tell me why I should support white pride?
WHITE PRIDE is a retarded laughable idea: the thread
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You shouldn't. There's English pride. There's Greek pride. There's (even) Polish pride. But white pride is fucking stupid
For the meme
white pride is identity politics, which puts it in the same catagory as black lives matter, lgbtqwftqa+-, feminism, etc.
>2 memeflags and a leaf make a thread
I don't like the word. You can say European pride, since English and Greek pride are a part of that cultural framework. However, it is debatable whether USA or other outliers are a part of European ethos, so the broader the category, the more nebulous and debatable its parameters are.
>tell me why I should support white pride?
You're obviously a kike using a meme flag, and since kikes aren't white, we wouldn't expect you to support such a movement.
Based kekistani magapede
Have an upvote
How are Jews not white
you don't have to, but if other people want to they should be able to. I personally think it's like having tall pride, kinda retarded but whatever.