Serious question Sup Forums. What the fuck do you do after you've seen the very best anime has to offer? How do you fill the void/post-anime depression? It can't just be watching all the anime you can, can it?
Serious question Sup Forums. What the fuck do you do after you've seen the very best anime has to offer...
>pic unrelated
I killed myself a few times to avoid the void. But my Cosmos revives me everytime
This is why you have to watch anime ironically, so you don't catch feelings afterwards.
It happens with nearly every anime I even watch. Doesn't matter if it's an emotional anime, I get depressed afterward. And after seeing the few series/movies that are the best I know that I can never make that feeling go away.
I usually just wait a few days, or weeks, until the slump goes away
Jerk off to the girls from the show.
Some girls I just can't do that to, I know it's autistic but I can't jerk off to say Kurisu, Mayuri, Taiga (Toradora) ect.
But after that then what? You've already seen the best anime has. What's the point in continuing?
Just switch gears.
If you've been watching TV series, switch to films and OVAs (and vice versa).
If you've mostly been watching stuff from this decade, try a different one.
If you're burned out on anime in general, pick up some manga, or try live action stuff.
Or, for the ultimate mixup, try going outside and talking to people.
Who are you quoting?
>Or, for the ultimate mixup, try going outside and talking to people.
where can i find the anime called going outside and talking to people user
Restart from the bottom and refine yourself.
Watch the worst that anime has to offer, like the Chaos;Head dub, and forsake all materiel possessions.
From then you will either move on from the medium and choose another hobby or come to see that which is good in all things.
But I already saw Pupa. I don't think things can get much worse than that.
Wait for the next big hit, part of the fun of having a hobby like anime is that there's no limit to how high the bar can be set. Even if you think you've seen the best. There's always something that will push your standards even slightly that's just around the corner. The possibility of that show airing the next season and me watching it makes for an irresistible pleasure. And if you're watching a bad show, might as well get some beer and talk with a buddy over it. I know I do that with like 99% of shows ;_;
I back to my normal life activities
There's far, far worse shows than Pupa you newfag. Go watch more anime.
>Can't jerk off to Kurisu
code for fun it's what I do or play video games from whom you've played for a while now for instance I been playing runescape for 13 years now, it never gets old
>can't jerk off to Kurisu
I understand not being able to jack it to Mayuri, but Kurisu? She's a fully grown adult with a lewd outfit.
Praying every day for a second season.
There's always more out there. Just when you think you've seen all anime/vidya/porn the world has to give you, something appears. Might just have to dig a little deeper or ask people for suggestions.
I'm an autist and my reasoning is super cringey.
He was quoting OP. OP just forgot to put that line in his post, so he was helping him out.
You quite being a faggot because you never know if you've seen the best anime has to offer unless you've seen everything, and considering the quality of this post/thread, it's unlikely you've even seen over 200 series. Stop being a dramatic faggot and expand your "library" of shows, or branch into another medium, or (god forbid) do something productive with your life instead of watching anime and shitposting on Taiwanese wall-scroll image forums.
Also not everything has to be a 10/10 for it to be worth watching; a 3/10 can have value in one aspect it does extremely well/uniquely while being awful in every other regard.
Learn japanese!! there's nothing better than pretending to be an anime girl in your imagination while your inner monologue is true japanese, 10/10 recommended
Give us names so that we might top them.
Share your reasoning with us user. I'm curious.
I guess it's just I respect her and Okabe's relationship.
You've seen very best anime has to offer?
Sure buddy. Try to name 10 shows that are actually good.
Get the OST.
Find the last ep's archive on fireden.
Jerk off to girls.
Start watching anime stoned.
That doesn't mean you can't fap to Kurisu though.
>he doesn't watch it ironically
kill yourself
I thought I was "done" too, until I gave a 4-koma a shot. Now I can't get enough of them.
nothing is perfect so new good stuff is always going to comes out
RUSSIAN ANIMATION, student films, and music video animated by former student.
I never understood this meme.
Try Afghanistanimation.
Anime has been airing nonstop since the 70s (and you can watch stuff from even earlier if you're interested, there's plenty of 60s anime accessible) and every quarter there are another probably 150-200 hours of new anime put out.
You haven't seen all the good shit and you never will
That's kind of cute, user.
I also thought OP missed that part.
I have the same issue. I find that I can't actually jerk off to a lot of characters because I respect them or the person they end up with. Most of the stuff I fap to has original characters.
>knowing people irl that you can talk with anime about
Not all of us are so fortunate, user.
>wanting to talk about anime irl
Sharing a common interest with other people might be nice. It's not like I'm gonna sperg out like one of those con faggots or something.
You're not missing out on anything
That's why you should get a job or hobby and be busy enough not to have time to watch anime in one sitting.
This board used to have the policy of hide your power level.
What's wrong with that? People are doing it here and in other sites. Are you such a faggot that you can't do it face to face with another user?
I have the same thing with Horo
I guess that's just the way it works
Hiding your power level is perfectly fine, and completely necessary to function in day to day life, but don't you ever wish you had friends?
You should self insert as Okabe instead of Daru.
>self-inserting as a well established character
This shouldn't be possible unless you're an idiot.
If you're a newfag then go for it, otherwise it will only bring in disappointment when you realize you're only wasting time and is actually watching shit anime.
>Not insert as supah haka
>win in 2d and 3d with qt daughteru berating you on tossing spaghetti in front of your cosplaying wife in the future
>not be a true hentai gentleman
>but don't you ever wish you had friends?
I gave up a long time ago
>well established character
>Implying he wasn't made a chuuni for idiots to self-insert.
>Self-insert as Okabe
Maybe as bait initially. Punished Okabe in 0 isn't real good for that.
>post anime depression
been there, done that.
you'll rither find a series. through whatever medium, that fills the gap. Within 1..2 years max. Have your really searched that long and haven't found a "great" series to you? You're long lost gone. See you on the other side.
The amount of dirty secondaries who watch adaptations of visual novels are almost as disgusting as Maho.
>true Amadeus
I'm kind of similar. I can't jack off to girls getting fucked by anyone other then the MC I self insert as. I get very angry when I read fanfiction that pairs Asuka with anyone other then Shinji.
Rewatch everything. Shows I thought were great 10 years ago have sucked the second time around, and some shows I didn't care for I end up enjoying a lot more.
You haven't. That's the point.
There is no "best Anime". Not even Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu (Parasyte), Re:Zero, Naruto or any other show can be the "best", because they depend on personal taste of the community that rates the show.
And the good thing: More good Anime tend to come out the last few seasons. See Re:Zero, Parasyte, KonoSuba 1 and 2 etc.
you can rejoice when you realise you didn't see the best of what anime has to offer yet
You're not alone, lately I find myself just looking on sadpanda for cute moments between Okabe and Kurisu rather than the lewd.
It's been 2 weeks since I finished 0.
I feel a little sad and actually hurt every time that I see Okabe and Kurisu now. It's a very bittersweet feeling.
I want Okabe and Kurisu to be happy, but I can't forget what that happiness took.
What is it called when you try so hard to reach something that when you finally get there you are unable to enjoy it the way you thought you would?
I know there is a word for this.
It's more akin to a different kind of understanding. I mean during S;G I felt that Okabe and Kurisu meeting each other again after going through everything is a lovely conclusion that I wouldn't have it any other way.
That feeling hasn't changed in 0, but what it took for Okabe to meet Kurisu again really ate at me.
Read really shitty manga like homunculus or that one with the dude who body swapped and then his dad killed his sister
I see op decided to ignore the Steins;Gate part of Steins;Gate.
You can't live if you look at reality without changing it a little. Imagine the story could be real and ongoing if you try harder in life and use this as motivation. Life has a way of rewarding those who ignore pleasures to get where they want, and that reward is immortal if you remember how you earned it.
Again, literally what Animes like suteinsu geeto wanna tell. But I guess non-aspie is the norm here now, so I'm just being a silly cringe-lord.
Just indulge in fanservice spinoffs until the pain heals. That's why they exist.
I'm not sure OP, I have watched almost everything in the MAL top 100. I guess I would look for unique series.
Like that anime based on bento box lunch fights. Everything on those recommendation lists I have already watched. You just hope some new series will blow your mind or a sequel.
>fanservice spinoffs
I heard the Maho drama CD and I really had a chuckle, but the feeling turned into this hollow sense of loss after that.
The pain will never heal. Maho deserves love.
A good friend did that two years ago
> Friend suggests we watch S;G as our next anime
> Gives up on ever seeing anything good ever again
> Started learning Japanese
> Hasn't picked up an anime since
There's no such thing as "best anime" or "my favourite anime". You just watch them as they come and enjoy what they offer. You don't go "that was a good anime but *insert anime name* was better"
Sup Forums meme, what did you expect?
Watch anime from an alternate universe.
3/10 made me reply, kill yourself off Sup Forums.
>MAL's top "100"
You kill yourself too.
Get the fuck out. Maho is a cutie.
You proceed to watch better anime stopping only after NGE
>MAL's top 100
I would kill myself too
Attempt to broaden your horizons, Watch things that on a surface level dont look that good or are in a genre that you doesn't find yourself watching much. Just because you like series like Fate/stay or monogatari doesn't mean yoi cant like things cute little girl slice of life shows.
I find it nice to mix it up
Oh, fuck this. It hurts even more since Okabe has made it possible for Maho to see that Kurisu as well.
Is it strange that I find that I cannot stomach Non-SoL as much? (Though I still watch some here and there.)
you start reading visual novels
but then again after finishing g senjou no maou i felt an ever bigger void
animated version when?
Why does the Assistant get baited so easily?