Why is KyoAni the only studio producing art house anime these days?

Why is KyoAni the only studio producing art house anime these days?

>mfw animefags don't know what arthouse is

Cute girls are arthouse.

How is Hyouka not art house?

Talent. What's amazing is they even have below average budgets, yet produce at an unparalleled, consistent technical level. Sasuga, KyoAni.

Hyouka is just a shitty mistery/character drama directed with the subtlety of a bulldozer.
Nothing arthouse about it.

How would you define art house? They did some good work many years ago and I respect their artistry, but when I think "art house" I think like, Werckmeister Harmonies not K-On.

K-ON is objectively better than Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It is the most sophisticated anime ever created; a tour de force, the pièce de résistance of animation! LoGH is little more than plebeian dreck in comparison, its creators wishing they could have produced an anime with even an inkling of the genius contained within Our Holy K-ON. From the profound debates about eating cake, to the highly philosophical discussions about procrastination, to the marvelous musicianship exhibited by the Light Music Club, K-ON has established itself as the greatest intellectual anime. You cannot disagree unless you are a terrible person. Seriously. It's an infallible law of the universe. K-ON is a masterpiece, and we all know that K-ON has the superior tea scenes.

"A phenomenal chef-d'oeuvre. My fifteen years of work on Evangelion now feel trivial by comparison." — Anno Hideaki, esteemed anime director

"During a time of struggle, K-ON's beautiful story provided the influence needed for me to make America great again. I am now a better man." — Donald J. Trump, 45th president of the United States

"I am an uncultured lowborn with pedestrian tastes in anime." — Anonymous plebeian, speaking in reflection of his love for LoGH

I legitimately agree, but it's just not what I think of when I think I hear that term.

I'm sorry, but arthouse stuff is stuff like Kuzu no Honkai, not your bland moeshit.


Glad it's flopping.

Even Demi-chan resembles true art more than Maid Dragon.

>the best sakuga of the season came from CGDCT

Mon ami !

Je ne peux que reconnaître ton génie dans le goût de l'art japonais, et de ce chef d’œuvre, cet animé providentiel, du nom de K-ON. Malheureusement, il te faut reconnaître une erreur: cette éloge du meilleur animé jamais crée est dans une langue impure, la langue de Trump et de McDonald.

Un vrai connaisseur et un vrai ami du meilleur animé au monde devrait s'exprimer dans une langue poétique et artistique du niveau de K-ON. Et cette langue, évidemment, est la langue des génie, des grands hommes, et des grands artistes: le français.

Art is always underappreciated. Look at how BvS underperformed while Civil War succeeded when one was clearly superior to the other.

Silly. I giggled.

Because Kyoani directors draw inspiration from kino unlike other anime directors who only look at anime.

>being scared of NTR


and why their plot are shit?

>hasn't teamed up with shinbo and shaft for maximum insanity
It ain't art house yet.