
>You will never see a "Find the Rock's Cock!" arc
>You will never see Gappy and Fruit Dad on a bike searching all of Morioh for a single dick
>You will never see Jobin cuck Gappy and take the dick for himself

Would you change something about how JoJolion has been going so far?

If the Current zombie arc does NOT have Joshuu teaming up with Karera, who has been stalking Gappy to obtain the grafted Rokakaka, fighting zombies or Yasuho Soloing Dolomiti i might be miffed.

Just wanted to say that in my autistic headcanon Josefumi is an illegitimate son of Joseph and Jojolion universe version of Okuyasu's mom. That's why his hair looks like combination of Josuke and Okuyasu's haircuts, big ass pompadour with gray sides. So Gappy is actually amalgamation of 4 characters: Kira, Jotaro, Josuke and Okuyasu.
Don't bully pls.

When did Araki start doing the thing with close-ups being less detailed? It looks cool.

That would work out if it wasnt for the fact that Josefumi's dads name is Sayaki or someshit.

Will we ever get another flashback about Gappy's fathers?

I think that was starting around late Part 7
i agree with you

That's why I said "illegitimate son of Joseph". That would explain why Josefumi mother had divorce papers.

just a little reminder that kira and josefumi are canon since their balls are always touching

Is it still gay if it's between dead people?

Necrophilia has no boundaries, user.

Why was Kira Jotaro so good?

I love the shape of his body and the way his arm is bent around Jobin slightly
I love the wide shape of his chest with all the bumps like a hard rock
I love the shape of the metallic parts on his face
I love the the bicycle handles on his head and how they're similar to soft and wets horns but with the creepy strings almost Like hair
I love his creepy scarecrow like eyes
I love his angry grin reminiscent to king crimson
I love his hat and how it's such a different choice of crown but it fits the design so perfectly
I Like Speed King

>implying you wouldn't touch Kira's balls forever

Does Josefumi also have a backstory about why his hair looks the way it does?

Joshuus stand is fucking scary. Nut king call could probably do some morbid shit


w-what the fuck

why is its nose so big
why does it have holes like lego parts
is this araki's version of a mech
why does it look so angry

I forgot to mention I love the way his head and neck are positioned and angled, it's almost like he's blind and trying to find the beetles
I also love his nose and how it's almost like an Easter island statue
I love how his hand is positioned almost like how killer Queens hand is positioned before igniting a bomb
I wanna fuck speed king

What Jojo would have been the best chick?

Whoever your favorite is.
It doesnt really matter, Gappy would still make me Happy.

Johnny since he's already a chick in my eyes

Jesus Christ is this a fetish?
what the fuck man


Jorge would have been a great milf


All those times when her dark determination shows up

>why does it have holes like lego parts
It's a Higashikata thing. Norisuke has a jigsaw puzzle, Caato has playing cards, Hato has a straw doll, Daiya has chess, Tsurugi has origami, and I guess Joshuu's thing with the nuts and bolts is like a construction kit.

Oh wow I never actually noticed that.

>full permanent bologna head
>full permanent bologna body
>two permanent bologna feet
>permanent pastrami nose
>permanent bologna, ham, and cream cheese tongue
>two pemanent ham lips
>permanent bologna veins

all hope is lost


1 or 2?

>Jotaro isn't an Amazonian titty monster

What's the name of that japanese singer that's obsessed with jotaro? I want to find the cover she did for one of the jojo openings but googling "woman obsessed with jotaro" doesn't turn her up

Holy shit I remember drawing that shit. I got banned for it. I didn't think anyone still had any of my stupid drawings haha

Of course not.

Shoko Nagakawa or something like that. Singer of Sorairo Days from TTGL in any case.

What the fuck's wrong with you man

You have been cursed for drawing that image.

Why is this so distrubing, what am I missing?

That's right, I don't know how I forgot she sang for ttgl. Thanks man.

not much
i'm still waiting for that fart fetish kira screencap

It's just that Foreverial Tiedup Jake meme shit.

other jojo thread is kinda dead so I'm reposting here.

do you guys recommend the colored scans of part 7? I'm thinking of switching over from the colored ones.
On a side note, I kinda dislike the long chapter format. Isn't it because jojo switched over to the seinen jump magazine or something?

Read B/W for first read through, Colored for second.
Long chapter format was due to not being in Shonen Jump anymore and being a Seinen

Josuke and Joseph.

Wait. But femjoseph might cuck me.

I was tending towards the same decision. thanks man.
Looking forward to Part 7 since it's picking up pace where I'm at right now. I don't know something was missing before they found the hand

Well at least it wouldn't be with dolphins

Would femgappy have 4 tits?

giorno already looked like a girl tho.

Your thinking to normal, two vaginas.

No, not really. SBR's color scans are puke inducing in the beginning, and while they get better towards the end, B&W is still better.

4 ovaries (boring)

Not going the rest of the way.

She can't run away

>femjoseph is your waifu
>you and her are living happily together after defeating the pillar women
>many happy years pass and you have a handsome son
>fem-joseph goes on a trip to japan amd is gone for a while
>comes back but looks like something is troubling her
>she brushes it off saying its nothing
>8 months later she reveals the kid in her belly isnt yours
>a young japanese college student ran a train on her during her trip

What do Sup Forums? How do you react?



Nah, two wombs
>inb4 Kaato is a fusion via pic related and proudly displays her MILF fusion side-effects
>Gappy sees it and has a BONER

Actually yeah, 4 ovaries is the best 'analogy' but it's not as funny

Wouldnt Stevie Q beat the shit out of that Baby though?

Femseph might have just abandoned the kid with the father and sworn the surviving SC to secrecy.

No because she sends the baby off to japan. And thats how we have femjosuke.

Holy shit that's amazing.

>DIODIODIO written on the tail
Fucking kek

Could you protect her smile?

>fart fetish kira

I can draw jojo shit too user. Let me try. Let me try.

>tfw i had a folder were i saved jojo genderbending pics, but accidentally deleted it.
im regretting so much right now.

that was kyo right
fruit dad would never threat someone else family

Have a 3 part comic I found.

You think I'm shitting you?

>someone actually saved my shitty Wolfjotaro image
Thank you user.
Im pretty sure it was Kyo being a stuck up hoe




Best Stand

Damn right.

>Polnareff and Iggy start phasing form the ground

im sorry what the fuck

These parodies are fun.

Soft & Wet is second best stand.
But it's not too far away from first place boys.

I have a feeling so complicated
That stand did whatever the fuck it had to for plot and killed the best girl
But it also made the best girl

>But it also made the best girl

I prefer spoiler stand above S&W because of being able to fucking transform and fuse.

Damn straight nigga

Its what happen in the actual fight
They were hiding under a bunch of sand




who is the most /fa/ stand and why is black sabbath.

boy looks fly as hell

But user, there is no act4 tusk on your pic



i agree.
where is femgappy tho?

Gappy > Josuke > Johnny = Jonathan > Joseph > Shit > Jotaro

Jotaro was shit as a boy and would be the same as a girl.


This is some shit tier discussion

Gureto taste. But wheres Giorno?

Implying that DIO had that shit taste.

The true protaginists of each prt
>1: Dio
>2: Stroheim
>3: Polnaref
>4: Kira
>5: Blono
>6: Weather
>7: Gyro
>8: Joshu
If you disagree yu are a super reatard

>Jonathan is female
>Dio is still male
Dio having Jonathan's body in Part 3 would be a lot more noticeable.

Oh my god I forgot Giogio.
Between Jonathan and Joseph