Come home white man

Will China accept white refugees once the West becomes too hostile for us?
I think this would not be a bad place to live for the whites of the future.
>has huge economic potential
>hates shitskin invaders
>low kike influence
>respects and values white culture
>cute submissive waifus
>nuclear armed
>over 1 billion chinks deters anyone to fuck with it
>oldest civilization on the planet
>together with white inventiveness and humanity we can reclaim the world

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I imagine china will, in the next few decades, destabilize africa since they are gaining increasing political and economic influence there. The result will be massive outflows of black africans into white nations amounting to sociological warfare.

China increasingly has more and more of the cards while western nations will be so burdened with internal conflict.

China need only sit back for a century or two while our countries increasingly become mud-skinned latin american basket-case countries and after the damage is done chinese robotic artillery will march through the ruination of what was once western civilization.

fuck off we're full

prove you are from china

Probz not.
If they do they will probly be in camps not walking around willy nilly. The thing about the jews is they have a tendency to sneak into places LARPing as whites so the chinks will be wary.

>cute submissive waifus
WMAF = Elliot Rodger sons and Mayli daughters

Fuck the irony is just too much. Stay where you are hillbilly

why do the fucking jews have to ruin absolutely everything for us. Why can they not just leave us alone. Why can they not play their stupid game in the desert and let us discover the universe??

Never understood why people were so enamoured with Japan and Korea. In my opinion, the only true Honorary Aryans are the Persians and Chinese

It's not just Africa. The Caribbean is full of chink developers. I can only imagine Brazil is the same?

This would hurt the white monkey business.
the chinese know all about you marxists leftist cucks, you will not be alowed in

What's up with Nedercucks making defeatist threads? Go throw a bacon at a Muslim or something faggot.

Don't make me cry user.
We didn't ask to play but the hopscotch squares are in front of the door home and there is no backdoor......or is there?

Gooks are not even human.
Most polluted country in the world. They are also communist with heavy internet censorship.

You do realise that Japan, Britain, Germany, America were the most polluted countries in their prime right, memeflag?

They're not communist, also they don't want western degeneracy to plague the young minds of little chinks in China. They have their own facebook, youtube, wiki, twitter built by the chinese for the chinese. But copied from the West, that I can't deny,

i just know all is lost in the West. Even if you think you know what you are up against, the truth is 10x worse. Our last shot was crushed in 1945.

>low kike influence

You do know they had a (((communist))) revolution, right?

I optimistic that we're repeating history with an even worse version of Weimar Germany that'll create an even larger backlash than before and hopefully reinstate Fascism, National Socialism and other 3rd positionist movements on the West. Also hoping America will be overshadowed by China and finally become Isolationist again, but it'll probably collapse before that happens

>moving out of your country because it sucks
>wanting to be a refugee somewhere
Litteral nigger logic

their censorship is mostly to not let the degeneracy taint their people

japan would be better

Yeah but they kept their racial element pure. Just like how we can occupy Japan but they are pretty much ready to go full fash if given a military. If China was owned by the Jews literally every human would be wearing a ZOG markothebeast dog collar on right now. China is ironically the biggest factor in human rights today.

I like China but calm down. They were literally lil' Africa 30 years ago. I'm patiently awaiting their rise on the World Stage and hopefully sole superpower in 50 years but they aren't protectors of anything.


he meant that if the jews owned china the world would be far worse for the worlds goyim right now since nothing big stood in their way any more. He may be right

Jeez, Japan is way too risky especially for earthquakes, tsunamis and nuclear meltdowns.

Only if we take it by conquest. Also it is not for us to leave like pussies, we must fight and take back our own nations.

No, they won't.

do you not see the absolute state the West is in?
30% of Sweden will be Islamic in 2050. That is one in three. That is without other migrants who don't identify as islamic such as Africans. Sweden was a pure white country 40 years ago. Let that sink in.
There will be 1 billion Nigerians alone living in Nigeria in 2100. let that sink in.