We're all starting to hate nazis here...

We're all starting to hate nazis here. It's clear that they're all autistic retards trying to subvert the right with their leftist policies. They also give the right wing
bad reputation that push more people to the left. Nazis and white nationalists are an antifa maker machine and we can't let this continue. If you too, are tired of nazis coming to our board then this general is for you.

Post shame images or discuss the removal of Stormfaggotry, Nazism, Fascism, White Nationalism, Collectivism, LARPdom, Leftism.

Ancaps, Libertarians and Republicans welcome.
Redpilled African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Latinos, and Muslims are all welcome as well.


>The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.
Arthur Schopenhauer



Thread theme:

Other urls found in this thread:

mises.org/system/tdf/Anatomy of the State_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

Hiding your countries flag on Sup Forums means you're a leaf and automatically discarded.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children


>We're all
get out subhuman

Can't tell whether you're serious or a lefty just trying to divide the opposition, either way you should probably just fuck off.

Don't get me wrong, collectivists are scumbags but if it's a lefty telling me what to do they can get fucked.


Sure, there is a problem with unhinged hatred. The kind that's clearly motivated by people who feel rejected by society, making them antisocial sadists. There is an autistic, unreasonable level of it that should be shunned.

But those ideas you mentioned aren't exclusive to those types of posters. There can be sensible discussion about fascism and ethno-nationalism. Shun the autists, not the ideas

>literal copypasta from last week with a different image
Are you even trying anymore?


pretty sick of these white nationalists

are third positionists who hate the alt-kike welcome?



>NatSocs and fascists combined establish a new right wing culture across the web
>Every other faction that has done nothing but hinder the political shift in white countries
>They shout on the public soapboxes we built and secured tha natsocs are the problem

Are all AnCaps this retarded, or is this just another false flag shill?

make sure a thread like this is up at all time. We need to take the board back.


How bold of you to step into their home and tell them to leave. Are you black?

It's almost surely someone trying to divide and conquer the board. There's been a lot of threads lately trying to magnify the divisions here. But the shill brings up a valid issue that is the Sup Forums version of Sup Forums autism

A lulbertarian calling Natsocs autistic... Ok bro. "Let me tell you about roads"


> Every other faction that has done nothing
> They shout on the public soapboxes we built
Nazi's and Facists built stuff in the US and Australia because a failed Eugenics movement?

What the hell is this?

>How bold of you to step into their home
This isn't a home for actual nazis. This is a place for right wingers.


>Redpilled African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Latinos, and Muslims are all welcome as well.

Why are you here??
There are plenty of other sites for likeminded people like you such as www.reddit.com/r/the_donald/

please go there


Individualism is what got us into this mess in the first place, old Sup Forums understod this.

A fractured, squabbling, individualistic society will crumble to a collectivist one.

This is where you belong.

>Individualism is what got us into this mess in the first place

>muh jooz

>We're all

If you haven't yet read "Anatomy of the State", do it.

It's 30 minutes of your time to become far more educated than you are now.

mises.org/system/tdf/Anatomy of the State_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

No im not a kike

also nice quote you got there

"Schopenhauer additionally maintained a marked metaphysical and political anti-Judaism. Schopenhauer argued that Christianity constituted a revolt against what he styled the materialistic basis of Judaism, exhibiting an Indian-influenced ethics reflecting the Aryan-Vedic theme of spiritual "self-conquest". This he saw as opposed to what he held to be the ignorant drive toward earthly utopianism and superficiality of a worldly "Jewish" spirit:"


> This isn't a home for actual nazis. This is a place for right wingers.
This is a place for those who do not wish to be silenced because of social mores. It is for anyone seeking to speak their mind as it pertains to politics with minimal repercussion. It is as much a place for NatSocs as it is AnCaps. If leftists weren't, in large, intolerable and unwilling to have real discussions, they'd probably be more welcome here too.
That you think this place is for one ideology means it is probably you who should leave, not them.


you know that's possible without adopting the aesthetics of the most hated political movement on the planet right?

Hear the angels calling. Nazis were the coolest people ever. Their uniforms outshine any fashion designer. Their advances in technology were second to none. They used their own money. OP wants to get gangraped by a bunch of niggers while sucking off a jew. Seig Heil brother. I love u, and your sister more. Not so much your mother.

>The International Jew by Henry Ford
>Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald
>On the Jews and Their Lies by Martin Luther
you're retarded

>If leftists weren't, in large, intolerable and unwilling to have real discussions, they'd probably be more welcome here too.


I think The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose. Is better intro material for simpler minds.

>Nazis were the coolest people ever
Most normal and sensible people beg to differ. Keep pushing more people to the left with your insane talk, alright?

you're retarded, too
nobody was suggesting that except you


Hey goy, opinions are bad and make you "unenlightened"

keep trying schlomo



Name calling, low quality images, and an overly idiocentric approach. This board better before the likes of you became more common. Enjoy your sad circle jerk.

you are a complete dipshit, and ethno-nationalism is a bullshit term. ethno-nationalism IS nationalism, it's civic nationalism that's a complete failure.

i also don't understand where this thought that you have to be a national socialist (leftist) to be some kind of white identerian

the nazis and fascists are fucking retarded, people like dicky spencer are just blowing mosely and his idiotic idea of a european superstate that in practice will be nothing but a more oppressive version of the EU as it is today

ditch these autistic fags and go your own way already


Checked. There's a whole bunch of entry level shit but most ITT would never touch any books let alone read Marxist, Libertarian, Facist & Classical literature to get a good grasp on ideas and philosophy.

Most of the cunts ITT don't even know the history of their own ideology, they watch The Greatest Story Never Told and all of a sudden some kids think they're smart.

Companies are intrinsically collectivism, retard

>ditch these autistic fags and go your own way already

I'm an individualist, hence the ancap flag. I was never "with" anyone.

There is more truth in TGSNT than in any profane history.

JIDF go back into the oven

reminder that group identity is a form of socialism

>hidden flag
kys leaf

Of course. I don't fly a swastika or give a shit about the Third Reich- those things aren't a part of either my culture or my era. But I'm an ethno-nationalist who believes that our strength lies in racial and cultural cohesion, not in diversity


>meme flag
Kys antifa lite


user... I


There's easter eggs of truth in and amongst a lot of heavily biased content which is more of a mirror of the main stream lies than an objective truth in itself. I mean even David Irving has pretty much debunked half of it in his own works and he's the most famous "holocaust denier" that critices the mainstream for their lack of rigour and honesty.

>We're all starting to hate nazis here.

No, /leftypol/, we aren't. Shoot yourself in the face with a hollow point, large caliber bullet. Now.


>We're all

Fuck off nigger.

>doesn’t understand NatSoc

>We're all starting to hate nazis here.
Quite the opposite actually. With every passing day I realize more and more that Hitler was right. Biggest redpill for me was realizing that Israel pushed us to the Iraq war. Below is a video of current Israeli Prime Minister B. Netanyahu advocating for the US to enter Iraq because of confirmed presence of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" (which we never found). This meeting happened in Sept 2002, and we invade Iraq in March 2003, six months later.

>It's clear that they're all autistic retards trying to subvert the right with their leftist policies.
I didn't know leftists wanted an ethnostate and gassing of the Jews.

>They also give the right wing bad reputation that push more people to the left.
Here's the thing though, the Alt-right was non-existent before the election, and I, as a Trump supporter, was still called and Nazi and hated by others like I was a fascist.

>Nazis and white nationalists are an antifa maker machine and we can't let this continue.
Actually, George Soros and current universities are antifa makers. In fact, antifa existed long before any "Nazis" started rising.

>If you too, are tired of nazis coming to our board then this general is for you.
I'm certainly not anti-nazi, almost pro-nazi actually, but I can't help myself when I see such retarded posts, I have to respond and correct the drivel that is your post.

are you sure about that?

besides a failed eugenics movement*
Can you explain what he meant by the
> we built

You will not be raked



Nothing wrong with voluntary collectivism.

>read post
>eyeball flag
>openly weep


natsocs are ruining the white nationalist movement with their spergery

Fuck off, shareblue.

I'll be damned, is the Leaf not a-fucking-leaf any more?

>19 posts by this ID
>samefagging this hard
leftypol needs stop being so obvious in their shitty shilling

It's ok to be white. It is ok to love your race, your people and your homeland above all others and to strive for its survival and prosperity. It is ok to see weakness and evil in other cultures and to separate yourself from it without guilt. It is ok to gas the fuck out of parasitical sub-humans when they smear filth all over your great heritage.

Reminder: nazis are national socialists.
You can be as much of a white nationalist as you want, as long as you are against the socialist cancer, you are going to be just fine in my book.

Get out. This is a Nazi board.

I think they are just fine

>being an unironic fascist
You're not as bad as commies but you're still a fucking idiot.

>Nothing wrong with voluntary collectivism.
You've not a libertarian unless you're a full on "leave me the fuck alone" individualist

Your ID literally says GAY and you don't know what free markets are.

Collectivism is totally fine if it's done voluntarily

read hoppe you fucking cunt

fuck that kike bitch ayn rand

The only things I hate are niggers, Jews, and spics, and thots, and fags, and communists.

Nazis are just annoying.

Oh and ancaps lol

Sure is Plebbit in here.

>leave me the fuck alone while my country gets
culturally enriched goy!!!

How many leafs are in this thread calling you out on your fucking faggotry? You know you're a fucking faggot when even the LEAFS are calling you a fag.

>Collectivism is totally fine if it's done voluntarily
Collectivism eventually leads to the handouts of taking care of a specific group, when you're putting "muh based race" first you're a socialist.

If you want whites to succeed in anything, don't coddle them with "white nationalism.

sage power option. Fuck off back to plebbit kike.

>"muh based race"
lurk more muh based retard


stopped reading after this

it used to be a fucking leaf then the leaf ,now a leaf

lmao just like your cocksucking board owner, leftycuck

Seriously, nationalism and socialism are inseparable. To have your nationalism you need to look after the nation/people which it holds.

Take the anarchy pill

Many ancaps are white nationalists though.

Christ you're a fucking idiot.


user, I....

Many ancaps don't even understand their ideology. Many of them are so far as to be nationalists. Monkey see monkey do is not a viable argument,.

>calls other people autistic