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Why do normies like love live?
Before shitposting starts, YOI v2 also has even ticket, while LL v5 doesn't
>1st volume
>50,878 day
>2nd volume
>51,851 first day
>second volume drop, they said
Hetfags just can't win, can they?
YoI's event ticket isn't even that big.
Granted it will drop but not like Utapri/LL level.
>no one buying 3 gatsu
they're going to finish this show right?
Sunshine Vol.5 has a ticket too, retard.
It's kind of fucking pathetic that LL of all things can't outsell YoI without the help of an event ticket. Otaku are fucking lazy.
tumblr on ice is still a garbage show tho
>LLS sold 52k average
>Huge drop after the first volume
>YoI second volume sells more than the first which sold 68k
So what will be next thing hetf/a/gs will argue YoI has to beat before they finally admit defeat?
LoveLive fags on suicide watch
>while LL v5 doesn't
>-Love Live! Sunshine!! event ticket fastest advance lottery application form (1)
>*Event and application specifics will be announced on the official website later on.
>*Application from overseas might be invalid.
What do we do to stop women from taking over? Anime is the last male safe space.
>LLfaggots lying about their BD having an event ticket to try and justify YoI outselling it
This is too good. Too fucking good.
>Anime is the last male safe space.
>I know nothing about the anime industry or market in Japan
>I think I'm more important to anime than it's huge female audience with deep pockets and significant female involvement behind the scenes that has existed for decades, despite being an irrelevant foreigner
Why do people who know nothing about anime get the most defensive of it in the face of fujos?
That's a lie. Both yoi and ll have event tickets. LLfags are so pathetic they have to lie to defend sales
Great year (2016) for Mappa. Not only was this a huge success but also In This Corner of the World movie which has made 13 mil so far, it was also part crowdfunded.
36470 ユーリ2
25385 サンシャイン5
11922 クビキリ
7444 リゼロ
5860 マクロス
5410 ジョジョ
5227 SAO
4410 ぞい
3770 ビビスト
3072 ツキウタ
3026 夏目
2699 Bプロ
2531 イリヤ
2397 モブ
2296 魔装
2121 あまんちゅ
2071 イゼッタ
2056 小6
2001 文豪
1844 ライオン
15381 ユーリ
2965 Bプロ
2209 クビキリ
2011 文豪
1815 夏目
1788 ツキウタ
1276 ジョジョ
1223 モブ
1000 リゼロ
872 マクロス
745 魔装
665 ワーキン
558 ハイキュー
545 ぞい
532 ユーリ1
473 うたプリ
453 ビビスト
452 ミニオン9
>Yoi vol.2 50k
>Sunshine Vol.5 25k
>YoI's event ticket isn't even that big.
>LL has the same event ticket
Why are YOIfags so cancerous?
Why does LL's event suck so much it cannot beat YOI?
try harder
And YoI and LL Sunshine have the same exact type of bonus: a lottery-based application for early access tickets.
LL vol 5:
>Love Live! Sunshine!! event ticket fastest advance lottery application form (1)
YoI Vol 2:
>-Special event (planned on April 29, 2017 at Maihama Amphitheater) evening show ticket priority sale application form *tickets are sold in lottery style
Do not let LLfags lie about why the series isn't doing as well as YoI. These two shows are offering the exact same type of bonus, just for different events.
>No volume of YOI will be the first volume of LL
Feels good man
>And YoI and LL Sunshine have the same exact type of bonus:
Explain what makes them different.
You fags do realise the only event tickets that matter to LL are the live concert ones?
Not to mention YOI V2's event is obviously bigger than Sunshine V5 event, because V3 and V4 didn't have any tickets yet they sold around 30k too
>Many anime hold real life events that fans can attend to meet the staff and/or cast of the series, or to engage with other fans who also love the show. These events take many forms, from simple meet-and-greets, to staged games and interactions among the seiyuu, to full blown concerts. The nature of the event is often at least as important as the show it’s for. Popular musicians and seiyuu create a bigger draw, as expected. The two biggest event tickets in 2013 by absolute size were both for extremely popular idol groups putting on full concerts: STARISH for Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 2000% (largest boost ever) and μ’s for Love Live.
>People can't be happy that anime is selling in general.
What's wrong with people.
>fans of a juggernaut fandom like LL are actually threatened enough by YOI to gloat about beating it
Feels good man, an original series by a tiny studio is actually successful enough to make LLfags feel the need to assert their superiority over it. You'd think you'd be more secure in it's success.
Is a paragraph explaining the many different types of anime events supposed to prove anything about the sales numbers here?
At least the anime these guys like got sales and will have a S2, unlike your favorite anime ;_;.
>tiny studio
>A fujoshibait anime with an all star cast of popular VAs and a heavy event ticket laden release is actually successful
>mappa will use all the fujomoney to make Garo S2 with even better animation
The ticket works the exact same way as LLV5's does.
Just because it has "event ticket", it doesn't mean that the events themselves are always same.
Financially, they are small. Look at their sales prior to YOI.
Kek, if it was that easy every studio would have 50k selling fujobait. They don't, because making hits isn't that easy. I can admit that LL has done something special to warrant its sales instead of dismissing it for similar reasons. Why are you too insecure to do the same?
Doesn't that actually make LL look worse then, if it only outsells YoI with the promise of a concert? YoI wouldn't be having concerts like LL's, it's not an idol series. So if LL can only outsell YoI on its one merit as an idol series that's kind of pathetic.
Can you explain how the two are different?
>v5 has event ticket
>sold 25.8k on the first week
>v3 and v4 don't
>sold around the same
Care to elaborate on this?
Found the moefag.
Just because 90% of this decade's anime has been boobs and butts doesn't mean anime was always for men only. I'm waiting for a great shoujo/josei revival because I'm tired of dealing with moefags like you.
I'm not the one saying event tickets (which aren't event tickets, they're actually lottery-based applications for early-access tickets, meaning the tickets are still sold separately in both instances) are the reason for LL's success, the way people are saying event tickets are the reason for YoI's success.
So what would I have to elaborate on? LLSS seems to have a dedicated BD buyership of about 30k strong. Not much else to conclude.
>the way people are saying event tickets are the reason for YoI's success.
But it is or else why bother including them to begin with
Everyone get events and anime will be saved.
Compared to Sunrise?
If the event tickets are the reason for YoI's success, why isn't LLv5 pulling the same numbers as YoIv2? If that's literally the only reason YoI is at the top, then why isn't LL tied with it when volume 5 also offers an application for tickets?
>If the event tickets are the reason for YoI's success, why isn't LLv5 pulling the same numbers as YoIv2?
>LL Sunshine v1 sells 66745 LE/167 RE, total 66,912 as a BD-only release
I didn't ask about LLSSv1. I asked about v5. Can you answer the question?
Most anime have added event tickets in their firsts volumes and they still don't sell.
>I didn't ask about LLSSv1
I wonder why?
YoIv1 has done 66k cumulative last I checked, so there's no real need to ask about it.
And I wouldn't brag about it being a BD-only release, considering YoIv2 did 10k more in BDs alone than LLSS this week.
>LLSS seems to have a dedicated BD buyership of about 30k strong
This one doesn't make sense, because there's no way a LL volume with event ticket and without it would sell around the same. Yet, v3-v5 all sold around 30k even though v3 and v4 didn't have any event bonus.
>considering YoIv2 did 10k more in BDs alone than LLSS this week.
Event ticket
>-Love Live! Sunshine!! event ticket fastest advance lottery application form (1)
You can stop lying about volume 5 not having an event ticket now. Anyone can check.
Are you underage or something? Why are you so bad at trying?
That's a littery raffle not an event ticket
>Event Ticket
>Yet, v3-v5 all sold around 30k even though v3 and v4 didn't have any event bonus.
Which would mean LLSS has a dedicated BD buyership of about 30k strong.
YoI's is lottery based too
>-Special event (planned on April 29, 2017 at Maihama Amphitheater) evening show ticket priority sale application form *tickets are sold in lottery style
Stop lying, people can check.
>fujobait is the way forward
Why is Sup Forums ok with this?
That's not the same thing at all.
Fantastic news. Maybe now Mappa will invest in sequels
>a lottery application form is not the same thing as a lottery application form
Why are LLfags this pathetic?
Why are Yoi fags so dumb?
Do you not realise how event tickets work, especially in case of idol anime?
What does that have to do with three volumes of LL selling about the same despite one having an event bonus and the other two not?
Japan is turning gay, explains why low birthrate problem
Please have some respect and call the YoIshitters fujos, not women.
Is Mappa even going to get that money? I thought their position on production committe is the lowest?
I'm not yoifag, but with the succes of that series there's bigger chance mappa will have money for other shows like Garo.
Fuck off just because western nerd culture has mentally insane gender wars doesn't mean it's the same elsewhere.
At least they are part of production comittee, so they ' li definately get part of a profit
Because girls are allowed on the internet now.
So just like Shaft then their franchise sold great but they getting jack shit out of it.
There are people i.e "dedicated fanbase" that buy all the volumes regardless of ticket.
But there's also a certain group of people who only care about the events, thus you get dedicated fanbase(30k in case of LL) + sales from people who bought the discs because of the ticket bonus.
But they're not getting a ticket bonus, they're getting a lottery form.
NHK paid for it so yeah
If you failed to protect your safespace then is it the attacker's fault?
Where's flip flappers?? it was Sup Forums's aoty
They're getting a lottery form that they can use to buy a ticket if they're lucky. In any case, there should be an increase in BD sales, no matter how tiny it is. There's no way people will pass on a chance to meet the VAs, especially in case of LL.
Flip Flappers flopped. It sold less than 1k.
Adult women with jobs have more money than otaku manchildren. How can anyone be surprised?
more like incompetent to torrent
At least it sold more than Flip Floppers
It was a forced meme of the season.
it's a NHK, they may even do a second season
This is true for western tumblr fujoshits who support crunchyroll, but nip fujos can watch the anime on tv and buy the BDs for bonuses. Booklets have new art and interviews, there are drama CDs and event tickets, etc.
You are 52 years too late to stop woman from watching anime.
Other than that, buy the BDs.
Mob needed to sell more. Fujofriends have let me down.