Have you Unironically watched Boko no Pico?
Have you Unironically watched Boko no Pico?
Of course
Was Coco a fairy?
It was objectively terrible.
The story was half-baked and for some reason the faceless guy's pecs were drawn so it looked as if he had manboobs.
I'm blind you tactless faggot.
Yes, I even masturbated to it once.
I find older guy x shota a bit off putting so I didn't care for the first OVA. The second and third were faptastic though.
I've unironically fapped to it and "ironically" watched it with friends (no IRL dicks were included tho).
The concept of watching something either ironically or unironically is fucking stupid. You either like something or you don't. People just say shit like this because they can't come to terms with having shit taste.
Yes its a good watch.
They don't want to feel bad for watching something that everyone hates so the term ironically is used as a mask to keep themselves safe.
It's unironically super illegal where I am
Where are you?
Only to jack off tho
Nobody ironically watches porn.
>he doesn't watch porn ironically
He is probably a leaf.
Sure thing. Coco a best, Chico is fucking gay.
Probablu russian.
This is repulsive
Anonymity isn't enough anymore?
I have unironically fapped to Boko no Pico.
Didn't Sweden ban loli/shota too?
Gay men = disgusting
I haven't, but i am unironically looking forward to Otokonoko Delivery.
That is kinda islamophobic
Watched it as a dare with friends.
Found out a couple of months later that I was the only who watched it and got branded as a faggot.
>nobody ironically watches porn
Nice meme
Nope the artstyle is terrible.
Am I the only one who watched boku no pico for the plot?
I watched on my own out of curiosity. I masturbated to the first OVA a bunch back in the day.
No, only ironically with my ex girlfriend.
Yeah you fucked up
You went all in when the safest move was to betray the group.
Worst case you're the only one who didn't watch it and they call you a baby.
Yes, but I only fapped to it ironically, haha.
Of course I have, the real question is which trilogy is superior.
what is it even about
i thought it was some shota yaoi SoL or something
Natsuyasumi had a weak first episode but got much better as it went along, not good enough to beat Pico though.
Explain the plot of PicoxChicoxCoCo pls
What was CoCo supposed to be? What did the cellphone stuff mean?
It's a shota hentai.
That's it really.
In some cases I'd agree, but there's definitely a difference between watching BNP to participate in the meme and watching it to jack off to.
What's the matter pleb, too deep for you? Why don't you stick somthing more your speed, a baby anime like lucky star.
No, only ironically.
Watching Tokineiro or Mejoku unironically would be difficult, regardless of whether you're watching the meme version or the original.
After seeing it recommended so many times, how could I not?
Depends. When I watch something, how do I tell whether I'm being ironic or not?
>tfw we will never get a non-trap shota hentai
It's just not fair
I watched it before it was a meme. It's basically nothing. Bible Black tier.
My uncle made me watch it with him. tbr it wasn't great, but I've seen worse.
>no IRL dicks were included tho
Why, are you gay?
Am the only one here whos first anime was boku no pico?
I actually believed Sup Forums when I asked for a rec so many years ago ;~;
It's my biggest secret. I've recommended it countless times, posted images from the series in threads, and looked at a bunch of memes over the years, but I've never watched it. Not even once.