Gabriel Dropout

This a 16 year old baka demon

I wish she weren't so edgy.

This is a cute blonde loli angel.

Why is Gabriel so shit?
She ruined the whole episode.

Why is Satania so great?
She saved the whole show.


My religion is telling me no but my penis is telling me yes. What the fuck do I do?!

Satania a shit.

How is that even a contest?

my gifrlfriend Satania-chan was extremely baka and cute this episode.

It's just me or anime are more and more using feet to bait people into watching the show

I'll bat you.

The Satania bullying is just off the charts this episode.

Gab is the best!



Sleep snug, smug

Satania > Vigne > Raphiel >>>>> Gabriel

Baka semen demon.

This series is at it's best when Satania gets bullied. I felt like episodes 2 and 3 were lacking.


>shitposters migrate to this thread instead of the real one
I'd kill you irl anyday without a second thought

Gabriel > Vigne > Raphiel >>>>> Satania

Ganbatte Satania

doujins when


what is that expression trying to convey?

Satania is for getting it up the pooper.

Lust for cock and being worst girl.

Sweet, innocent fun. Angels a shit.

The show doesn't balance right on the cute/sexy metrics.
It either needs to be more cute, more sexy, or more of both. Right now its kinda meh in both departments.

Just because she likes cock doesn't mean she's a bad girl.



Feetfags should kill themselves.

Gab and Vigne are saving this show.

I love both old and current Gab, but I can't decide which I like most.

but that's Satania you stupid yurifag



Satania's satanias!

Satania is the cutest angel ever made!

Old Gab was deceived by Heaven. Current Gab discovered the truth of world.

No, angels just need to fill a demon bullying quota.


Hells Angels, all of them.

I want to be Satania's friend and invite her to tons of places!

Calm down with your autistic self, feet-hating Urara-loving navelcuck. Your fetish is shit, accept that.

Are you blind? That's obviously GabxVigne.

I want to stay indoors with Gabriel.

She's a busy person, I doubt she'd have time for that.

How did you get anything Urara related out of that guy's post?

I want to run errands for Raph

He's a brain damaged footfag, don't pay attention.

Dank samefagging, autistic foot-hater. Go back to your trash Urara and Seiren cancer threads, at least those shitholes serve as containment threads.

Trips for the best girl confirm.

What kinds of heinous deeds will she perform next?


steal our hearts
make us slaves
sit on us
step on us
pee on us

Cross the street at a red light.

Steal the show.

I can't wait.

>sit on us
>step on us
>pee on us

one in your face
one in your dick
the other is wasted

make your choice


Sit on face, pee on dick.

I want to hate-fuck Gabriel to teach her some respect.

Right answer
there is no wrong answer

How many of these are there?

>satanichia is not flat



One for each episode, check the mangaka's twitter for the rest.

She would be better as a loli, mark my words.

I think most people would agree. She needs to be short and flat, perfect for Raphiel's bullying.

She is perfect as she is.

Oh, thanks. I don't like twitter much, but I'll be looking for them from now on.

It looks like she is drooling

She's an autistic chuuni brat with fang. Being a flat loli would make her even better since that would go well with her design and personality. Would make it more tolerable if she looked like a kid to some people.

I disagree.

Is gab the most redpilled angel ever

I think that but she's pretty great as she is. She would just be so close to perfection if that was the case.

Is this Diablo plot all over again?

No it's a Disgaea reboot

Satania being a flat manlette would be cliché

There is something funny about her actually being the most attractive and adult looking girl in the group, because it contrasts with her stupidity and chuunii.

I think Raphie should have been the little flat girl for extra irony

High school is cliche. Big breasted sadist is cliche. They should all be lolis.

I don't know, I find it great to have a brat with a fairly well-developed body around for the sake of variety.

It's not that uncommon for brats to not be flat, but point taken.

Can't help but agree, I already like her but if she were a loli or at least with a DFC, she would get much more love.

Actually surprised that Vigne is near DFC, her archetype isn't like that usually.

Comfy. I would take that job just to work besides Gab.

She's already the most loved.

>152 posters
>395 votes
The proxy abuse is pretty bad.

>body pillow is event exclusive

>Sup Forums strawpolls as a source

Sataniafags have no honor. They refuse to admit that Raphiel is indeed best girl, and will do anything to propagate their lies.

If this wasn't rigged, Satania would have 2 votes. Fact.


>27 votes for Raphiel
Indeed, this alone is enough to doubt the poll.

This user has the right idea.


>what is lurking

>Raphiel 27
I've seen maybe half that number of posts praising Raphiel.


I'm happy she has perky tits.

There's obviously gonna be a few proxies but that poll was posted over multiple threads and of course there's lurkers so the number isn't *too* far off

They are just asking for it