What would you do in this situation?

what would you do in this situation?

I don't like this thread


>Tsumugi forced to stay at home and watch MagiMagiGirl on loop while daddy works

NEET in training

Jingle keys and get her to focus

>beat child
>collect jk

reminder that she's in the wrong to begin with

Force her to do it.

Give me- I mean, her, lots of snacks and treats and extra TV time!


What about no?

That's a rare tsumugi

Imagine a Japanese mom throwing one of those wooden getas


Vigorously tussle her hair.

I'm stealing these



Put a mirror in front of her.


>All that floof.

this thread lacks the best girl


pull out

Tsumugi is LITERALLY the most snuggle-able anime character in existence.

And the most fuggle-able.

She asked for it.

what is she watching?


>Your best friend fucks your daughter
I can't tell if that's worse than him fucking your wife or not.

the anime chopped out way to much of her screen time