
What was the point of them not getting together?

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Your tears.

You can't pair a shinigami with a human silly.

It just wasn't meant to be, brah

I'd say because it would be too obvious, but didn't that boring cow Orihime win the Ichigobowl?

So that fans would be reminded of bulma/goku and botan/yusuke
That you can have close m/f relationships without romance

Showing the disconnect that existed between Kubo and the anime makers.

For Kubo to show just how much of a hack he is.

The point is that Ichigo sees Rukia as a mentor and not a peer, much less someone he could date. Same goes for Rukia, who sees him as a greenhorn she has to guide.

>literally not a single thing in the entire series that supports the idea of them being romantically attracted to each other
>b- but whyyyy they no couple???
You have literally only yourself and your autism to blame.

Also this

SO that you could get frustrated

They're best friends. Look at that shot. Can't you see it?

Kubo is a hack.

Who /IchiTatsu/ here?

Author got jaded and burned out and stopped caring about his work because his editors didn't respect it.

>Boringhme won Boringo
A perfect fit.

Have a fun pairing instead.

To fuck with the fanbase
And curse WSJ forever

But the paralolz.

>pairing Rukia with a guy who sat back and waited for her to be executed

Your tears are the most delicious of all.

Delivering a final big fuck you to the editors, department, magazine, company, readers and fans. Kubo's headcanon is well known and he decided to not put it on paper to spite those who rushed, wronged and harassed him.

>he decided to not put it on paper
But he did.

The whole "Kubo didn't make IR canon as a fuck you" meme needs to stop. IH and RR were so obvious.

>Kubo's head canon
Holy shit, the ironing

fck I still miss bleach old art.

this is cute

Possibly the big fucking red herring in the beginning when Orihimi walked onto the damn scene? If you couldn't tell she was gonna win that shit then fuck.

Oh, they would have been cute as hell together.

I miss old bleach in general.

It should have ended with Aizen desu. Everything that came after that was stupid as hell canon filler, or practically another series with the same name and characters. The quincies had potential but Kubo dropped the ball with them HARD.

One is dead and a billion years old and the other was a still living high schooler with an active social live

Kubo sticking with his original intention from pilot, and wanting a male-female close friendship that doesn't turn romantic.

It could've worked if Orihime, and Ichigo's feelings for her, had been better developed or at least hammered down like in Flame of Recca.


Still mad they didn't even make up onscreen after the big fight.

at least they're still fuckbuddies

Yusuke and Genkai don't get together.

Nah, they're not scumbag degenerates like you. They wouldn't act like that. You should stop projecting.

heh nothing personal kid

What was the point of any of his classmates?

I'm still mad they scrapped his Hellverse script.

Being the main cast. At the beggining, that is.

As this user said blame the editors and their shinigami/arrancar dicksucking for their lack of development

Not looking for anyone to blame. I don't care who's responsible for what, doesn't matter what bullshit went on behind the scenes, all that matters is what ended up on the page, and if it's shit it's shit.

Yes i know that what matters is what ends up in the page, but my issue with that is that is the magazine itself, which means that the same shitheads can and will ruin other series for the sake of popularity

If needed to rip off Nardo. If he made them end up together it wouldn't be a nardo ripoff.

>Nardo ripoff

They both ripped off DB, faggot.

Bleach felt it followed the Inuyasha plotline more rigidly than Dragon Ball

In terms of pairings obviously, please try to follow the conversation.

will rukia ever get a decent figure?

The only thing they have in common is that the girl that got the MC isn't the main one but the one who (surprise, surprise!) had feelings for him.
Ichigo never had a crush on Rukia and Orihime is much more major character than Hinata (in HM arc she's more relevant than Rukia).
That's the dumbest thing I've read in a while. For the magazine to keep getting published, it has to earn money. Battle shonen isn't some sort of higher art that should be sponsored (I mean, unless you find a rich freak who wants to).

I hadn't got so mad at a wrong pairing in some years.

Not only did the plot went so shit, but he fucked up the couples hardcore.

>but he fucked up the couples hardcore.

It will never stop being funny.

>Implying she's not doing his wife instead

How long are you people going to complain?

> the couples fucked hardcore


Ichigo isn't human?
Isshin banged Masaki?
Ichigo is more dead than alive to begin with, anyway. Beyond the fact he even has access to literally every type of power that exists, he DIED when Urahara cut his chain of fate and forced him to either become Hollow or Shinigami.

That stopped being the case as soon as the Soul Society arc began. It became ROCK SOLID when he literally showed up and blocked the strongest Zanpakto in existence by standing in front of it while he held her in mid-air and then went Bankai to beat the shit out of her brother.

After that, she just motivated him to fight when he became needlessly depressed because Kubo is a FUCKING HACK and can't write.

Of course.

There was never any doubt.

>she just motivated him to fight when he became needlessly depressec

She literally just did it twice though. Once in the very beginning of the HM arc, and then in the FB arc after she returned his powers.

2rd post timeskip Rukia lewds when?

shut it faggot


Forget that, when are we going to get lewds of Karin as an adult? When is Rule 34 going to kick in?

What was Kubo's idea of the Hellverse? In before CHAOS SPEEHHS MAREEENS

>butch on fem lesbian lifemates
You are not a completely terrible person.

damn, karin got hot

We'll never know because of fucking Pierrot

I'm still fucking mad

Found the Ichiruki fags

Go cry on Deathberry you little faggots

Kubo is literally a hack. Also shit taste and was butthurt his manga was canceled.

>shit taste
>is a hack

Guess who?

It's genetic.

Go back to Bleachasylum Saiyan5ninetail

We all know its you


How are you still this salty? Just let it go, man.

>Your post has been flagged as spam


Who is that?

Kubo is an enormous hack who convinced himself that having them not get together would be unique.

The studio that worked on the Bleach anime.

How did they prevent Kubo from showing the Hellverse? Did they royally fuck it up or something?

>I literally can't come up with a single legitimate criticism so I'll just keep posting 'Hack' because I heard it on Sup Forums once

He wrote a story for the hell verse. and then they did something WAY different


>In this movie I was credited as "Executive Director". However honestly speaking, for the DVD version I want that title to be removed. I already asked them to do so. This is because I feel I didn't participate enough in the production of this movie to warrant such a title.I already had this feelings since the premier of the theatre version, however when I met with the producer staff to persuade them, the movie was already in the editing process so it couldn't be removed.

>I had a meeting with the scriptwriter - I think it was in the year preceding the movie premiere, in early summer.The meeting was incandescent, and we discussed ideas until nearly dawn. The scriptwriter took careful notes of the ideas that I had contributed jointly during the meeting. The response was that we were able to come up with some very interesting stuff. I had the feeling that before winter at the latest the scenario would be completed - but in the end, the scenario was sent to me only in the spring of the year of the movie premiere. Furthermore, the scenario didn't contain any of the ideas of the meeting... apparently, the notes taken at that time were not transmitted to the director and to the other members of the staff.

>Later on, we had some trouble with the production department agreeing to some changes decided by the scriptwriter, and the scriptwriter worked hard with the changes that were made - but unfortunately, there was no more time. The fact that characters that first made their entry in the original work like Ichigo, Kokutou and Shuuren had a very Bleach-like feeling is thanks to all of the seiyuu that gave them their voices, and to all of the staff that drew them.

Because some of us assumed this would be like Kenshin where first girl would win after getting some development and a few opportunities to fight.

But Orihime was the first girl, wasn't she? Or at the very least Ichigo had known her longer.



Come on, 13 is not that hard to write in Japanese.

She should have gotten with Toshiro.

Literally worse than ichirukist.

Hi Jackie

hey filler or not hitsukarin was cute as fuck and it's not like anything ever happened with him and hinamori.

If we're going by that metric, Tatsuki was the first girl. However, she never really showed interest in Ichigo that way. Orihime was the first girl to show romantic interest in Ichigo, but the only other girl who also liked Ichigo was Riruka, so that's sort of a moot point.

I keep forgetting that she even exists.

Thats what I mean, in 's Kenshin comparison Orihime fulfills the Kaoru role moreso than Rukia.


I wonder if he'll ever find the energy to give us another wild ride.

Jackie almost hit it perfectly.

Rukia never lusted for deathberry cock, she was all up on incest and red pineapples.

novels getting a third reprint.

Hey, it's totally okay if they're not blood-related.