I'm From 1997

Tell me what I'm in for in the next 20 years. Describe to me the best you can the future as relates to technology, politics and religion. Will Jesus come back in 2000 like many predict? Will America finally get a black president? Will computers be able to communicate effectively with humans?
I realize no one will believe I'm from 1997, that's understandable. However, I am a member of the AOL Pro Wrestling chat room, and when I was posting about wrestling one night I accidentally spilled milk on my windows 95 processor, which in turn created a black hole. I'm currently in front of the same computer, but my AOL browser directed me here. I'm hoping to communicate with you future beings

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You're going to get ducked by Muhammad

Muhammad Ali will become President of the United States?

Fuck off we're full

Every year things get worse and now the jews are having a civil war which all of us peons have to be caught in the middle of. They also lose control of their psychosocial engineering via media and have lost their mandate by the people through false flag terror and totalitarianism.

Otherwise, fidget spinners and hoverboards.

Bad news. We did get the first black president but it turns out he was really a broom that identified as black. he started a nuclear race war with mops that lead to the annihilation of human race. This site is the only thing left of humanity, the posters here though are highly evolved cats that smoke weed and fap off to fellow cats dressed as human asian girls that get fucked by tentacles .

KYS now and save yourself from the pain of the future.

jesus didnt come back

nigger president was a nigger



On September 11th, 2001, the world as you know it will slowly die and people will be eventually just be empty shells of what used to be. Anything past 9/11 is a horrible nightmare and it won't go away.

I have a list of stocks to buy and when to buy them so long as you promise to split the profits with me 50-50.

The Jews? Aren't they all in Israel? Why would an American be caught in the middle of a Jewish civil war? That stuff doesn't happen here in the 90s, Bill Clinton's running a good presidency. He's fixing relations between Palestine and Israel now, he brought together Yassir Arafat and Ehud Barak at Camp David the other day