. Which Luffy are you talking about, cause it sure as shit ain't our Luffy.

Why did Oda create and show off Bobbin if he was just a mook?

Here's this deliberately crazily designed character debuting alongside a fucking Yonko with his own laugh and mysterious personality.
And he gets three panels total and is never brought up again.

Are we sure there ever was such a thing as Four Emperors back in the day?