Anime that got you into anime. Be honest.
Anime that got you into anime
You're brave, user. Announcing such a power level. Stunning
Look, SAO isn't necessarily good, but it's not the worst fucking thing ever. It's like fast food, you know there's better stuff out there but eh.
>Waiting to go to school, eating cereal under a blanket in a reclining chair, and watching Cartoon Network for an hour
>This comes on, watch it because it's colorful and different
>wanted to dress up as Tuxedo Mask for Halloween, but never did
>Now I watch pretty much anything that isn't about yaoi
>You could literally show me something, and I'd watch it. Probably.
Not embarrassed, not one bit.
I was going to call you an underaged newfag, but then I realized SAO was five years ago.
There are plenty of worse anime, yes. That doesn't mean it isn't really fucking bad.
It's really fucking obvious SAO isn't Steins;gate, but it got me into watching anime, and my tastes have evolved over time. Still, SAO does hold some sentimental value to me.
Watched stuff like Tokyo Main and special A when I was a kid but it was all on TV so I couldn't follow, but what got me back into anime in highschool was this shit, sham the writer died really liked it
I can't help being sad for you user. Being attached to such horseshit and being shamed for it all your life. You might as well be born into the middle ages as a bastard.
My own gateway anime is actually good and relatively respected around here, pic related.
It couldn't be helped.
You sound like you're still getting into anime, honestly.
I fucking love FMA. It, was the first anime I ever saw, and the first manga series I started reading, but it didn't get me more into anime for some reason. I'm just fucking retarded.
I was playing world of tanks and I heard people mention 'panzer vor' so girls und panzer was the first anime i had ever watched.
I was already a Sup Forums poster on /adv/, /an/, and /vg/, so Sup Forums was the first anime related network I was ever a part of
Well due to me studying most of the fucking time I don't have the time to sit my ass down and watch a whole fucking series in one go.
*Tokyo majin*
>not many probably even remember's MM anymore
Never understood Digimon. Was more of a Beyblade Metal series fan as a kid. Still have my box of beyblade parts in my fucking attic.
You sound like you have alot of stress, honestly.
>not based Lupin III
fucking underage faggots
I was 10 years old and it was the coolest thing in the world to me
I knew a girl who was fucking obsessed with Sailor Moon. Anytime you'd come close to her, she'd turn into a fucking motormouth, blabbering about Sailor Moon and her fanfiction about the characters. I never watched the show because of that shit.
Schoolgirl Strikers Animation Channel is the first and only anime I have ever seen
You sound like a faggot, honestly.
You're not far off. I am bi.
No offense man but if you consider yourself to be into anime, or into anime, manga, VN, LN, etc.. and you really think SAO would break into a top 20 worst in the last 5 years you are not nearly as into it as you think.
It's a solid 6/10.
There are kids they befriend monsters and they raise the monsters and then they evolve into bigger monsters and fight other monsters. There is much character development and a good plot going on. It's a fun adventure series.
Funnily enough, I never got the appeal of Bayblade. Never got into it and still don't really understand why it has lasted so long.
Anime has always been a huge part of my life. As a kid I obviously watched "cartoons" on TV and as I grew older I had a cousin who was a very into anime, he used to lend me VCDs and show me a lot of interesting movies and series.
The first subbed anime I saw was Elfen Lied though.
Guilty Crown. Idk why it was pretty meh but I guess I loved Inori way too much. I still do.
>you really think SAO would break into a top 20 worst in the last 5 years
Where did I even imply anything like that? There have been like 700+ TV anime in the last five years, being above the top 20 is not a fucking high bar.
>It's a solid 6/10.
No, it's fucking not.
>top 20
Meant bottom 20, obviously.
Go watch Abunai Sisters. SAO is fucking Citizen Kane compared to that.
laugh all you want, but young me was hype as fuck when 4kids one piece came on
Saw cousin watching the Gaara vs Rock Lee fight in Naruto. Thought it was hype and started watching the show.
Abunai Sisters is a way better unintentional comedy than SAO
But it doesn't do to much wrong. You can say all you want about Waifu pandering but there as shows that Sup Forums fucking loves which do nothing but waifu pander.
Hell the main flaw is that Kirito is a Mary Sue. But as far as generic disposable shonen it does it well enough.
Animation is honestly better than most shows if not particularity interesting, it had a good VA cast, the music is alright, it doesn't really have a deeper message but shows shouldn't have to have that, hell it even inserts itself well enough topically (granted you could just call that "pandering to current trends" but that in and of itself is not a bad thing it would be like getting mad a pixiv every time a new meme is drawing of the month)
Akazukin Chacha.
There were just too many episodes, which is sad because I really wanted to watch it. Still, Nami made a fine addition to my waifu collection.
Umaru shitposting got me into anime.
You sicken me...
Desert Punk, by recommendation from a weeb.
Didn't really watch much anime as a kid besides DBZ, Pokemon, and whatever Yu Gi Oh that was on. If I met past me I'd become Archer and want to kill myself for my shit taste. The one that really got me back into anime was Eva. Saw AoT on a whim one day and thought it was okay. Decided to watch Eva a couple months later and after 300 shows I've become a man holding on for a certain dying genre to be ressurected out of nowhere. After last year that hope is long dead, thanks Kawamori. I'm sorry for being a newfag compared to the rest you guys.
I accept newfags. Anime should be for the masses.
>Hell the main flaw is that Kirito is a Mary Sue. But as far as generic disposable shonen it does it well enough.
Not really. The lack of tension or character investment, particularly in the second cour, is exceptionally shitty and really ruins the whole thing. It felt like boring filler wank.
Nice digits
Oh shit. Fuck me, that's the first quad I've ever had.
>I accept newfags
You are a newfag.
Nami was cuter before the time-skip desu.
Sort of. I haven't been around since the old days, but I've been on here for some time now.
>mods deleted my post
for what reason
Normal stuff, Sailor Moon/Pokemon/YuGiOh. First subbed anime was Azumanga Daioh
Code geass
Its still unironically the best anime ive seen
>After last year that hope is long dead, thanks Kawamori
Why would you be relying on Kawamori "went senile around 2000" Shouji to resurrect mecha when we've got so much more promising shit coming up?
What did you say?
I'm pretty sure they were deleting the post you responded to (the dumb one about accepting newfags) and just scrubbed yours for good measure.
Watched this everyday as a child hoping that just once they'd air an uncensored episode where the scouts were naked during their transformation, mother couldn't understand why I wanted to watch a show for girls.
My world grew a little darker when I finally watched the japanese episodes and learned the sad truth.
I don't actually remember. Back in the 1998 when I was a kid I saw some 90th anime and thought it was just some cartoon.
There was a blond guy who was violently smashing policeman's head against the wall inside an interrogation room. I like really violently with blood and gore (not something you see in your ordinary saturday morning show). Also there was some kind of riot in the city and a large crowd chased some friends around a city.
I thought Delta would be better than IBO. Both are so fucking bad. This was before I saw Evol and I hate them all.
Pic related, the animation, the characters, practically everything made me fall in love with anime as a whole. Now I'm watching classics such as madoka magica and such, I can't believe I dismissed anime before this but with shows like this coming out every season I can't say no!
Oh my
Really it was the manga that got me to buy the first dvd volume, and the dvd was what made me realize that I ought to be downloading anime instead of buying it.
Of course I immediately started watching it on Youtube like a retard.
Pic related.
Anyone here even watch this?
I haven't watched it, but it is making very clear to me the fact that lazy designs are not a new issue, because I've seen all these people in different shows.
Back in 2005(-ish), my sister used to watch some anime on TV, including Wolf's Rain and Full Metal Panic.
Since i couldn't stay up that late in the night (started at 1PM and was like a zombie the next day at school) i searched for some good titles. Internet, being the shithole it was back in the days, recommended me almost exclusively battle shounen. Naruto was the first anime the dragged me completely in.
>now I'm watching classics such as madoka magica and such
Madoka is barely 5 years old, pleb. It's hardly a "classic".
It's a filter. Typing t.b.h. would do that.
Should've expected this.
I was a very edgy teenager.
As a child, Evangelion&Utena.
As a teenager, I rediscovered it with Bleach.
Ranma 1/2 and Doraemon.
naruto :) very fun action series doubt u have seen it lol
Excluding first series such as Pokemon, DBZ, and Naruto, I think it was Azumanga where I realized I was on a slippery slope.
thanks cartoon network
Originally Doraemon Saint Seiya and Sailor Moon but I wasn't that much into the weeb stuff.
I started watching seasonal anime from Onegai Twins. I think if it was not for the OP by KOTOKO I wouldn't be watching anime this day.
i watched Sailor Moon back in like 98 on television, i liked it but i didn´t really now what anime was back then. I watched yu-gi-oh/digimon/Kino´s journey in the early 2000s, i guess that got me into anime overall. My cousin showed me naruto around that time as well and that made me start downloading shit.
Watched it and loved the animation and music, and when I watched it in 2005 or so as a kid I was just good enough to be able to play the main theme on piano. Didn't know about anime, just thought it was a cool foreign film.
Fast forward a few years later and a friend showed me terrible 360p Bleach dubs on Youtube.
Specifically, the first movie when it played on Cartoon Network.
Judge me.
watched sailor moon, digimon, pokemon and dragon ball z as a kid, all dubbed.
but then a few years ago watched initial d and then started getting into and downloading more
>Now I'm watching classics such as madoka magica
I remember seeing a dub of it on TV at 10pm over at my friend's house in 2008. It blew my fucking mind. Still one of my favorite films.
I don't see the problem with Naruto.
I can't be the only one that got hyped up in the middle of the night waiting for the OP/ED to play right?
>tfw I used to think this is cool back then when actually it was just a fujoshit pandering.
This thread made me realize every board is getting infiltrated by newfags and there's nothing we can do.
Death note, probably.
I didn't differentiate any other animation (except soviet) before that.
i saw this posted on Sup Forums one night at 3 in the morning and binge watched the first two seasons over the next several hours on kissanime
SAO is unironically one of the worst pieces of media I have ever had the displeasure of watching.
On the other hand, it was so bad I was incredibly entertained by the sheer awful of it all that I was witnessing in every aspect but the animation, which is the only thing that I can say was even remotely good about that train wreck of an anime.
Once again, though, it is hilariously bad and thus, at the very least, entertaining.
I guess it wasn't so bad for me
I once said on reddit that SAO is garbage and an hour later was already with - 20 points
it wasn't even anime reddit, it was about video games and op said that one game looks like sao and maybe he should watch it because he likes the game
This is probably the one that got me into actually reading more manga too.
FMA 2003 is very underrated.
Abunai Sisters is good though
You should watch Green Green and Jinki: Extend.