Who the hell reads this manga?

who the hell reads this manga?

me, thanks for reminding me it exists

your welcome sir

me too



everyone probably
Memes are shit, I think we can all agree on this.


what is you are problem?

yes it's your's

Good manga

I listen to this manga

Tell me what its about and then I'll judge everyone who reads it / doesn't read it based on what you say.

It's about cute little girls beating the police.

Who the hell reads this manga?

Child soldiers fucking up government's corrupted officials.

I should.

don't listen to it's actually about the guy in pic related. the girls are side characters in his harem.

Loliz Wit Attitudes.

Little girls deactivating bombs from this evil guy.

I didn't before but now I do.

Young girl running a bakery trying to keep it from going under.

I read both of these

Who the hell reads this manga?

Who doesn't?

I read this yesteday are you stalking me, op ?


no seriously, who the hell even fucking reads this?

I know I read this.

And I feel bad for Himeri.

Even if she turned Chisato in a stuffed bear, I still feel bad for her.

anyone happen to read this?

who is reading this?

Well, this is vaguely terrifying.

thats some hard core shit right there