What is the first thing to catch your eye when you see this image?

What is the first thing to catch your eye when you see this image?

Mugi's fertile womb.

The salmon is making me really hungry

everyone is sitting as far away as they can from yui

Mugs got dat fat badonkadonk

Would you feel comfortable sitting next to a known rapist?

(1) Mio looking cute
(2) Yui having cute hair
(3) Mugi being a retard
(4) Azusa suffering from autism
(5) Mugi sees my penis

What is Ritsu doing so close to Mio's ass?

Ritsu then Moogi's ass


My wife Azusa

the sign in japanese

the wife

That is one ugly couch.

I remember that it's already been 12 years since K-On! aired and wonder where the time has gone.

How extremely kissable mugi's butt is



And some bitches in front of it

Sawa-chan isn't on it

Mio's beautiful face!

I like the striped pattern on Yuis sleeves, reminds me of something

The Kanji, I can't read it so I wonder what it says.

the darker black haired girl's hair

Mugi's bum.

just finished this it was a meh series

what would you give up to suddenly appear underneath that kotatsu, Sup Forums?

Asuza's great fashion sense.

Mugi's delicious ass.

>(4) Azusa suffering from autism


Mugi thinking about stealing Mio's food again

The moon runes.

Mugi being smug.

Also known as "smugi".

The bigass sign.

Also Mugis big ass.

That Yui is a miracle of the universe, of course.