True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #517

Litecoin to the MOON! Crypto & stocks coverage! POTUS calls for tougher immigration laws after latest NYC terrorist attack. Alabama special Senate election is tomorrow; will Roy Moore pull it off? Ghost goes off on the video of bullied crying kid goes viral (Keaton Jones); is this the Pussification Ghost has been talking about? Tax-bill still NOT a done deal thanks to a woman senator named Susan Collins. Putin pays a surprise visit to Syria and annouces troop withdrawl from the region. China using LinkedIn to spy on the West? North Korea's Kim Jong-Un can change the waether by his mere presence? Iran's foreign ministers calls on Europe to "work with Iran." The California wildfires continue and it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Other news and commentary, plus Gab shoutouts and Radio Graffiti.

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Broadcast starts at :30


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Stop being a milk licker

Oh fuck off, i missed these threads.

>buy muh 42 coin mining contract through the affiliate link goy!!
Is this nigga ever going to stop shilling?

Well Jews love shekels so no.

The crippled hambone jew dumped all of his life savings on 42coin, so no.


wake me up when the financial hour ends

Green Day's lesser-known hit