Will Hunter X Hunter manga return this year ?

Will Hunter X Hunter manga return this year ?

Tell me

Well January is gone and 11 month left.
Maybe I don't know

Yes. Believe me, I'm Togashi.

Yes, hopefully it'll be 20 chapters this time before another hiatus.

humanity will colonize mars before this manga ends.

yes for 3 chapters


>cropping a manga screenshot

>Didn't go on hiatus halfway through the post

I dont believe you


kuroro stronk fight me hisotards

Leave togashi to me

Of course. In June-July most likely.


does it even matter? you'll never live to see the DC arc even halfway to completion and you know it

There's six new WSJ series starting in the next few months so it certainly won't come back in the spring.
Let's hope for summer or fall.

Late summer or early fall, then we can go back to lightning speed threads of the wild ride.

Jokes on you. That's 3 more than I expected.

Yes, Chrollo is stronk, and Hisoka has been enlightened to that fact as well. The rematch will be most excellent.

More like Togashi will only live long enough to finish half of the DC arc. I just want him to finish this shit before he or I die.

ya know I fear the threads when it comes back will be even worse than this hunter limbo going on now



It was a really good manga i had a lot of fun talking about it.


Remember how bad the Chrollo/Hisoka shitposting was? Hopefully we don't get anything that bad again.

wtf is Pariston's problem



why are you dumping random pages

>not giving up
>having hope
>setting yourself up for disappointment


how come Takashi can draw this kind of art on a weekly basis while he was bleeding out and in the hospital, while Togashi can't bother to make a few scratches in a timely manner


>dragon dick


He admits that his lack of blood might've led to that design.



I want to rewatch Hunter x Hunter 1999, but college is eating all my time.

What a do Sup Forums?

it's called will

Just don't marathon it. Watch 1-2 episodes each day. Surely you have

Does he just not want to? Is it more of an art thing than it is an actual manga? Is he just waiting for a burst of creativity for him to express for about two hours until he goes back into recluse looking for inspiration?

Honestly, at that point he should be publishing his own manga. It's not like he abides to a schedule, and he certainly doesn't need to make ends meet.

>hunterxhunter still on hiatus
>world trigger still on hiatus/author is dying

fuck. I have needs that aren't being met