anime fucking when?
Anime fucking when?
I forget, does the story have a decent stopping point for a one-season arc?
Ebino best girl
it's going to be like midori days all over again.
When Ebino wins.
Probably the chapter with the yandere school idol when Ebino saves Ibusuki but loses her keychain, then realizes that she might not want Tarou to fall in love with any other girl.
kinda, but it would leave a bunch of shit open for interpretation. so no it doesn't. but in it's defense it'd probably work better as an episodic anime with some overarching plot point every now and then.
>When Ebino wins.
so never then?
>Ebino best girl
lol, no
>Put a boy in a dress
>Call it a girl (male)
>the MC still can't tell that she's a girl even after seeing her in this dress
that hit to the head must have damaged his vision
but wouldnt this be a (girl (male)) girl?
>best girl will lose to love crush from 10 years ago
every fucking time
Please no more /u/shit.
Ebino doesn't love Tarou. She isn't in the bowl.
no it would be a ((she[[he{{{she}}]])) or-what? I don't even know anymore. I'm so confused.
literally all Ebino has going for her is being a titty monster.
>giving ebino a key chain of an ebi.
Too cute.
Ebino really serioused the fuck up when she thought Tarou might confess to someone else. She isn't as much of a shriveling violet with love as I thought.
Here's the issue: Tarou knew Eve for like, what, a year?
Tarou's known Ebino for more than 5 years. He fell in love with Ebino over the course of his life, while his love for Eve is just a remnant from his preschool days.
Can you imagine marrying your preschool crush?
fuck you, what if I fucking can?
pretty much this. the way the manga is set up it would make almost no sense for him to end up with Eve. hell he doesn't even know she's a girl yet, and it doesn't seem like that'll change anytime soon.
Hell no, but the Japanese are fucking weird when it comes to their red string of fate shit.
They like it better when the mc gets together with his "fated girl" even though literally anyone would go for the girl they've actually spent time with an developed a relationship with.
The cock tease the author is doing with Ebino lately really sucks. As much as I want an Ebino end it seems pretty much impossible.
Did Ebino mean that she likes Ibusuki and is glad he is a boy so she can date him or something else?
>mixing eve and ibusuki
Fuck you
>All this denial from Ebinofags
>Did Ebino mean that she likes Ibusuki and is glad he is a boy so she can date him
this seems like the only logical conclusion that can be drawn.
It would be girl (male (female))
>thinking Eve is an important character
kek, retarded 14 year old detected. go back to unironically listening to system of a down faggot. opinion discarded.
She was relieved because she felt if Ibusaki was a girl then she'd be a serious rival for the Taroubowl.
There's no denial.
Ebino winning is impossible considering the entire theme of the manga - fulfilling first loves. Unless we ever seem something actually good happen to a first love zombie when their love is not fulfilled it ain't happening.
What would happen to Eve in a Ebino ending? She'd just go into a coma or turn into a monster or whatever. And unless Tarou stops having his ability to see them, it'll just be hanging out. And even if he did stop seeing them he'd still know she was zombified.
But, Ebino and Tarou are both starting to show interest in each other. It actually makes sense for them too. Literally years of friendship and they're just now hitting their stride in actually being interested in the opposite sex. Except Eve is there and ibusuki is the main girl so nvm.
Ebino isn't interested in any Taroubowl.
That's honestly what I hate about this series the most. Other harems and romcoms usually try and make an even playing field for all the girls with the idea that any of them could win the MCbowl. But here its just so painfully obvious to literally every reader who the ultimate winner will be to the point that chapters focused on Ebino just feel mean-spirited and ultimately a waste of time. Every discussion just turns into 'man I really like Ebino, feels awful that she won't win'.
Yeah, Ebino has been set up by this arc. The situation got sorta diffused in ch 62.
In other harems the girls know that it could also not be them and know of the other girls. Ebino has no fucking clue about what will make her lose, meaning she will likely get rejected and blindsided.
Your probably right to be honest.
Unfortunately the series seems to be moving away from this idea as it goes on, but I like how in the beginning the idea was guys being 'shackled' by their first love. Best shown by Ibusuki's dad throwing away an (assumed) happy family life to chase after his first love.
Basically, we all know it's not just rare to fulfill a first love, but it's rarer that a first love is someone you could have a happy marriage with or your 'soul mate'.
So yeah, while we won't get it, I want an Ebino end so that it can explore this aspect. Give the work a bit of literary value.
it wouldn't be so bad if the author had actually spent some time developing the relationship between Ibusuki. honestly the biggest problem is the whole "everyone thinks Ibusuki is a guy" thing. I mean given that half the characters know she isn't makes it an even more pointless plot point, it literally only serves to prevent romantic development at this point, making shit like pic related meaningless.
Ehh, the main girl is usually pretty blatant in other harems and romcoms too. Counterexamples would be welcome though.
Just so we can watch another childhood friend lose so fucking hard?
I'll pass
This series is so fucking generic I know its gonna get an adaptation.
I wouldn't mind love triangles in manga so much if it wasn't always so obvious who will win.
The author needs shekels like you and I. At first 90% of the reason she kept her secret to herself was because she was asshurt that Eve had Ebino sized tits.
>Ebino sized tits
not even close, especially considering how the author keeps inflating hit boobs to literal balloon size.
>being so flat that no one can tell you're a girl
this goes beyond what I thought was possible
I meant more as in reader perception. There's loads of others harems where 'xfags' are insistent there girl has a chance or generally get excited when there choice of a women has development and improved chances of winning. This is one of the few series where almost everyone (including the Ebino fans on here) seems to know who the winner is going to be keeps reading rather begrudgingly.
Yes but what if the author keeps giving Ebino's hope up more and more to the point where she genuinely believes she will get the ending she wants?
good lord... it's beyond my imagination.
Considering his wound bleeds randomly and no one takes it as a serious injury he might actually have brain damage and can't understand anything anymore.
I don't know I fucking loved that scene and all scenes similar to it. Yeah seeing her come out as a girl would be nice but it would end the manga a lot quicker. Seeing her get flustered and trying to randomly act like a man is cute as fuck.
Speaking of which, what's up with the "other girls find crossdressing girl to be handsome" trope?
Last time I checked most girls aren't into twinks.
the manga ends with all of it being a head trauma induced hallucination of the mc
Sister pulling the plug ending confirmed
it's some wierd shit the japanese have about "pretty boys" where they're into feminine men with no muscles.
No dude has a figure like that.
He's just feminine, looks good in dresses and happens to like men.
this manga is fucking retarded!
I hope he ends up with Eve and not Ibisuki.
I want to see Ibusuki be jelly over Ebino.
wait a minute... is that what I think it is?
Brings her to life.
it might be related to this
Power of love.
well memed sir.