user, why did you stop praying to me?!
User, why did you stop praying to me?!
post suggestive haruhis
Because I got my nut off, was satisfied, and moved on, you clingy god you...
You stopped putting out
Later today I'll do my "one-handed prayer" for you.
I'll join you.
Not my God
Did someone say something?
Huh, guess not.
Ah well, God doesn't exist and it's another fine day.
Time to fap.
I don't know how it happened, but at some point my mind went blank and I was just mindlessly fapping.
Because you're over rated.
I just fapped to Haruhi like two hours ago. Does that count as tribute?
>Thinking this whore is worthy of being prayed to
I never stopped.
I prayed 8 hours ago, I gotta take a break you know
Fuck you, you're not God
No point praying to a dead god. Do something relevant, like making another season.
Listen here you litte bitch
I have been offering you loads and loads of ripe virgin semen since I was 13 and discovered your fucking anime when I was an hormonal teenager in high school and you want even more now? at least give me an S3 in exchange.
Also Nagato was the better girl anyway
Because youre the false emperor
I would pray to that version of Haruhi.
Pic related haruhi makes me want to vomit. You could land a plane between those eyes.
I have a superior Goddess
because your mecha equivalent is getting screen time this year, unlike you
because I found someone better.
Because you're a huge, insufferable bitch.
Patrician taste user.
That will help me pray.
because you're not a god, you're kyon's avatar
Got nothing out of it.
More important things to do.
there isn't nearly enough scripture where you are raped pregnant
Superior taste, user!
cuz you stiffed the bassist.
Careful mates. I got banned for posting suggestive yet SFW Haruhi pic just recently.
Which was it? Link it on Gelbooru or something.
Maybe he was gay user. Did you ever think of that? WHAT IF HE WAS GAY? He wouldn't even WANT to fuck her.
Or what if he's, like, absurdly ugly? Like, Quasimoto ugly? You can't blame her for not hitting that.
There seems to be tons of bunny Haruhi material...
>user, why did you stop praying to me?!
Because even the author has lost interest at this point. There's been literally ONE new volume in the last ten years (in two halves).
It's over anons. The cow can't be milked any further. Not even Yuki can carry this shit any further.
you didnt make a new season
Goofed the link, it is "chan.", not cha
Endless Eight was literally the worst decision in the history of anime
couldn't be gay because there was plenty of male ass to go around and he didn't dive in
and so what if he was ugly? bitch spends her day job playing an anime waifu, just imagine he's kamina and take the dick
autistic bitch
Because Lain is the one true god!
Spin-off is getting its final volume, and Haruhi-chan is getting a new one.