IBO: Iron Blooded Orphans

She's dying next episode too, isn't she?

Don't care, I just want the worst entry of the franchise to be over

Good! She can join her sister

>tfw Kudelia is sucking the life force out of the other girls

So is she Okada's self-insert just like Lacus is to Morosawa?

She doesn't have a love interest, so cannot generate enough drama. No. My bet is on Shino.

Probably. Every IBO death has been so obviously telegraphed that she's either dying next episode or will end up like Tamaki and never show up again.

Why is Fumitan so perfect, Sup Forums? Literally the mommygf of my dreams.


My bad. Takaki's still irrelevant, though.

You couldn't protect this smile

press F to pay respects

She is going to kamikaze Jizzley

She has barely been relevant all season so no.


But she is almost guaranteed to survive it all because she's a Gundam princess. Making her sit in the sidelines like Marina is pretty much guaranteeing it.

You're going to bear that weight.

>She doesn't have a love interest

how about Orga? They already took Merribit away from him. Dude needs to get laid already

Orga is gonna end up killing himself after everything falls apart.

>Husband is killed
>Mentor/Madam is killed
>Best friend is killed
>Mindbroken scream
>At the end of season 1 she suffered a serious head injury
>now she's taken (mentally) ill


Orga is going to end up joining Gjallarhorn at the end.

Takaki left Tekkadan at the right time before Orga went insane

They kind of faked us out though two times with her. First in the Season 1 finale, then this last episode where they made it look like she was going to disappear

After the reveal that she's been with Jasley from the start because she's a lesbian that Naze made have sex with him in exchange for protection? Definitely. Ride will kill her for being a traitor.

She'll remain alive as long as she's too sick to get into a mecha.


she's insane

They did nothing wrong.

Awaken my masters!

>she's been with Jasley from the start


Jizzley employed her in a brothel, then only sent her into Turbines as a spy when he saw Naze was gaining power

where are the proofs?

>Hush is reduced to Atra's assistant

feels bad, man

The MOST typical mafia method to kill a member :
- Oh sorry, I forgot something. Wait here for a minute
- Member killed by "someone"

He will be Mika son mentor after his death.

He will help Mika and Atra to make babies.

You mean promoted? He would be truly worthless if he wasn't Atra's helper. He even has a chance to get in her pants assuming Mika doesn't survive the show, which is getting more likely with each passing episode.

good to see my macro in use

>you will never impregnate Atra or Kudelia
why live

The chance of Mika dying or the chance of Hush winning the Atra-bowl on the rebound because either way, you're right

right, because 00 is totally not gundam.

Surely you mean feels good.

>new upstart kids gets a lot of screen time at the start of a new season
>he is determined to get in the robot to fulfil his power fantasy or whatever
>fifteen episodes later he doesn't have a gundam and is instead Mika's manservant

Orga rather than waiting to get fucked in the ass, will betray chocolate man first

>Do laundry
This means he can wash (and sniff) her pantsu .

>Some people actually thought he was going to be a new main character

Poor Husk he is just the midget’s plaything
Next episode Dane and Zack will see him preparing food, they will wonder when did he lost control of his life

Is Atra in charge of the kitchen and the laundry all alone?

Tekkadan is a paramilitary organization comprised mostly of uneducated, extremely developmentally challenged child soldiers.

It's not like anyone else is gonna do it.
Thankfully now she has the more worldly Hush around and reduced to manservant to help out.

>Tekkadan is a paramilitary organization comprised mostly of uneducated, extremely developmentally challenged child soldiers.
Yes I mean, but she's alone doing the laundry and cooking for like what, 100 people? That's psychically impossible.

Well she's not a psychic so you don't have to worry about that.

It´s a girl´s job.

I think there's only like, 20 people on the space ship at any given time.

Then who does these things on the other ships and mars?

Probably the young children. I think I recall a few scenes from the first season showing that.

I mean, what's he gonna do? he got his ass handed to him by randos in combat so there goes him being the next Mika.

>He will help Mika and Atra to make babies.

Akihiro deserves this, he killed off Galan who was a much better protagonist than he ever could

Supposedly she is in charge of Food service and distribution in Tekkadan and is the head cook, no idea if she has some assistants but most of the time is just herself, that could explain why she isn’t always with Mika, girl is kind of busy most of the time

press lmb to shoot

Quality Lafta is ded

Guys, he's clearly playing the long con. We're getting at least a new movie

If you manage to escape death once he wont stop until he hunts you down

> buy the BDs to watch your waifu's head get shot in HD

I hope not, Gundam movies are pretty hit or miss.

*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
I bet you're wondering how I got into this wacky situation.

>Hush winning
My wife son meme will be fun

The original members are probably quite used to doing it. Back when it was still CGS, they probably had to take care of themselves and their overlords.

Everybody's probably kinda self sufficient.

With Azee's crappy reaction to the death, does that mean she purposely left her alone and worked with the assassin?

Nope. Mikazuki is about to wipe his ass with hundreds of poor souls that got between a shitty mob feud.

The Gusion is going to ram its 4 arms so far up that fucking shit faces ass and it will be glorious.

>Azee's crappy reaction
Are we watching the same show? That breakdown and scream were fucking great.

What would have been a good reaction faggot?

>crappy reaction
Please enlighten us with the proper way to react in that scenario.

This guy was added to be a joke

The "my wife's son" posting will be insufferable by the end of the show.

The only people that are going to live to have a child is space gorilla and the blonde

First she puts the harem idea in Atra and then she said is better to have a man for yourself, why did she do that?

He doesn't get to be a "Husband".
He's just the babysitter.

You assume that the crippled manlet of bloodlust is going to survive.

Even if he doesn't, Atra wouldn't be interested in marrying anyone else. So she'd raise the child as a single-mother.

With the help of her deceased baby-daddy's manservant.

what is this, final destination in space?

>Lafter dies in a pool of her own blood
>Azee has a mental breakdown and might be useless for the remainder of the show
True kino.

gg, there's gonna be season 3

Women don't know what they want.

She was probably just being a greedy bitch looking to cause drama. Or bored.

She's clearly a lesbian trapped in a hetero relationship with a man holding her hostage in exchange for safety and a home. Her hatred of Naze must have been monumental. She'd probably been looking for an excuse to betray him for years, waiting for someone on the outside to want him gone, then sold him out to his enemies. The wrinkle in the plan is that Jasley doesn't give a shit about collateral damage, and losing Amida was a fatal blow to Azee's dreams of the future because she harbored secret lust for Amida herself and wanted to be the grief rebound after Naze was out of the picture for good. Now Lafter's dead too and Azee's starting to think this mephistophelian pact she's made with Jasley means there's a bullet coming for her as well because she's useless to him now that Naze's dead.

tl;dr dykes are the devil

She'll join Tekkadan, but then job to Vidar and live, but afterwards she'll get hit by a car and die

>job to Vidar
Its not jobbing if youre expected to lose. Vidar isnt supposed to lose to anyone but Mika or Bael McGillis.