Gabriel Dropout

When will they get married?

Did they fuck?

No sex before marriage

Why is Gabriel so shit?
She ruined the whole episode.


vigne is such a good girl

dogakobo please keep up the good work

>Only Gab and Vigne has this
Truly the OTP.

Gab and Vigne's interactions are the best in the show.

Vigne and Satania sharing a moment was nice.

They won't.

Any moment in which Satania is involved and not actively suffering is nice.

>Sataniafags are worst shitposters with shitty meme girl taste

Is this yuri?

It's one poster doing it over and over because you got triggered by it the first time.

It's goggles-friendly of course.

New Gab > Old Gab = Vigne > Satania > Raphiel

What if I like Satania AND Gabriel?

Would you be my friend?


>because you got triggered by it the first time.
The meme is older than that.

To be a little bit honest, the show's humor isn't that funny.

Why is the ED in the middle?

RIP in peace

No. God will send them boyfriends to multiply the angel population.

>They are already more than just friends

Satania > Vigne = (good)Gabu > (fallen)Gabu = Master >>>>> Raphi = Dog

That Sataniafag doesn't even care about attention. He's just a shitposter keeping a dumb meme alive.

No, but that doesn't stop /u/ from shitposting about it.

I bet GOD in this setting is all knowing cute loli.

Yeah, it's a bit of a hit or miss for me. Satania bullying can be funny sometimes, but it's kinda getting old.

I'm going to impregnate Vigne!



This is too funny

Self-deceiving much?
This show is the very defination of yuri

Reminder GOD wills it

What is this expression conveying?

I'm on the same boat. I thought the premise was amusing, but it has fallen flat to me. It's not that I dislike the show, I just don't like it either.

Great anime ruined by burgerized CR memesubs.


Nigga please.

Shocking revelation that kissing didn't actually make babies.

I keep having lewd thoughts about Vigne and her armpits.

So what was up with the ED starting early?

I keep having lewd thoughts about Gabu and her butts.

Absolutely. Turning Gab down would even be a sin.


Vigne didn't immediately jump at Gabu's pussy in this scene, therefore she can't be a lesbian. She also had a job as a succubus.
And you please keep the falseflagging down.

I'm Satania

>Vigne didn't immediately jump at Gabu's pussy in this scene, therefore she can't be a lesbian
I get that you don't have integrity, but normal people do.

>all lesbians are rapist

Calm down user.

Does Vigne have tasty pee?

Honestly i felt bad for her on that scene.

Reminder that Gabriel is NOT a loli.

>sasuga vigne


This may be the first time I have encountered a show with the only subs available being so bad that I am considering waiting for retail subs. Shit.

It's not rape if it's consensual.

LRD pls go.

Does FFF change the script at all? Localizations and attempts to be funny at subs are just disgusting.

does vigne have good taste?

>Does FFF change the script at all?
No they don't touch anything at all.

>just some cm shorter than Vigne
Is Vigne a loli too? Yeah no. There are no lolis in this show.

Welcome to any subs done by Commie tier TLs. I hate it.

She's like 11 cm shorter than her.


>11 cm
>just "some"
LRD just go.

Is there anyone who thinks raph is best girl? I'm guessing no, but there's some fucked up folks out there.

I'd like her a bit more if she wasn't voiced by KanaHana.

Please give it a rest, we already have one shitposting celebrity around, don't summon another one by starting discussions about pointless matters where neither side will convince the other one. Try talking about the fucking episode that just finished airing instead.

I dislike Raph. Not even a huge Sataniafag, I just don't like her. Vigne is my favorite by far.

She's a fucking cunt but she's so funny, I like her a lot.

But she's the best for this kind of character.

>her birthday
jesus christ

The cancer would be you meta spamming in every single thread.

The kind of character she's voicing won't suddenly stop me from disliking her voice.

The wait for transparency user.

I would have said so, but Gabu pulled through with just as much sadism and Satania bullying this episode as Raphiel, so I'm inclined to like her more.

Isn't weed day a burger-only thing?
I don't really know about it until some people point it out.

She's my second favorite after Satanya

Vigne > Satania > Gab > the rest

I don't see any.
Then again, it's your own fault for having such shit fetish, leg is more superior.

the show would be better without gabriel


Uh clearly iincho is top of the list.

Satania a cute


literally who

Which girl has the tastiest sweat?

Okay serious question: what the fuck is a cabana cafe?

As a footfag myself, i dont care.
Animators normally give us shitty drawings in 9 out of 10 animes.

Was this beach episode really necessary?


She evenbullies herself

This is a akuma.

Satan more like Sa-tan.

I want Satanya to raging demon me.

Holy fuck the exact same shit as the early Seiren threads. Kill yourselves shitposters.

This shit was just too far, she might have gotten brain damage.


What can Satania?

What would being beaten up by Satan feel like?

Yeah you can tell because she has a bat hairpin.