I don't get it is this supposed to make me hate the nazis?
I don't get it is this supposed to make me hate the nazis?
I was bug sprayed five times.
>Probably set back the cause of recognising transgenderism and LGBT issues in general by decades.
Wow, and I thought the only good things Hitler did was kill commies and gypos.
Never forget, though
Il Duce put a stop to the mafia operating in Italy during his time.
Proof that democracy and "respecting' criminals' rights is a Jewish plot to destabalize nations.
(((Harry Benjamin)))
(((Magnus Hirschfeld)))
(((Stanley Biber)))
(((Jeffrey Spiegel)))
so this was the "nazi book burnings", a bunch of sjw jewish propaganda
kike movies make it look like they where actually burning real books
not surprised at all by now
Okay, Sup Forums All government all nations are lying sacks of shit, If you dispute that have proof! In the U.fucking S we are told to get our cars smog checked and fix if needed, while local and federal governments spray liquid and solid carbon in the sky as well as for fog control, yes chemtrails.
They tell us we need gun control while they blow the fuck out of other countries because they are not part of the banking system.
They arrest people for having what they call illegal narcotics because they are not buying government narcotics, they are getting their hands in the WEED sales.
They say they want to help the homeless yet they give welfare, food stamps and free housings to ILLEGALS and MIGRANTS as well as BLACKS,
They tell you lets stop world hunger as they put sanctions on countries that are not part of the, you guessed it, banking systems.
When a disaster hits they ask the average person to donate what they can, now the average politician makes 300 million U.S. dollars within 8 years because they set the laws that make stocks go up, Average Hollywood fuckface makes average 8 million a year, professional sports players sign multi million dollar contracts and they hoard all that money, Al Gore Mr global warming himself just bought a big FUCKEN house.
Government talks about ending child abuse,
WELL LETS RIP INTO THAT starting with the VATICAN, how many young boys have the molested while preaching about GOD and JESUS. Then world government officials rape and molest children quicker than they buy shoes everyone knows they support
(The North American Man/Boy Love Association)
Come on Podesta you think we are going to believe your money hungry hot shot fuck face.
They tell us to pray and have faith for healing when disaster hits then go to a SATANIST party.
Only like 2 decades. The first abortive attempt at SRS tried in Germany -implanted womb into a male, patient died of necrosis from deadwomb- was in early 1940s, ‘42 I think. (((They))) made a movie about it, “The Danish Girl”. First post-War SRS successful wAs either in 1953 or 1960s, someone who eventually went by Christine Jorgensen.
I lament the fact I know this.