
so the Russia thing isn't working out

>Brave New World
>Brave New Films
was this intentional?

how many trannies are in that pic? i count at least 3

Are all those supposed to be women?

Trump bangin super models his entire life but were supposed to believe any of those skanks would even get eye contact from him?


High t women low t men
was thinking the same

Digits for titcow in striped shirt in the middle

Reminder this group is run by George Soros

This, it feels like a satirical website. Then again, I can't tell the difference anymore.

Nazis watch out. How can you have white pride, when white people arent even real?

Republicans about to be BTFO hahahah I can't wait until us Nazbol take over your little hugbox known as Sup Forums too. You guys suck.

Enjoy those bobs

At least 3. Possibly 5 or 6 if you count an FTM passing as a guy in there.

>. Then again, I can't tell the difference anymore.
no kidding. it's pretty sad when the actual left are more ridiculous and unbelievable than Sup Forums psyops trolling

It's an unironic website complete with cringe worthy social media accounts.


It's going to be eight years of flinging bullshit hoping it sticks. Lovely.

Quiet you fool! Can’t you see they’re from Brave New Fimmz? And how brave they are for stepping’ up and and calling people rapsey for $

>be token black girl at sjw propaganda factory
>pose for company photo
>face is blocked out by completely unnecessary label

Somebody ask them why the only black women has been marginalized so aggressively.

Its easy. Go to whatever institution that resides over their tax deductible status, bring to light they are not non-partisan and have their status revoked.

I haven't checked yet but how correct am I in saying that some/most of their top staff are (((them)))