Syria General /sg/- Liberator Letter Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>NE Hama Dec 8
>DeZ/Bukamal Dec7
>Random Dec 5
>E Ghouta Dec 4
>S Syria Dec 4
>N Hama Nov8

Devs Dec 11
>Putin meets Assad at surprise visit to Khmeimim Russian military base, Putin announced beginning of the withdrawal of Russian troops
>Commander of Jaysh Al-Ousama (HTS offshoot), Abu Amara Al-Hossi, was assassinated in Jabal Al-Hoss region after vehicle targeted by IED
>Military sources report SAA have begun a large assault against the town of Mazarat Beit Jinn
>Daraa; SAA begins moving large amount of tanks, artillery pieces and troops for upcoming op, likely objective to capture Al-Harrah soon
>Abu Dhuhour Military Airbase op begins, SAA and Tigers approaching from Hama, Aleppo governates respectively, with RuAf air support
>SDF & Iraq military create joint center to protect border adjacent to Deir ez-Zor province in Sunday meeting
>Iran reveals conditions to restore KSA relations; "stop two things, the misguided friendship with Israel and the inhuman bombardment of Yemen,”
>Jordan to review 1994 peace treaty and other agreements with Israel in light of embassy move
>African Union; Up to 6,000 Africans who fought for IS in Iraq, Syria could return home
>Hamas vows to attack Israel after airstrikes kill several Hamas fighters in Gaza over weekend


Other urls found in this thread:

First for Hezbollah

Reposting for kraut in last bread
>Putins speech at Khmeimim airbase

Why are other countries in the middle-east are so much crappier than israel even though they have more resource such as oil?
Not trolling, seriously asking, is it culture or what?

>No, Ebin, no!

>Why are other countries in the middle-east are so much crappier than israel even though they have more resource such as oil?
Endless wars.

Black, blue, red or yellow?
Personally I’d go for blue

>Updates and news from earlier today for those who may have missed it
Oy Vey
ISIS in Africa
Lunchtime with Pootang
Russian withdrawal news
Su-35 having fun video
Putin on withdrawal
T90s in Iraq
Putin and Sisi
Egypt and Russia deal

close kotel on middle black and yellow lines first

kotel and shorten front-lines

>Updates and sheeeit from earlier breads
Dima IG public
Putin on Trump
Iraqi leader on disarm
Houthi vid

Combined with corruption,incompetence,nepotism,...
The point still stands tho

>Greetings comrades is translated into "Good afternoon, friends"
>Next time he says comrades it is translated into "Fellow soldiers"

nth for permabulking bodyguards

Nice media empire.

If burger brains try to see the word "comrade" it causes meltdowns and temporary brain damage. Studies by Gold and Horowitz have proven that when the American brain sees said word, it's likely that chimpouts and shouts of communism are going to occur along with insisting that they beat Germany by themselves
It's best if that word simply isn't shown

>Updates and important posts from last bread

Israel attacks Hamas
Iraqi military parade
Beit Jinn
Southfront Russia stats
Mughar Al-Mir
PMU in Syria
Tiger to lead Idlib op
Putin praises Suheil
Foua & Kafriya op

Shitmap is done

Culture and genetics (check average IQ for example).
Every arab country around us has descended into civil war, and even here the palestinians can't stop murdering each other, it's insane.


Europa Universalis/10

Forgot to color Somalia... And landlocked Kurdistan.

These parts are like >95% white

Whoops forgot


New Caspian Report

Why did Palis support Saudis until now?

It keeps getting bigger...

Blue will happen first, then it'll be a combination of Yellow and Black.
I have a more detailed analysis of what will happen next:
>Bright Red: Tiger launches offensive against Eis/Jabal Eis. His forces then advance on a wide front towards M5. After securing M5, they will continue towards Kefarya/Fu'ah, but they will encounter stronger resistance from HTS as they get closer to Idlib. They will focus Taftanaz and its nearby helibase. After that, it's only a short distance towards Kefarya/Fu'ah, and then the Tiger will rest as the SAA deploys troops to hold the lines.
>Dark Red: SAA will continue advancing in SE Idlib, moving up the road to Sinjar and seizing the city. After which, they will establish a buffer zone and rest/redeploy.
>Black: ISIS will continue their offensive against HTS at the same time as SAA (Dark Red), raising allegations of ISIS-SAA cooperation.
>Orange: SAA will storm Rahjan/Jakusiya axis, and seize Androna in a bid to further expand the Ithriya-Khanasir road buffer zone, then rest and watch as ISIS and HTS eat each other
>Purple: Tiger will then redeploy to Hoss Plateau, starting with a blitz from the north while various SAA groups attack from Khanasir in a pincer maneuver ending at Tall ad-Daman, and then SAA will clear the rest of Hoss Plateau.
>Blue: Abu Dhuhur Offensive, SAA/Tigers Zerg Rush Abu Dhuhur from three axes, seize the city/AFB, and trap ISIS in a pocket where they will receive the ultimatum: Surrender or Die.
Then the SAA will rest and redeploy for further operations.

Because they're a bunch of nogs who listen to whoever pays the most


Same goes for literally my entire country outside of brussels
>trying to find logic in mememaps
this is where we went wrong

It's called intellectual exercise. You won't find greater chaos anywhere else. Unless Varg makes a map of his own beliefs. God help us.

nobody grooms the tiger

the tiger grooms you

Saudis own the Palis

>page 9


Thanks gringo


2nd time today a memeflag made a contribution
good stuff

no one gives a shit about this pathetic general. get over it nigger.


this butthurt

You're welcome
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Turkey kills 29 with airstrike on Kurds in Iraq

The Turkish army says that it has killed 29 "PKK militants" in an airstrike in northern Iraq, according to Reuters. Ankara said that its planesdestroyed the hideouts and caves used by Kurdish recruits, who were allegedly planning an assault on the nearby Turkish border posts of Hakurk and Metina. The PKK is considered a terrorist organization by Turkey, which has battled the separatist movement for decades.

not sure if completely true. they have many owners. iran included altho their relations underwent a bit of a slump in the 2010-14 period. i think they are sort of back to being pals tho.
and don't forget turkey.
turkey also likes to play sugerdaddy
and then there are lebanese, jordanian and other pali's. the saudi's have no hand on them.

>no one gives a shit about this pathetic general. get over it nigger.

wtf is this?

what the fuck

this jap always brings the strangest pics

What's she up to these days?

>Lesbos officials block ship with container homes for migrants in Greece

Authorities on the Greek island of Lesbos have blocked a ship carrying container homes for refugees and other migrants in protest at the refusal of the government and the EU to move more people to Greece’s mainland, AP said. A government-chartered ship carrying the containers remained anchored at the island’s main town after municipal vehicles were used to block port facilities. The island’s municipal board was due to decide later Monday on whether to lift the blockade following talks with the government. Athens will speed up the relocation of thousands of migrants from its overcrowded islands to the mainland before the onset of winter, AFP cited government sources as saying Monday. Greece persuaded Turkey last week to accept migrant returns from the mainland and not just from the Aegean Islands as previously agreed under a 2016 EU-Turkey pact, according to one source.
>6.0-magnitude earthquake hits western Iran – reports

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit western Iran on Monday, Reuters said, citing state media. The center of the quake was near the town of Ezgele. Tremors were also felt in Kermanshah, the largest city in the area.

trying to school dumb burgersharts on Twitter about Zionism

Im Lebanese, I fap and fantasize daily about Gal capturing me and torturing me and taunting me for being a filthy mudslime. Ive loved her from Day 1. i get the most intense orgasms imagining Gal putting her sweaty feet in my face and telling me in her accent "This is your new Allah, slave". Ive literally exclusively to her or fantasizing about her for about 2 years now.

are you actually for real, you are you memeing? sauce on the studies if former

Older news but relevant
>#Iraq/i #Hezbollah Brigades (Kata'ib Hezbollah) is readying itself to attack #US military bases and assets in Iraq
>A spokesman for the Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq, Jaafar al-Husseini, threatened Washington to destroy its bases in Iraq.
>"We will talk in the coming period about the confrontation with the Americans and we still have a lot of what they do not know,"
>"we are fighting within the axis of one resistance from Iraq to Syria and Lebanon."

Conceeded, but the Palis have by necessity basically become whores for whoever shows them the slightest interest, especially those mossad agents Fateh

so we beat the bbc by almost a whole day, this is their story from 2 hous ago

>Putin announces Russian troop withdrawal from Syria during visit

report stresses it is a partial withdrawal

>Im Lebanese
la2 enta

>What's she up
exposing the jew

wtf she was in germany?
Didn't know that

Anyone know what the initial reactions to Nasrallah's speech have been so far?

So you're attracted to microcephaly?

holy crap, literally cromagnon-tier

You could land a helicopter on that forehead

yup. and there must be some who play both sides. I saw a report here a few weeks back that covered the infiltration of idf by hezb/pali sympathisers.

i try to model it in my mind as two sponges, they are porous - but when squeezed it collapses and the pathways through are blocked. if you think that interests can flow through these sponges when there is no stress, then you can also see that when the crunch comes (whatever whenever) then some of those pathways will close and the liquid interest will no longer flow. fateh is a highly relaxed part of the sponge, hamas and hezbollah are likely occupying highly stressed portions with controlled porosity. idf is a big solid looking block of termite tunnels.

>Trump administration has informed Saudi-led coalition of threatened congressional restraints on US support without improvement in humanitarian conditions in Yemen - U.S. official
unverified and all that but it's through a reuters journalist

no wait I got it wrong even cromagnons had bigger brains wtf

What happens after ISIS and rebels are defeated? Assad won't attack the SDF, r-right?

cro magnon had bigger brains than modern humans...don't insult them.

probably march straight into tel aviv
digit confirms

Do you feel in charge MBS?

seems reasonable if accurately leaked

caspian report seems to think that usa is disinvesting from the ME. basically jerusalem announcement was just a last blast of the horn.

>#IRGC's #Quds Force commander MG Qassem Suleimani phone-calls leaderships of Qassam(Hamas) & Quds Brigades(PIJ) to stress #Iran's readiness to provide comprehensive support to Palestinian Resistance & confirm that all resistance movements in region are ready to defend #Jerusalem.

create and magnify splits between Arabs and Kurds
unmarked forces, likely IRGC cross over and begin guerilla operations focusing on US forces
A US base suffers major casualties during an attack, causing the US to withdraw a la Lebanon

Once the US is out, Kurds will sue for peace, or they'll be put in the ground

>caspian report seems to think that usa is disinvesting from the ME
As much as I would wish this, I don't think it's realistic, as long as the Saudis and Israelis exist in their current form and the US remains a major power we're stuck there. At least until the Saudis jump ship or collapse. We have too many commitments there and the region is too vital to stave off US collapse

yeah I screwed up, which ones had the small brains with the slopped foreheads then? Neanderthals?

Bunch of bullshit from azeri roach.
Ignoring the truth, it's always only muh germany. When by far the biggest financiers and suppliers of overwhemingly jewish bolshevik leadership were London and Wall Street bankers.
And "allied" intervention was actually to secure bolshevik victory, not stop them. And it was USA and UK, who helped soviets industrialize. Giving them tech, equipment and specialists in exchange for resources. Ford literally built Gorky plant.
And they are not even hiding it, everything is in the government archives.

It's missing some way to break the political will in America which keeps SDF afloat. American planes alone can insure the Kurdish territory, if they have to. If Assad manages to kill 200+ as occurred in Lebanon, the response will be the opposite of withdrawal. Maybe in a few years when everyone is sick to death of Syria.

granted they never going to leave completely. but it does explain the bizarre saudi/israeli friendship. almost as if both of them have been told that that they are the only ones left in the boat and they gonna have to start looking out for each other.
it's quite delightful

i always contribute

A major attack against US forces would probably be used as the cause for a full scale invasion by the US. I know he wants to lower our involvement in the ME, but Trump’s rhetoric wouldn’t allow him any options but war if our bases were attacked without serious domestic backlash.

The Kurds will face four main scenarios
>Ideal: US completely abandons the Kurds. They will lay down arms and SAA absorbs all Kurd-held territories
>Kirkuk Scenario: US stays in Rojava, SAA blitzes Kurd-held territories, Kurds flee rather than fight, major loss of land, US goes REEEEEEEE, and Syrian Kurds find themselves in a similar situation to Iraqi Kurds today.
>Cold War: US stays in Rojava, deploys many soldiers to defend Rojava from all threats, and Turkey/Russia/Iraq/Iran are forced to accept an independent Rojava, but places it under total blockade, West Berlin-style.
>Release the Kraken: Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria launch an all-out invasion of Kurdistan, Kurds are massacred along with US soldiers that were told to leave or die. This sparks WWIII.

Doubt, better plan, all without firing a shot
>reconstruct Eastern Syria efficiently, properly, and better than the Kurds (easy as fuck when the US says they're doing the bare minimum and handing it all to literal mountain niggers)
>entice Arabs that Assad is a far better option than the Kurds by offering better supplies and help in their controlled territory (also easy because Kurds act like literal mountain niggers to everyone)
>create and magnify splits between Arabs and Kurds (like you said, also easy because Kurds are literal mountain niggers that are already causing tension)
>invest better with everyone around SDF territory and isolate them (again, easy because they all hate literal mountain niggers)
>sit back and watch as Kurds blunder everything

The best way is to do nothing. It's already become another potential reconstruction fail to that of Iraq in 2003. Literally us throwing money to corrupt retards, privatize everything, and do absolutely nothing to ease tensions

The plan is to blow up burgers through proxy with a shadowy organization, and Assad would deny responsibility.
That way it would cause blowback on American public, making them question why are they in Syria and without a clear enemy to defeat.

Fuck, i want to suck her toes

neandethals had brains almost twice as big as us. but they were set back behind the eyes - so yes their foreheads would have been low. they also had bigger eyes than we do, so presumably some of that extra brain was used for image processing. interestingly, if you reach behind your head and feel around you might encounter a bump where the skull joins the neck. this is your occipital bun, if you have it.
it means somewhere in your ancient history one of your ancestors, like mine (probably the same one) fucked a neanderthal. and they had a kid. and now u have a tiny bit left.
the occipital bun helped neanderthals balance their larger heavier heads more effectively - a muscle attachment zone.

for insults i would refer to our more distant cousin - erectus. even the name conjours up the terror of an uncouth soul

I have doubts the US would seriously respond to low level attacks, especially if no one actually takes credit and there's no solid evidence. Russia and China will run cover on the international stage and prevent anything from going down via the UNSC.
Frankly, if the IRGC isn't going to do it, the Turks will, I wouldn't be surprised if the Turks, Syrians, and Iranians all worked together on such a project.

>Release the Kraken
i take that for 500

>neandethals had brains almost twice as big as us
wtf, when did we turn into brainlets?

not being my waifu

I'm saying it's not 1983 anymore, it's harder to kill 200 men with an IED, and MUCH harder to make it look like an ordinary terrorist attack. If the US government accepts that explanation at all, they'll quickly unravel it or create a self-serving version. You're just as likely to get "public outcry" for full commitment as for full withdrawal.

>The best way is to do nothing.
I agree

>and Assad would deny responsibility.
They would blame him anyway

>low level attacks
bro was talking about a bigly attack though

>Cold War
kek, not happening, they don't care that much

>This sparks WWIII
the burgers would bail and wouldn't enter a war just for that. They see K*rds as secondary and peripheral, jettisonable, not central.


we have very effective brains. we have a gene called foxtp. other mammals also have a version of this gene. but ours is special. it makes connections twice as long twice as fast as other variants. when implanted into mice they learn faster than wild mice. foxtp regulates at least the way in which you are able to learn things that are automatic (like talking - you think what you want to say and it happens, you don't twist your tongue to position 1 and then..)

in something like cromagnon, the reason they were larger may have to do with the fertility of the soil. there was no farming and low populations so plants were more nutritious. sounds strange, but it might have been bigger braincase and all simply because it had access to super prima food which is difficult to reproduce today (we need another glaciation to grind up some mountains and spread it in the fields)

>This sparks WWIII.
Yeah, no.
Russia for one wouldnt get involved and the collection of states you're talking about are the economic equivalent of the benelux (less even but whatever) and I don't think that self destruction is in their plans

Seriously, the best way is to not play their stupid game and do any of these scenarios unless what I stated above. Which was internal conflict and tensions. Its already a joke. Raqqah is fucking rubble compared to Aleppo, with us barely doing anything to rebuild it. The Kurds will do fuck all since the first thing they did was to unfurl a fucking portrait of Ocalan (what an ingenious idea to piss off everyone that isnt a Kurd, SDF). The Kurds arent any different from your incompetent Arabian US puppet. They have blundered every fucking political decision this year already/

Go fucking die, jew controlled american fattie. We germans fought for your liberation from the jew yoke, you ungratefull Nigger-Bastards!!!! Learn a Bit of History and dont listen to your Son-of-a-bitch Granpa. his only Appointment in the War was to fuck a jewish gypsy whore in a Brothel in Brooklyn!!!!!!

good to know, thanks

>If the US government accepts that explanation at all
They would for the sole reason that the US cannot win a war there. Frankly I think the US woudn't even bother fighting for the Kurds if the SAA crosses the river.

overrunning a US base in Syria doesn't translate to a big attack, especially if it's a frontier base. While the US does have several thousand boots on the ground, I suspect they're fairly spread out.
Also, the US tends to deny even having troops in Syria at times to the point where they won't even report on US forces killed by IS or the one time the Russians blew them to kingdom come. So IRCG/Turks/Syrians cut off a base with guerilla attacks. If the US doesn't get the message the base comes under fire. Following that the base gets attacked, maybe 20-50 US troops die. It'd never be reported.

but also this, the Kurds have already done everything they can to piss off the Arabs to the point of Arab elements of the SDF breaking off and starting hostilities at some point in the future