President orders NASA to send astronauts back to the moon

>Trump signed a directive that formally orders NASA to send humans back to the moon. The object of the lunar mission will then be to build a foundation needed to send humans onto Mars. Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, attended the event, as did Apollo astronaut and former senator Jack Schmitt.

We're going back to the moon boys!!!!

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Yeah and bush ordered them to Mars, all talk no substance. The capability and experience and ability of NASA are all gone to the private sector.

t. former NASA battery engineer

>tfw 0g sex with Aryan waifu

>implying NASA can do anything
space belongs to le based south african and the're nothing you can do about it


wait, you're not saying that NASA is now an expensive, poorly led, low performance jobs program for minority females like the US military is now, are you?

Literally deporting people to other planets.


Whats the mexico of space?