Pic related

>pic related

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Pokemon has no downsides.

Why this shit again? What else to be but a loli? Fuck off.



If 'engaging in sexual activities will turn you back' includes fapping then standard loli is right out.
That leaves suffering loli as the only reasonable option.

>Unless you beat the league, you will be oblivious to the opposite sex

Pokemon. Sinnoh. Turtwig. M.

>Choose to be a cute Pokegirl
>Oblivious to boys, but that's okay because I'd only want to fuck other Pokegirls anyway
Out fucking played.

>anything other than EPC
Like, as long as you pay attention to the VN you've got a better grasp of the rules than the characters.
As long as you're ready to suffer you can do like half of the shit on that list with prep work and a good attitude.

The only ones you can't make happen are owning a death note and being a pokemon champ


So, what's your dmail?

>you normally age

Yes maam. As tempting as loli is, I have a waifu to be loyal to.

Immortality is a curse

>Lotto numbers
>fund research into AI and timeleaping
>save a back up into an AI
>load AI into multiple people and wait for it to overwhelm them
>change something
>wait to see if RS activates for every person
>if it fries the mindslaves and myself have accomplace reupload me via the ai
>continue time experiementation and not worry about CERN
>twist convergance of me being chased by CERN into me being recruited by CERN aggresively by a future me
>continue to research mindslave RS activation until perfect or robot research makes a sufficient body
>live indefinately


And? You have something to work for!

And? Thats not a downside.

>lottery numbers
Did you even watch the anime?
That's was literally the first thing Okabe tested and the converging worldlines didn't allow him to win.

Unlimited Imouto Works. This isn't even a question.

>converging stopped him from winning
You double nigger, he could have won, he just didn't. There were no convergent effects. It was there to show that interpretation of the message was more important than what it said. You could say anything you wanted but unless it got people to actually DO it you'd fuck up. \

>get knowledge and know D-mail is real
>expect D-mail
>get one instantly because a future me waited for lotto and sent it to when he/I expected it
>win lotto because convergance is for worldline defining events and WWIII coming early and the massacare of loads of japs doesn't even concern convergence
Go away secondary-kun

Overpowered loli.

How about this for a curse:

Human tangification project with rogue AI + nukes. Going solo.

>Overpowered Suffering Loli if I can also be immortal like Eva. Probably go with bloodsucking or maybe a Contractors remuneration.
If not immortal
>/m/ech/a/ pilot

As for the best anime world in which to live, that depends on who you are. Sundowner wouldn't want to live in the world of Lucky Star after all.

Hips moving on their own, i´m ugly, smelly and I have a rape fetish, I´m not going to lose nothing, just gains.

>choose idol
>become a cock slut
Sounds good to me

>not being a loli

The Yamcha route was made in to a manga, and its pretty great. Though, is right and Pokemon is the best option.

I'd go Sinnoh, M, Piplup and Cynthia.

>become a cock slut
You don't care for the CGDCT manga?

No answers for the chart question of the option you picked?

Just a stinky loli. Don't care about anything else.

RIP user. He died from working 100 hour weeks in order to meet the cake and tea demands of his loli farm. Hopefully someone else will be kind enough to take them in.

Tang. Ridiculous rise in global sea levels.
>Hyouka's Gang of Four
>Sakurako "I want bones inside me" Kujo
>Shiho "I am the MILFest" Nishizumi
>Oreki and Shiki's "If they Vampirise my wife, pass the knife" Oreki
>Tatami Galaxy's Watashi

Together we will over sunken skyscrapers, searching for the place where we can build a new world in the ruins of the old.

Some gokigenyou will take a few. A handful will go eternal suffering. A lucky handful get a shot, jackson 5 style, at a family idol group despite being almost destitute and downtrodden by their awful relatives. The rest? Well they're moving on their own now.

there´s nothing to answer, In hentai reality you are a literally who and so the lolis you rape.

Overpowered Succubus loli. Curse: The succubus body reverse-ages every day by half a year and ingesting semen ages the body by two years.
I'd need a constant supply of semen to not fucking die and at the same time have to carefully control my urges to not end up as an old hag.

once I haven't gone to pee or shit for a week so the genderbent stats would be irrelevant in my case

mecha is a man's soul

Shitty oniichan/10

>Get VA one


Appendicitis. A week in a hospital with barely any food or drink. Too much pride to ask someone for help with portable shitter

Mecha pilot all the way. My theme:

Having something like the Nu Gundam or even the Jegan A-type would be amazing. Ultimate attack names are a bit too super robot.


>no spice and wolf
You're doing this wrong, user.

>Nu Gundam or even the Jegan A-type


Get a Potato Chip and eat it, throw dice to determine which international criminals to kill

Cool theme.

You shouldn't lewd imoutos, user!