Can Europe be saved?

Sup Forums, please tell me the truth: can Europe be saved? If so, when and in what way will we see a true pushback against Islam? If not, what is the eventual fate of the continent? I have been feeling really depressed with the way things are going. I'm even considering suicide. Please, tell me Sup Forums.

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I'm from Europe. And I love our diversity. Triggered!

my sides

Dude Italy is basically EuroAfrica we are fucking packed with subsaharians.

Here's a tip, stop considering that Islam is the problem. Immigration is. Without the mass immigration we've seen in the last decades, Islam wouldn't be a problem for us. And guess what, Islamic countries are also victims of immigration. In fact immigration is a global problem that can only be dealt with if nationalists of the world unites against the globalists.

>Fighting in the middle east stops
>Europe countries will "invite" the refuges to leave
>some refuges resist and want to stay
>right-wing parties will rise and people will want to expell the refuges of their countries

How high do you consider the chances of Beppe Grillo and his crew/ the Lega del Nord winning big in the next elections?

> Islamic countries are also victims of immigration

In what way? Are they getting sub-Saharans shoved down their throats as well?

Italy is full of magrebi monkeys and niggers. Come and see.
P.S. : fuck them.

I am guessing we are already seeing the prelude to this, I honestly feel somewhat sorry for the already established Muslims; we will probably see mass expulsions with a minor repeat of the Holocaust in some cases.

>Are they getting sub-Saharans shoved down their throats as well?
Mostly street shitters

No, they outnumber you in 20-30 years and you know better than me what happens then.

Far have the sons of Charlemagne fallen

< fixed

Not sure if we will be outnumbered, but the situation will certainly become more dire. I'm planning to either retreat east or kill myself in the next couple of days.

If every dutch person commits sodoku Europe will be saved

>In what way? Are they getting sub-Saharans shoved down their throats as well?
Not as much as we do but yes. They even have anti-racist movements.

>or kill myself in the next couple of days.
What about killing the Muslims yourself instead of that?

Merkel and Macron will stop the immigration of muslims and will instead have millions of negroes immigrate legally with the UN resettlement plan.
So it is not going to get any better till the last globalists are removed from office.

Norway has way stricter immigration control than that. It's even been proposed that it breaks some international laws on human rights.




>I'm even considering suicide
plz do, we'd be far better off w/o beta cucks like yourself

Ik ben het echt aan het overwegen man, ik zie gewoon geen uitweg meer en no way ga ik een dhimmi worden.

Yes. First, welfare should only be paid to citizens, not foreigners. They will stop coming. Second, no treatment in the emergency rooms of hospitals of foreigners who just don't want to pay for a doctor. Third, if you commit a crime, you are deported after serving your sentence. Mandatory!

These three reasonable and simple measures would get rid of at least half of the sandniggers within a year.

Yeah, I know the map is pretty skewed. Still, the point remains.

Which is why the opposite if them are being implemented. The SPD fought long and hard to have immigrants' welfare paid in money instead of vouchers. Not without reason.

I would, but it would cause my parents a lot of problems. If I just offed myself it would cause them a lot of grief, but would keep any problems confined to close family.

this bitch is pure fucking evil

What a shitty map.

>another DC thread

But will these measures ever be implemented? It seems we will have too little far too late.

You seem insecure.

>europe and spain not part of coming western caliphate

My grandfather used to call those SPD politicians "Volksverräter". I'm beginning to see why.

I don't think so, m8, don't agree. (((Official statistics))) can count muslims/gays/young people under the age of 16/average number of rooms in apartments per average family, but there is no statistics for the number of shitskins. And I have this very clear feeling that true data is much more worse than data provided by your government, and the most important fact - you don't need 50% of population to be shitskin, 25-30% is more than enough to make your prosperous country into an nigger-tier arab toilet. It's always hard to create smth and very easy to brake.

>Hoho, let me reference this famous fuckin Frank who tried to usurp the mantle of Rome from the ERE, who's people would later sack Constantinople, pillage greece, refuse to rid Iberia of muslims, suppress the Britannic, Occitan, scots gael, languages and culture etc. to show how smart and insightful I am.

Meme tier king of the Romans, no self respecting European would like him outside of northern France.

shit map

>inb4 filename

I am user, I am honestly considering offing myself. I have seen what it is coming and our chances are slipping more and more...

> so concerned about the future of Europe

> Ireland

Please put Finland on the green side, it's cucked af. You could even put Estonia on that side but the damn refugees don't want to be here

I've been down as well, are you gonna do it or are you gonna die for your homeland?

>These three reasonable and simple measures would get rid of at least half of the sandniggers within a year.
Even that way we're fucked. The problem has three sides:
-stop the appeal of immigration by reducing welfare for immigrants. Which you talked about.
-reinforce patriotic sentiment. Which will lessen the appeal even more.
-stop proxy wars, globalists agencies and corporations fucking with their homeland. Which will improve the appeal of going back.
If you want a successful nationalist movement, you need to promote those three things with talents.

> Bolan

I was just trying to be poetic, no need to get your knickers in a twist, Welshie

We used to not get involved in proxy wars.
Then the social democrats and the Green party took over government in 1998. They changed that and marched us into war: Kosovo, Somalia, Afghanistan. Another reason for why I called Social Democrats "traitors to my people" above.

There is one more thing one can do: More than 60% of those asylum seekers come from countries without wars or political oppression. Asylum should be systematically denied to them, and they should be deported at their own expenses.

You know, each and every terrorist in Germany in the last three years was a "refugee" who was denied asylum, but somehow not deported.

Dictators in Africa should be bribed to stop the immigrants and take back the illegal one.

Coming up with measures that would stop the illegals really is not the problem. Our politicians just don't want to, because they want mass-immigration to happen.

Western Europe is beyond salvation user.

Alsjeblieft, geen zelfmoord plegen. Migreer desnoods naar een ander land als Nederland zo deprimerend is.

The left is the problem. We should stirr up the muslims against the degenerate beta left

Meanwhile the new face of america

Just to be clear, do not mention us when talking about Europe, we’re Slavs, and we are our own different thing from you wh*tes

>Dictators in Africa should be bribed to take back the illegal one.
That's exactly what Israel does! Development aid, and Ruanda takes Israel's unwanteds in exchange. I love the idea.

"What, you have no passport, Ahmed, so we can't deport you back to Tunisia? Well, I hope you like the Congolese jungle then, because you're going there!"


It's the Cone of Cuckoldry

Sure most immigrants are not true asylum seekers but Gaddafi used to stop a lot of them. The less stability we have around us, the more ways it opens for immigrations.

And I wasn't only talking about proxy wars. The IMF policies in Africa did a lot of damage. Corporations from my country (and I guess most western countries) did too.

It's also a way to have the moral highground and to open the eyes of our fellow countrymen on the threats of globalism.

So none of it is white anymore?

Leftists are just the useful idiots of the globalists.

>I'm even considering suicide
That's not going to help your cause at all, your just going to decrease the number of native Europeans and help the mudslimes take over.

>The IMF policies in Africa did a lot of damage.
The only people who profit from globalism are a handfull of owners of international corporations.
But the Africans learn quick. I remember five years ago or so the African Union refused a treaty that would have established a free trade zone betweem them and the EU. Why? Because local African farmers can't compete with mass produced industrial groceries and are forced out of business once Western supermarkets open in their villages.

Europe is done, as is North America. The fight for civilization continues in Japan and China now.

I don't know if we will ever get Europe back, honestly considering offing myself.

But what if it is inevitable?

Doe op zijn minst een Breivikje, als je dat niet kan, maak er dan maar direct een einde aan.

You won't get it back, ever. Europeans have had enough chances to do something if they really wanted to. Best thing to do is just to start/join your nearest community of traditional christians if you want to relive the past.

Are you a European atheist/agnostic/modern christian? Then you're part of the people who thought this was a good idea.

Het heeft geen zin om jezelf te doden, dat toont gewoon je eigen machteloosheid en bereikt niks.

The 2011 census said that there are 0.73% muslims in Croatia
No way that it grew for another 1%



I've seen soo many Italian race mixing tourists, it's disgusting

Join discord server, see image

Don´t expect too much from us, it's true that we have few muslims, but we have received in the past decades tons of afrcans, indians, brzilian muts, chinese and so on.

Ga ik waarschijnlijk maar doen, ik vind het gewoon zo gruwelijk dat ik mijn ouders, vrienden, cultuur en het land van mijn jeugd zaal moeten achterlaten. Hoe is 't daar in België?

Hé, een Nederlandse olifant. Denk niet dat ik zelfmoord ga plegen, ga waarschijnlijk zo snel mogelijk een master halen, me terugtrekken naar Rusland en vol Ortho gaan.

De schade voor mijn familie zou te groot zijn user.


estonia is good
finland is cucked

Lol. Als je jezelf van kant maakt, dàn laat je ze pas achter. Als je gewoon verhuist ben je er nog en dankzij sociale media en cheap ass vluchten kan je gemakkelijk contact houden

Moslimprobleem is vele malen groter als in Nederland. Degeneracy probleem is minder groot en ze zijn zeker nog niet klaar met ons Vlamingen.

>not cucked
imagine being this delusional

Waarom niet vechten voor je land, je volk, je familie en jezelf?

In eerste instantie politiek of door gewoon simpelweg openbaar uiten dat je het niet eens bent met hoe de dingen nu gaan in Nederland. Op die manier maak je het voor andere mensen in ieder geval makkelijker om open te zijn over hun ongenoegen met de huidige gang van zaken. Als er ooit een oorlog uitbreekt kan je altijd nog je leven opofferen. Better dan zelfmoord plegen voor niets.

Ik weet het niet user, ik heb het idee dat behalve selecte groepen we praktisch het pad van Soumission van Houellebecq op zijn gegaan. Als ik m'n mening openlijk uit, verlies ik alles wat ik heb en hangt er een enorm stigma aan mijn familie. Als ik met de laatste Nederlanders moet vechten, word ik heel even een martelaar voordat ik een naamlooze dhimmie wordt. Het voelt allemaal gewoon zo hopeloos...

Goed om te horen dat de Vlamingen zich nog verzetten. Hoe groot acht je de kans dat een partij als Vlaams Belang de volgende verkiezing flink gaat winnen?


>>not cucked
>imagine being this delusional

Add Austria and Switzerland to the blue zone and remove Italy and Spain you delusional dutchbag

>not green
You do know they have by far the highest Muslim:human ratio of all non-Muslim countries in Europe.

Is Luxembourg the last bastion of the white race?

N-VA (Vlaams Belang light) is hier de grootste partij. Vlaams Belang gaat hoogstens 15% halen

Verkiezingen gaan niks veranderen user. Momenteel beweegt er veel in Vlaanderen doordat er talloze groeperingen uit de grond worden gestampt (denk type GI)

Je hoeft niet meteen alles er uit te gooien, mijn ervaring is dat de meeste mensen best open staan voor Sup Forumsmeningen zolang als je het maar stapje voor stapje doet en niet als een complete autist hele speaches gaat houden. Een statistiek hier, een feitje daar. Ik heb ondertussen al meerdere gesprekken met mensen gehad over rasrealisme waarvan ik van te voren nooit van die mensen had verwacht dat ze er ooit voor open zouden staan. Sommige mensen bleken heel wat rechtser te zijn dan ik verwacht had en vinden het zelfs fijn om eindelijk eens open te kunnen spreken over wat ze nu echt denken. Zo nu en dan krijg je van Sup Forums het gevoel dat alles al verloren is en dat je alleen staat maar geef de echte wereld op z'n minst een kans, misschien sta je er niet zo alleen voor als je dacht, dat is in ieder geval mijn ervaring. Geef mensen ook de tijd en ruimte om de controversele informatie die je hun aanleverd te verwerken. Als dat allemaal niet zo uitpakt als je hoopt kan je nog steeds verhuizen, wat hebben we nu nog echt te verliezen?

>can Europe be saved?
with sharks in the Oder maybe

Not my map friend, just copied it when I googled Eurabia.
They are kept under nominal control.
Denk je dat die bewegingen uiteindelijk iets zullen veranderen?
Ik heb het idee dat alles al zo ongeveer verloren is; de cultuur schuift naar rechts, maar veel te traag. Ik denk dat ik hoogstens ga verhuizen naar Rusland, ik word liever een vazal van China dan een dhimmie. En ik kan me daar altijd nog van kant maken.

>I want to kill myself
>don't want to take down some muds or Jews with me because it will cause trouble to my family

so offing yourself doesn't cause any harm or trouble to your family?

I hate fucking pussies like you.

sure it can be saved if the population finally understands to vote right and against any and all politicians that will bring more immigration and multiculturalism

it's not really that hard. People don't do it though

>I hate fucking pussies like you


I fucking hate pussies like you *

Killing myself wouldn't bring any additional social stigma onto my family. If I chose to go out with a bang, they would forever be ostracised and probably put to death when the Caliphate shows up.

>Denk je dat die bewegingen uiteindelijk iets zullen veranderen?

Neen. West-Europa is verloren. De bevolking is veel te zwak. Over 30 jaar zijn er al meer dan 20% moslims hier

Beter je leven elders opstarten. Oost Europa, Australië, Zuid-Amerika

How sad that southwestern Europe fought for freedom from Islam (against the Umayyads) and southeastern Europe fought for freedom from Islam (against the Ottomans) while northern Europe figuratively spread it legs for Islam. Maybe they need a taste of Sharia before they understand and overthrow Islam, too.

Ga ik ook doen, hoewel ik ook gehoord heb dat er een sluipende invasie van moslims in Zuid-Amerika aan de gang is en Rusland is een tikkende tijdbom qua moslims. Ik voorspel wel dat er een gigantische deuk in hun bevolking zal worden geslagen nadat ze West-Europa volledig veroveren, want waar zal al die ontwikkelingshulp nu vandaan komen? En er komt geen stroom meer uit de muur, hoe gaan ze dat oplossen?

Doubt they'll be able to overthrow it now user.

But they succeeded in southwestern and southeastern Europe right?


De maatschappij mag dan wel naar de kloten gaan, dan nog mag je jezelf nooit laten gaan. Je hebt pas echt verloren als je niet meer aan je eigen toekomst werkt.

Didn't Austria just elect a new right-wing government. Can they not fit into the blue?

> Two extremely religious and militant movements manage to beat back a similar movement
Don't think the modern chicken-necked European can do so user.

Yeah, it's a low-quality meme map. The guy who runs Austria is a former leftist though, wouldn't surprise me if he sold his country up the river.

>Spain and Italy, the countries with more non-whites each than Germany and Sweden put together are the real Europe