One Piece 853

>tfw you will never have a smug-as-fuck sun as your buddy
What the fuck is he actually supposed to be anyway? He can't literally be a sun

>new thread
try again

Probably just a ball of fire

Actually, a star is a luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity, shining due to thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium in its core.

Ah, so it's a mystery ball.

>had to STEAL a poneglyph

stop bullying roger

He didn't even manage to steal one. Just sneaked it and read it.

>Prometheus and Zeus control the weather
Then what the fuck does Napoleon do?

Post SaNa

Is this the new ebin mene?

Keep the quality up

Just a reminder that Brook turned the markings on the Poneglyph to musical notes and composed a song based on them so Robin can copy the Road Poneglyph.

I think it's pretty funny.

Post SaNami

he talks shit

If Luffy doesn't start reading poneglyphs, then I don't see what the fuck is the point of him having the voice of all things, I understand Robin needs to actually interpret the stuff with her knowledge of history but Luffy never actually uses the voice of all things, just constantly shows that he has it and doesn't care, we already know Roger was smart enough to at least take advantage of it

zou would've been a good opporunity for him to look closer at a poneglyph. last time he saw one was at alabasta in midst of battle.

Will Sanji come to the promised place?

Yes. I'm like 90% sure he'll do some Mr. Prinwce shit before he meets Luffy though. He was still in the Castle and looked like he was about to pull some shit. His quote kinda implies that as well. Sanji will show up just as Luffy is about to pass out.

Pudding will be redeemed soon.

What a memer

haha frog memes xdd

>godlike speed
>godlike attacks
>can overcome his fruit weakness by putting his weapons on fire or just using them with his insane speed
>gets hitted anyway
I hope he died on the moon so someone can get a better use of his motherfucking overpowered fruit.
Why, in every fucking manga, there's a guy with lightning/insane speed and he gets defeated anyway like a complete faggot?

helium? so thats how all those stars float up there

Cause he was over confident. Enel never trained his body because, well, he had no reason to. A simple Rifle almost knocked him out. He's a classic example of a Glass Cannon.

He didn't see the one at Skypeia? And Zou was a perfect example of him having the voice to hear the elephant but then Momo actually doing something, he's always hearing stuff but not doing anything about it

And he still acts shocked all the time, surely this is something Rayleigh would have taught him about

Electric control is such a broken fucking power.
It's the same being able to do almost anything.

If he was really good with his power he could rewire how people thing.
He could break down and reconstruct atoms. Like, basically he could have Caesar's power by reconstructing the air around him into different gases.

Sanji is playing 7d chess to get closer to Nami

Why is mangastream such a cuck?

>used to be the largest manga site
>gets rekt by the law
>cease operation
>years later
>come back
>but this time the chapters are only available for a limited time

What's the fucking point?

Why his DF is so weird? Paramecia that allows you to reborn as a increasingly stronger chicken if someone happens to cut you?

It's a Zoan, speedreader-kun.

now that they pissed off jaimini they don't even get to release first anymore

no it isn't retard

Mythical zoan then? Because we've never seen an ordinary zoan do something like that.

Why not ?

Also the joke is too obvious to ignore :

>He have nobility name
>He his French
>He fight with his leg
>He will eventually turn into a Roster
>Roster, french, fight with his legs.

How did Japanese say "Roaster" ? His final form will probably be "Duc *roaster translation*".

Why are you such a massive cuck that you fixate on other cucks? What's the fucking point?

Why don't you go find some raws and translate the chapter every week for free for a bunch of ungrateful losers?

Alright, stop being a baby.

>when a couple gets into a fight.jpg

With the amount of traffic they get I'm sure there is decent ad money involved.


>Sanji's actually thinking about Luffy

Stop harassing me

How do we go about exterminating these cancerous shippers?

Better yet, just kill anyone who actually cares about Nami. She's the real problem.

Why do you want to kill the strawhats?

> t. Spee D. Reader

Jaimini's used to do Black Clover. Niggastream stole the series because they're niggers. Now Jaimini's is pissed and releases OP and Nanatsu before Niggastream. Jaimini's translations are simpler and not overly ornate like Niggastream's too.

Not the Strawhats, just Nami.

She's a weakling bitch that nobody actually likes aside from tits and shipping fodder.

>Law could have saved Ace from miles away in seconds without ever having to fight
Say it with me now.
H a c k.

Wait, did you really think he didn't become stronger during the elipse ?

It only became so bad because this arc revolves around marriage. When nami doesn't marry sanji this arc it'll pretty much confirm they wont get married (apart from Oda literally saying no romance among crew members) and hopefully die down a bit.

It's almost as if you haven't actually read Marineford or something. Imagine that.

Why didn't Law just teleport Doffy underwater?

Thriller bark also involved Nami getting married and Sanji saving her.
Now is the other way around.
>confirm they won't get married
Oda won't include romance during their adventure. If SanjixNami happens it will be at the end not now.

Viz when?

What do you know, you're French and retarded.
Even if he could only do half of what is shown there it would have been more than enough to save Ace with no effort.

What are you even talking about. Stop being autistic and actually explain yourself.

Was there any confusion this chapter?

When did Law get there? What was the distance from the ship to Ace? Did he give a shit about Ave's well being? Was he strong enough? Did he want to draw attention to himself that early? Was it a quick "Get Strawhat and get out" mission?

If only there was an arc that explained most of this. If only we knew enough about Law to figure out the rest. Poor autistic ol' me wouldn't know. Oda sure must be a Hack, I guess.

Luffy talked to the sea kings.
Zoro heard the voice vs Mr. 1, but it remains to be seen what that is.

He was in his ship and wasn't even here when Ace get kill. You are the only one being a retard here.

Wow, you're fucking retarded. The whole point of the statement was a hypothetical, meaning it obviously didn't happen in the series.
The point is that if things had played out more intelligently it would have been better.

Everyone knew who Law was because watching what the rookies are doing is like a spectator sport for people in the New World. White Beard could have gone, "Hey, Law, help me save Ace real quick and I'll owe you one."

Implying he give a shit, he would still need to create a room the size of fucking Marine Ford. And he pre-time skip he never shown such power.


don't neglect to continue inflating the tits of your female cast members.

I want those melons massive by the time One Piece ends. Do it or I'm calling a lawyer.

You're a faggot

Is this filler?

>hurr why didn't X happen
>Because of reasons A to W and Y, Z
>you're fucking retarded durr
Just stick to actual errors like Oda missing scars and forgetting hoods and whatever inane shit.

He will use it at the endgame

Having the strongest of the four emperors owe you a favor is a big deal.
And unless you are implying he got over twice as strong in the time skip, you're wrong.

You didn't give other reasons. You just listed what actually happened in the series in different words.

No its not you fucking retard. Zoan fruits allows the user to transform into another species and inter-species hybrid forms at will. Baron Tamago's fruit only allows him to switch form if he gets wounded, and eggs dont fucking count as a animal anyway

I think in the case of Zolo that "voice" was basic CoA haki son

>I have to save stamina, I can't use my power
>ok seriously I'm about to fight doffy, no powers
>gets shot 35 times
>If I use my power again I'll die
>I can't use it again, this is the end for me

Oda is a hack

Will there ever be a time based devil fruit power?

>yfw gold rodger had it

How old is Linlin anyway

Lucky rouix or shanks

>Whitebeard could've asked Law for help
Most of the world doesn't really know what Law is capable of, or even the actual nature of his fruit. Or that he has a devil fruit power in the first place.
So why would the strongest and most fearsome pirate of the time with a fleet to rival the combined forces of the World Government ask a relatively literally who for help when he doesn't even know Law could teleport?
The powers of a given individual aren't really advertised, for whatever reason, unless they were
>extremely famous, like the yonko and admirals
>their entire shtick is their power/they were named after their power, like Sanji
Most of the people in the OP world think Luffy is a 10 foot tall monster that eats babies.

>Having the strongest of the four emperors owe you a favor is a big deal.
How would Whitebeard knows about Law's power? Plus, I know it's an old debate, but can Law's Room even be used on Seastones stuffs?

>other reasons
Nigger, what? So you want reasons as to why Law didn't hypothetically appear like 20 minutes earlier, somehow grew strong enough to reach the level he will be at 2 years in the future, and why he would care about Ace or Whitebeard?

The story already explained that Whitebeard was proud as fuck. The allies came to help becuse they love Whitebeard. Not becuse they wanted a Yonkou to owe them.

Listing things that happened in the series is already a damn good reason as to why things didn't happen. I'm not sure why the fuck you want resons outside of the series.

Rewatching the anime after I've read up the end of the domingo fight.

Guys has Oda ever cleared up exactly who knocked out the female celestial dragon with Haki?

I know must assume it was Rayleigh but watching it again I don't think it was dark king.

He actually looked like he was trying to figure out why she was knocked out. I know own he knocked out disco but I don't think he did the female noble.

By that point Luffy already used haki to knock out duvals bull.

He was also in a desperate situation with no one being able to clearly save Camie. The next two times he uses haki were similar situations.

1. On amazon lily when a snake sister was going to break a statue of the gaurd who saved him.

2. During aces rescue

I've never read or watched one piece.
Should I start?


It's got some dull moments but there's a reason it's been called shonen of the decade for twenty years.


Nah, you're alright

Yes, if you like adventure, romance and worldbuilding

Maybe. Its up to you, dont ask us, we dont know shit.

I loath how retarded people in One Piece threads are.

>The powers of a given individual aren't really advertised
Yes, they are. Leaving aside how Law himself used his power in front of a ton of marines. There are other cases of people talking about rookies' powers. Multiple people mentioned Ace's fruit.

>why Law didn't hypothetically appear like 20 minutes earlier
This was never the argument. The argument is why White Beard didn't seek out an instant fix for his problem in the first place.

>grew strong enough to reach the level he will be at 2 years in the future
>why he would care about Ace or Whitebeard
You're not even reading what you're replying to. Fuck off.
These were already answered. Both in the post you're replying to.

Who cares if you do it or not?

getting mixed messages here

It's pretty long and I rarely drop things so I'd rather ask before

nobody I'm just asking for advices/reviews since it got a thread

I just answered your question too though. Whitebeard was too proud. Simple as that.

Also, thinking that Law would have the same amount of recognition as 550m Ace, 2nd commander of the Whitebeard pirates, with a fucking FIRE fruit, is fucking retarded. Especially considering that 90% of the normal folks that see Law's power don't really understand it. Also implying that some guy in Paradise somehow saw Law use his abilities effectively enough to form an understanding of it, went to Whitebeard fast as fuck, who then somehow found out where Law is, despite the chances of him staying in thesame place is very slim, especially after Sabaody.

Yes, loath us for being retarded. The irony is amazing.

Don't think so. Luffy isn't shown the page after it happens and in the page before he's just asking Law a question.

It was just a joke, user. There's a gag in OP that goes "Yes, No, Maybe, Who cares" and then something else after it. You'll see it if you read the series.

oh my bad

>Yes, they are.
They are and they arent. Its more about how discreet someone is about their power or how strange its to define it.

About why WhiteBeard never called him, because WhiteBeard doenst not give a shit about Law, just that. B-b-but his power! Law's power would be that effective like you think it would.


Shut up. Helium is just less dense than the atmosphere. Look at it's amu.

>pudding good fags BTFO again

It's a fun series, man. Don't try it if you get anal about little details. Also, try the coloured manga if you can. It's amazing. Anime is berble until an arc called Fishman Island. It gets utter shit at the beginning of it and onwards. You can watch important clips on Youtube.

Have fun.


There's an alternative model stating that thermonuclear processes occur in photosphere not the core which is believed to be solid, heavier elements, byproduct of nuclear synthesis.

Wait for an auto-coloring scene to appear and then read the fan-auto-colored manga.

White Beard called tons of allies and accepted help from Crocodile as well as Luffy. There is zero reason he wouldn't want to use Law's power.

Law was very well known by time he reached Sabaody. And again, watching the rookies is literally a spectator sport. Law had one of the highest bounties of the rookies. Shakuyaku knew all about Luffy, and she's all about information in the underworld/pirate world. She knew about Law and the others as well. If she knew, there's no reason White Beard would not know.

It's fine when Luffy does it though, right?