Whats your opinion on Nicholas II?


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I always thought Anastasia was a Disney movie but its not. Thats all I have to say about that.

Anastasia was fucking cute


weak asshole who let jews and bolsheviks happen

too soon

It was rumored that Anastasia survived the jewish massacre. There was even one person claiming to be she, but DNA evidence found she was imposter.


shit ruler who couldnt handle money. if youre gonna rule, learn.how.to.invest

Was murdered by a German psyop operation, which ironically grew out of control and devoured and destroyed Germany less than 30 years later

Good boi


Your dumb ass Kaiser is the one who let them spread in the first place. Your country deserved to get raped by them in 1945

A terrible leader but at least he deserved a fair trial rather than got killed in cold blood with his family

wealthiest man in the world at that time - no need to "invest". was in the process of dekiking his empire when the kikes murdered him and his family.

RIP to a fallen hero

The only bad thing about Nicolas II family slaughter is that it wasn’t performed by Russian Nationalists for not being racist enough and entering the WWI

His sad end was just the first of many revolting atrocities inflicted upon the masses by the thrice-damned curse known as Bolshevism, a plague which has but one cure, to excise each infected cell from the face of the Earth with the preferred method being a bullet and a shallow grave, much as Nicholas got.

His empire was first conquered by the german untermensch, then by the jewish bolshewik untermensch - a terrible weak leader.
His family's execution was barbaric nonetheless.

>this is what tatars actually believe

In over his head.
The question is would any monarch have succeeded in trying to lead a feudal empire in an industrialized world.

russia had a treaty with serbia. right or wrong russia did the honorable thing by backing serbia

>nevermind Nicolas II gave additional rights to tatar subhumans
>authorized building of the biggest “European” mosque in Saint Petersburg
>and entered the WWI to protect pic related
Lmao kill yourself
Serbia is not fucking White. Fuck Serbia

hes rich but he aint smart. He wasted money on the war.

Amerifriend, I understand you dislike commies and therefore defend Russian monarchy. But Nicky isnt really the best example of succesful monarch. The whole country went to shit and he must have seen the writing on the wall at least 100 times, yet he decided to ignore it.
Your ancestors fought against righful monarch because he was a bad king that exploited them extensively. In Russia, it was 100x worse.
He brought it all on himself

Evil triumphs when good people sit idle.
He chosen his moral high ground over well being of his empire.

How was he bad

Didn't he have a cousin that looked identical to him or something?

Serbia is not fucking White. Fuck Serbia

neither was russia. it was a slav vs. teuton thing.


Serbia is not Slavic either you absolute subhuman. Germans are far closer to Russians genetically and culturally than any Balkan rat ever will be

It was your typical imperialist move and for the wrong cause

Why did jews change cute old Russian language?

King George V of England
Look it up there are a bunch of photos of them.

He failed his people.


It would be so much better if he lived.


Not bad just retarded,

Fucking This. Thread/

Sic Semper Tyrannis.

You mean kazachs, tajiks and uzbeks? Because that is people who are actually tatars. And soviet "tatars" are just like ukrainians - Lysenko eugenics project to create a commie from white Christian man by selectively breeding those, who better believed in commie nonsence.

Good man but was cucked by pic related.

This is what soviet minorities actually believe.

>subhuman ukranians or tatar ever been White European
Both inhabitants of Tatarsatan and Ukraine should be exterminated


As you say, tovarish polkovnik.

This. Similar to UK

To easily detect pre-coup and immigrant literature.

Colonial America: taxed on tea
Imperial Russia: mandatory 25-year draft on peasants.

Why not? I’m talking about Nationalist Russian Kremlin and industrial professional extermination.

He was a jew who faked his death and gave his country to other jews in exchange for keeping his wealth and family line.

Stupid but fucking handsome. I wanna obtain that look

>oh no a week of protests in St Petersburg better abdicate the throne and hide in such an obvious manner that spider-brain jews could get me

Things that didn't happen for $1000, Alex

What happened ?

Because you are a retard, who hates Russian Saint Emperor and nobody in their sane mind would do a genocide with you baka.

Russia did not really backed Serbia. Russia gathered military, because there was a great risk, that "Germsmany" (exPrussia) would attack Russian Empire. And that was their excuse to attack us.

Do you have more of those sweet graphs and pictures?

An idiot that didn't understand how to deal with the bolsheviks

>orthodox schizoprenic
Which one would you like?

Good thing that he was chopped up as if he was some piece of kebab meat. Shame for his country and family, though.

or, the idiot who gave his country to the bolsheviks. he was cousins with your crypto-jew monarchs, after all.

Nicky shouldn't have gambled on a continental general war to save his silly excuse of a ramshackle regime by stirring up nationalistic sentiments

I don't think our monarchs are cryto-kikes, more like crypto-cucks, the kike banking families have controlled this country for centuries

Holy fuck your are struggling hard comra- I mean bro. Idk wtf you are saying

Бpaтaн oн был бeзпoзвoнoчным мaлeньким мaльчикoм кoтopoгo дaжe coбcтвeннaя жeнa нe любилa. Eдинcтвeннaя пpичинa пoчeмy oн oкaзaлcя в ликe cвятых этo пoтoмy чтo y пoпoв нaгpeлo

Its hivemind memetic, do not bother.

Speak american, retarded google translate.


he dindu nuffin wrong

The word you're looking for is "пoдгopeлo"

> typical soviet 80iqer judges people by association

How so user?

itt: idiocy competition
>hurr i am more russian nationalist than you
>durr we wuz aryans
Aside from, y'know, the whole communism thing, bolsheviks did nothing wrong. At least they tried to weed out these retards bumbling about "holy orthodox monarchy".

>bolsheviks did nothing wrong.
I wish they'd sent your stupid subhuman family to gulag so you wouldn't exist.

>using gulag as an argument
Would you rather toil away your entire life as a peasant? Same shit, except there's a tsar.

he was a good guy but he probably had bad aides and russian intelligentsia was too much hateful of tradition

You need to educate yourself.

Here literal proof that negroids are subhumans and those who are mixed with them too. (Yes, including Pushkin)
Idiot, the WWI was the last thing the Russian Empire needed.

>You need to read the same revisionists I read.

I want to know how a russian ethnostate proponent thinks. Communism, private property and shite like that aside, would you rather have:

a) A theocratic monarchy;
b) A materialistic dictatorship?

I'm genuinely curious.

Nah m8 Maria was the qt

Stfu, slavshit refugee.

Inbred moron. Destroyed his own dynasty and took half the world with him.
For the historically illiterate:
His decision to mobilize in 1914 had unhealthy consequences.

Even Putin admits the kikes killed him ritualistically. Shit, even the kikes admit the kikes killed him ritualistically. Pic very related.

This, obviously.

I'm really starting to believe in this nu/pol/ shit. Not one person in this thread is fucking redpilled. No one knows jack shit about the significance of the murder of the Romanovs. I should never leave cripplechan desu.
dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5125545/Russia-investigates-tsar-killed-Jewish-ritual.html to start with.

tasted kinda like mutton

Reminder why they were called 'Romanovs': they were the last heirs of the Roman Emperors. By killing them the Jews completed their revenge against Titus and the Romans who had destroyed their Temple and Jerusalem. I read recently that Jeanne Calment, who lived 1875-1997, the longer lifespan ever, when asked what was the most significant event in her entire life, she said the murder of the Romanovs. Not walking on the moon, not Hiroshima, not the invention of the computer, or the car, THIS. This is the most important event in recent history. It changed everything for the worse.

except Nicholas II was probably a jew who is documented in mainstream sources as speaking YIDDISH

His mother was Maria Feodorovna, though from Denmark, her mother was from Hesse-Kassel (Germany). And if we trace the female line directly back, we come to Princess Charlotte of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield. She's Maria's 2nd great grandmother. Saxe-Coburg Gotha are jewish through Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Gotha in around 1672. His wife was Elizabeth Sophie of Saxe-Altenburg. Her mother was Elisabeth of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel, Duchess of Saxe Altenburg. Her mother was Elisabeth of Denmark, which puts us on the track of Sophie of Mecklenburg-Gustrow, and then another Elizabeth of Denmark, and then Sophie of Pomerania, and finally Anna Jagiellon, daughter of Barbara Radziwiłł.

Here's an analysis of Barbara Radziwiłł suggesting that the intrigue surrounding her marriage, the opposition to it, and other anomalies point toward her being jewish. If so, this is a link proving the crypto-jewish infiltration of many of Europe's thrones (through Vasa/Jagiellon). Also explains why some monarchs worked so deeply with jews in a time when jewish power was a threat to many monarchies.


So...why did a bunch of Jews kill him and celebrate his murder to this day?

Looks like some fake fucking news you fucking kike.


they probably faked his death. His skull wasn't found until 1991 and it had no bullet holes. Plus, it was done in secret... nothing like the public executions usually carried out for royals. The executioners, yes, were jews... but that makes me trust their word less. It could just be the case that he gave up the country and was allowed to keep his wealth as long as he went into the shadows. I just don't buy that the richest man in the world couldn't protect himself from some low life jews. Even more bizarre is that he abdicated, which isn't really... what a guy who wants to keep his kingdom would do. I think he would have had the money to mobilize the white russians, fund some cavalry peoples who were still not genocided (like the cossacks), etc. etc. to preserve his rule. Instead, a week of protests and, well, it's the jew world order now? I dunno, I just think it's likely that he was false flagging since he was cousins with the British king. The Brits were obviously not working in their country's best favor in the 20th, 19th, 18th, ..... centuries, so I don't think Nicholas or the Romanovs were either.

This. He willingly allowed it to happen because of his family.
God and country always come first.

2nd most responsibble (After Serbia) for starting WW1 and ruining Europe, where Europe lost colonies and so many Europeans died. He also lost Japan war like an idiot and couldn't handle revolution

Wrong Barbara Jagiellon, lol. This is the supposed sister of Sigismund Augustus, I'm talking about. Likely the daughter of Barbara Radziwiłł because of the anomalies listed in the analysis I linked to.


Russia already fought two wars to support Serbia right before ww1. They had no reason to think the third time would be any different. Nicki is top underrated leader ever.

"The Dinaric type is characterized by quite light skin, dark hair from dark brown to dark blonde, and a wide range of eye color; tall stature, a brachycephalic skull, long face, a very narrow and prominent nose, sometimes aquiline; a slender body type, and very big feet." Jan Czekanovski
> Croatia as blond as Slovenia and Hungary
Croatia is I2 majorty while Slovenia is R1a majorty. Speaks enough about that map.

Real dinarics like ones from Muslim Bosnia or Croatia are tall and have colored hair and eyes. Dinarics have more of that German type and don't have anything to do with slavs (Hence they are tall like Scandanaians). Serbia has Dinarid type but also got turked so thats why they have dark brown hair and eyes

I miss him

>German psyop operation
Just like Marx was a pure Je...German.

>he fell for the analbanian larper living in Russia

Cucked by Rasputin.
