Haruhi is mad at you

How do you quell her anger?

Promise her S3

Pffft, what the fuck is she gonna do about it?


Tell her that Kyon is John Smith to get her of my back

By forcing my dick down her throat.

Write more than one new book in over 10 years.

Tell her that I'm John Sumisu and hug her. then whisper "pachinko" into her ear

Compliment her cute long hair.


Show her something genuine.

The dream really is over isn't it?

Kiss her. It worked for Kyon.

Same thing as Kyon did. Kiss her.

beat me to it.

Tell her to meet at my place on saturday night to work on homework. I'm cooking dinnerand breakfast for her.

Haruhi's great at cooking though, you should let her handle that part


You can't

Haruhi is my favorite.

The pleasure if being cummed inside.

I don't know. I still can't watch the show because Fuck if I know what the viewing order is

Lurk more, newfag.

There's gonna be another one of those viewing order threads in two or three days, you'll get your chance to find out

Tell her she's a cute bunny.

I would pat her head and slide my hand until the cheeks. I would say nice words about her. I would buy her chocolate. I would take her to a nice dinner.

It's literally on the wikipedia page.

Get mad at her until she ties her hair into a ponytail


That shit is so overrated

I'll tell you a Knock Knock joke, Haruhi! But you have to start it.

Hug her.

Knock knock!

who is there??

Wait, I got tricked. That's not how knock-knock jokes work at all!

Ignore her, put my head to the desk and sleep.
Trust me, I have experience.


thanks for the laugh, user.

Fuck up the Reading Steiner!