Little Witch Academia

What were they doing in the city, anyway? Looking for bullying targets?

Other urls found in this thread:Åbo


A reminder that it's no coincidence that Sucy picked up the Mushroom of Lost Love card

I'm in love with Diana. I can't stop thinking about her. Please help me.

Nothing, Diana asked for some alone time because she wanted to cry in private due to her unhappiness.

>you will never bring her tea and chocolate to console her

Whoring themselves out to fat old rich men in the city.

They need money to participate in the same activities as Diana after all. Where did you think they got it from?

Bullying requests on craiglist

Because Barbara was also a Night Fall dork.

I hope Hannah and Barbara become their own fleshed out characters and not just Diana's goons (who she doesn't give a fuck about).


LWA barely looks like anime, it wouldn't look out of place with other western cartoons.

Ahh the things i would do to Lotte
>Fuck her in the ass in the middle of the night while Sucy and Akko are slepping

Why the fuck would a school full of witches be poor?

They have literally magic, so many ways to make mad dosh. Even if failing hat, they can just grow all kind of food using magic.

This but at the same time I hope their relation to Diana is going to develop, too.

Are you sure her moans wouldn't wake them up?

break her neck

Shopping like cute teenage girls do. They had already finished by the time we see them walking through the convention, since you can see their bags.

this episode was shit.

The only shit here is your taste

Wrong! Any episode with scenes of Sucy is considered god tier.

Barbara is cute

>those bitches have appeared in more episodes than Diana
How does this statement make you feel Sup Forums?

their screentime is worthless while every second with Diana is precious

I like them more than Diana, so I'm fine with this.

she is but i want hannah to step on me

>Why the fuck would a school full of witches be poor?
Because traditionally witches don't go to school, they are trained by their parents.

The school is not at full capacity because there is no real advantage in graduating a Witch school. Your job prospects aren't any better. It isn't like real life schools where students need the graduation papers to get into university.

So, when do we hit the PLOT and start really running into the usual crazy Trigger shit?

It's clearly there, with those characters in the OP that haven't shown up yet, the mysterious events around Shiny Chariot losing her YAY, and the legendary witches they keep referring to.

We got to see some Akko thighs, that can't be all bad.

Reposting one last time in case some of you missed it

Full sized card collage
Submission folderÅbo

Lotte's hometown confirmed?

Is animation in this title so bad beacause of budget or because animators are lazy shits?

I think they're focusing on characterisation, introduction of said characters and world building for the first half.

2nd half will probably be what you're mentioning

Its not poor. They're a for-profit educational institution, so every penny they save by skimping on costs goes into the pockets of the owners.
They're not really a reputable witch school, and more of a diploma mill.

>hear akko and the gang have to spend the rest of the day with Ursula as punishment

>instantly grin as knowing its gonna be something where based Ursula-sensei is gonna give them some invisibility potions to sneak out or she'll distract the headmaster, or even Ursula goes with them for a funny girls-day-out romp

>they just fucking ditch her

ursula is made for bullying

It seems I missed them.

What do you mean?

My picture made it in

Not that user but Akko probably wouldn't even wake up and Sucy would not care at all so it's not such a big deal

What if Ursula stopped being Shiny Chariot because of trolls on the internet?

Sucy probably would want some too.

Second half meaning 6 to 12? Or is this a 2 cour anime?

it is, 24 episodes

Ursula stopped being Shiny Chariot because she grew up.


Yeah, I guessed as much.
Someone in the threads said that apparently episode 8 is a Sucy character episode, so I'm just wondering if it'll really take 12 or so episodes to just get us the characters.

I wonder if they're going to be trying to make some kind of parallel with the legendary witches and the main cast.
There were 9 of them right, each with their own unique hat pictured here? So we already have 7 important girls (Akko's Group, Amanda's Group, Diana).
We'd need 2 more. I doubt Hannah or Barbara would be important to the plot.

Just like Diana stopped liking Chariot because she grew up as well?

Holy shit Lotte is such a good girl. She's going to be a fantastic mother.

>What if Ursula stopped being Shiny Chariot because of trolls on the internet?
she stopped because her manager andrew wanted her to sell out

She's into cute, retarded little girls. Are you a cute and retarded little girl?

>the show's gonna get a transformation scene with awesome outfits and poses for all the main girls

I can't wait

Nice fan fiction, you got a tumblr blog?

Diana stopped liking Chariot after she molested her.


I like this approach, better to have characterisation early on and then delve into the plot later.

just you wait faggot, shooting star will return and it'll be hype as fuck

this makes me extremely attracted to her
>tfw no retard gf

Is there any writefag around?


No but you could go back to your Euphonium threads for your shitposting.

>looking inside closed containers where you'd be hidden from sight
>looking from a higher position

I remember some writefag with a 3-post write up that went like "I can't believe how some of you imagine licking Akko's nipples bla bla bla" this sort of thing, it was decently long and really detailed. I saved it but replaced Akko with Diana and "you" with "me" or "I"

Now the question is which one of those was drawn by Sucy.
The answer is all three

Amanda episode when?

She had her chance with episode 3.

not soon someone has to eat all those potatoes

Just catched up with the series. I think it's really comfy and it makes me smile so fucking hard. Definitely looking forward to this every week.

Which episode is the squad team-up?


Just send Jasminka down the kitchen.

>you will NEVER have a friend who is into a hobby as much as you are
Not gonna lie, teared up a bit this episode.

>Just catched up with the series.
Dammit Akko, catched isn't a word. It's "just CAUGHT up with the series"

Why do you have to be so dumb?

No Irishmen would risk losing ALL the potatoes

>surprise lotte/barbara team-up and geek-out in episode 14


I fucking miss it already

I'd watch a dub just to hear Akko butcher every sentence.

This series would be better without Lotte

What? Never went to college or something?

It really shouldn't be hard to find a group pertaining to your hobby.
Especially if you count online shit like Lotte has going with the teacher.

Sorry I'm an ESL-kun. Forgive me for being such a shitty user.

Good. they are more entertaining than Diana.

You had your chance Ben and you fucked it up, get over it.

Probably when Akko is in PEEEENCHEEEE.

>I doubt Hannah or Barbara would be important to the plot.

fuck off ben poster

I want Hannah or Barbera to find Akko's Chariot card binder, pull out Akko's prized Shiny Chariot card and rip it right infront of Akko!

Where is the third one?


When the fuck is that red broom returning

>anime club

So is this Lotte's theme?

>looking for a twilight author in the trash

I can only imagine every there is Akko-dumb.

It's true though.
No one gives a fuck about the tailcoat riding sluts.

It's ok. I find the people who like anime incredible annoying. And i feel more like a huge nerd when i'am around them. I orefer my chad friends

Barbara is sleeper best girl.

I never got the hate anime clubs get.
My college's Anime & Gaming club was great. Sure, there were some spergs that ruined the mood at times, but the rest of the people were total bros, even the more normalfag ones.

that would be this


Moomins was fucking quality television