what does "anime 14" translate into human years?
What does "anime 14" translate into human years?
old enough
28 if going by your pic related.
that is so fucking hot
If you care about the age of the cartoon girls you fap to, don't.
Anime 14 can still be 3D 14 if you're born with god tier genes (1 in 1000)
Old enough
>white and their retarded growth spur.
Peak human.
Fuck off.
why are you so upset at me expressing my sexual desires for the most beautiful girl to ever exist...?
I want to lick that tummy
What did Asuka mean by this?
Just randomly passed out on the floor after having to deal with more Shinji bullshit
>high quality post
/end thread
minimum of 2 thousand years.
Asuka is 13 though
It doesn't translate into 3D hence why 3D is shit.
but she doesn't exist, you dumb ass
>asuka ass.jpg
>not assuka.jpg
You had one job, user. One job!