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Why does [your country] ... (1st result in Google autocomplete)

Of course my country is pretty simple. Why wouldn't we like Trump. We are Sup Forumsand after all.
But some countries have some really funny results. Especially those with "Why does ... exist"

Soo... Sweden, why do you hate denmark? Why do russia want ukraine? And why the serbia hate the kebab?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Why wouldn't we like Trump.
Of course good goyim would love another good goy.

Daily reminder.

>Why does Bulgaria support North Korea
no surprise there, praise The Glorious Leader

>Why do russia want ukraine?
Because without Kyiv there's no Russia. Just some entity larping as one.

I don't know why we have barcodes on our ships.

Western imerialists gonna hate

And no Rus without Sweden. Ukrain, Belarus and Russia is rightful swedish clay

Mostly but they act like entitled faggots all the time.

>why does spain speak spanish?
It HAS to be americans searching that.

woah, maybe there is hope after all

>Why does Spain speak spanish

Why does Moldova exists? Even had their access to black sea stolen by Ukies, and there isn't a single piece of copper wire that wasn't stolen already by gypos.

Because Hungarian divide and conquer tactics

The Novgorod Republic was better
(I live in G. Novgorod lol)

>Why does Spain speak Spanish
Gosh, it’s a mystery

like you don't

I don't get it, are there lots of Mexicans in Spain or something?

Why does Lebanon hate Israel?

Because they're fucking kike niggers that's why.

''Kievan'' Rus started in Novgorod, they conquered Kiev later and it quickly became the main principality.

> delet thes poland is so poor


>there isn't a single piece of copper wire that wasn't stolen already by gypos
to be honest that's a gypsy problem, not a moldovan problem. e.g. most traffic signs in Hungary have a "NOT aluminium" sticker on them, for some reason.

>Why does Portugal exist

Because 500 years ago, the german speaking cantons invaded french-speaking parts of Savoy. In the 19th century, two more french-speaking cantons voted to join the confederation after the Napoleonic wars. Now you know.

So the top search for Norway is a pun about "scan the navy in"?

>Sweden and Denmark hate themselves

>not use the euro
fucking bluepilled subhuman slavs i swear to god

>Why does Spain speaks spanish?
American education

Because we lost two world wars and 99.9% of the population dont want another. But there are some degenerates, that think another one of said wars would benifit us in some way. History has shown, that you cant bei to Well prepared against these apes. So taking away their symbols is a step in the right direction.

At first glance it seems stupid, but actually it's historical revision at work. Whites need to feel bad for native Americans the only problem most native Americans are dead, so the jews have decided compound Natives with Hispanics. This then creates the bizarre cognitive disconnect that people don't realize that people who speak Spanish are speaking a language from Europe.

Because we're tsundere

Tropical shit skins speak a European language.

because fast internet makes my willy feel good

because cevap is superior.

>Why does Canada import oil?
The oil sands are a pain in the ass. It's really expensive to get anything useful out of there.

>shut down in August