Oh come on, admit it

oh come on, admit it

you loved Kiznaiver


It was pretty bad. Best trigger show though.

why did this show remind me of Mayoiga?

both written by Okada

Fucking loved it. I fucking loved the opening. I fucking loved all of the characters. The Nico and the red haired chick were best. I loved it all.

Rest in peace, Boom Boom satellites.

Wasted potential. The director should have shut up and let Okada write the battle anime she wanted.

I liked it

One of the best OPs

Dropped it after that retarded masochist appeared

No. I hated this show.

Dropped at episode 2 because retarded dialogue that made no sense.

It was nice

I watched the whole thing but it was honestly really bad. A lot of missed opportunities or things that seemed would lead up to a huge revelation only to amount to literally nothing. Japanese Take On Me was best OP tho

I really did, I enjoyed it and i respect Trigger so much for doing something completely different


it was bad highly forgettable

>for doing something completely different
Yeah no

It was okay, I expected more from it, Niko and Esdeath imouto were cuties.


I hated Chidori and Koga, liked the rest of the cast.
Still not nearly as offensive as Chiaki from nagiasu.

I need you to understand something OP. I fucking hated this show. I wanted so badly for it to be good and it was fucking shit. I wish I could have those 4 hours of my life back.

I liked that one time where Chidori got cucked.

>studio trigger known for doing action shit like ninja slayer, inferno cop, kill la kill, space patrol luluco does something else different for once

>shitposters in charge of reading comprehension

Well, I wouldn't say "love", but I did enjoy it, yes.

I certainly enjoyed my time with it. It's the kind of show that leaves you a little depressed the next season because nothing else looks quite like it.

What was their problem?

I liked the first few episodes. But when the theme ended up being "empathy is a thing? lol" it went straight into the trash

So what? Just because it's different doesn't mean it's any good.

sensei was qt

ED was better though.

>moving goalposts because you got shut the fuck down

Look, hate it all you want that won't change the fact that I enjoyed it.

It was my favorite Trigger creation until LWA TV came along. Kizunaiver is a plebfilter and the closest thing to Evangelion any Gainax or Gainax offshoot studio made since Eva itself.

Both tried to be 5deep4you but were dumb as fuck.

Who the fuck is moving goal posts? You said that trying something new is worth your respect. It isn't at all when the end product is garbage like Kiznaiver.

It might sound silly but empathy actually can be an alien concept to some

You did? First your ONLY argument was that it did something different in the sense of plot when I meant from what the Studio typically does. Next you're saying "Just because it's DIFFERENT doesn't mean it's any good."
Yeah the studio did something different from your typical imaishi things. A studio known for that played a risk and showed it can make more than just that. I respect that.

You can find Kiznaiver garbage, that's fine. But I still enjoyed the show and didn't find it a waste of my time.

Just accept somebody enjoyed something you didn't and move on, simple as that.

No, it was offensively mediocre. What makes it worse is that it came from Trigger, of all studios.

I did.
Nori-chan is love

>attacking your original point is moving the goal posts
Full retard


It was very underwhelming. I liked the art, but I just couldn't bring myself to enjoy the characters or drama.

I liked it until the last episode. It had to be the most retarded way to tie everything together.

Listen to yourself buddy

>attacking your original point
>its original because you moved from the topic to begin with

And the best part is i'm not even the one using ad hominem

If you came here to shitpost, I'm actually having fun, you're doing the opposite.

Beautiful visuals. Memorable OP. Some interesting characters. Garbage show.

I was dealing with a crush and reached my all time most depressed state and during that I watched this show. It was the perfect show for me at the time and will always be special for me. Plus it's so beautifully animated.

>that one time

Nico was a good girl.

How can you not like the conclusion to autistic love ?

I loved the OP and ED

I actually enjoyed it quite a bit desu

Its nice.

Oh yes. This show was made for me.

It was a pretty decent show.

Was great desu

I hate my life

Yeah actually. Interesting that it seems so divisive though.

The visual style, OP, and character designs were great. I really enjoyed autism duo and Nico. I even liked the story, it was pretty fresh right up until the end. Former Fatty and Maki were OK, but the real detractors from the series were the two redheads. They singlehandedly knocked it down from a nine to about a seven. Would recommend to someone looking for something different but I wouldn't recommend it in a general sense.

>Chiaki worst
>not Miuna
Did we watch the same show?

I really didnt. Coudn't bring myself to like any of the characters.

Only good part was the glasses girl arc. That would have been a good standalone OVA. Everything else was shit.

>miuna worst
The fuck, I'm not even a miunafag.

>the real detractors from the series were the two redheads
Some anons actually believe this

hah, never noticed lulu and nova in this shot before

I liked it until it fell into the trap of "the only we we can resolve this drama is through people monologuing at each other, ad nauseum."
I downright dropped the show at the penultimate episode just because of it.

>RIP Boom Boom Satellites
What!? Did they do music for Kiznaiver? Was Kiznaiver so bad they broke up?

Kiznaiver was so bad that one of them fucking died.

>making light of kawashima's death
What a faggot

I felt bad typing it, but I couldn't resist.
Sorry, Kawashima, wherever you are.

It was so boring I almost dropped it but for some reason kept watching. Then it turned into a semi-decent show. Great opening though

It's complete trash. Okada was a mistake.

Objectively it was pretty shit, and yet I still enjoyed it a lot. The threads were pretty damn great as well, especially the shitstorm after this one.

You guys remember best boy converting glasses dyke into a normal girl?
Good times

>best trigger show

fucking explain yourself

Now I hate Kiznaiver, hate it forever. If it'd been good Kawashima wouldn't have been depressed and his tumors wouldn't have returned.

The "sharing physical pain" thing would make more sense in an action-focused anime.

That's what Trigger didn't want to do. They purposely took a risk and decided to move away from the wacky action they're known for and create something more grounded. Whether they were successful is for you to decide, but I appreciate that they went in a different direction.

I dropped it

>and create something more grounded