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What was his full name again?




My mind was blown when the kids sang this song in Rakugo Shinjuu. I just assumed it was original from Momokuro



Jugemu Jugemu Unko Nageki Ototoi no Shin-chan no Pantsu Shinpachi no Jinsei Balmunk Fezarion Isaac Schneider San Bun no Ichi no Junjou na Kanjou no Nokotta San Bun no Ni wa Sakamuke ga Kininaru Kanjou Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru you de Shiranai no wo Boku wa Shitteiru Rusu Surume Medaka Kazunoko Koedame Medaka... Kono Medaka wa Sakki to Chigau Yatsu Dakara Ikeno Medaka no Hou Dakara Raa-yuu Yuuteimiyaouki Mukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe Bichiguso Maru

I just finished this and I can't decide between Marii and Tetora. Please help me figure this out.

I like you.

Picked this anime up at random late last year. having nothing else to watch.
Really enjoyed it. 10/10, good fun.




Cute outfits

>She secretly hates Panda and secretly has a really bad and mean personality


Cute outside mean inside is less played than cute outside and inside.
And because it's fun to see the interactions, of course, which imo fits way better with the tone of the show.

>not posting the superior version

Who had the best fashion sense?

Tetora a slut



Who is the best girl and why is it Kukuru


green > blue > yellow > pink > red

Her cloth taste was too inconsistent to be best girl. Otherwise, yes.

Her personality and seiyuu made up for it.
I can agree if you make green and blue equals


Best boy.


Cute boy Butt.

If there's one series I could wish to go on forever, it would be Joshiraku.

Hey, at least she had the best pajama


Those fucking homefront women made me laugh harder than I should

Gibe islands!!!


Gib people!!!

Gib resources!!!

so shiny


white >>>>>> green > blue > yellow > pink > red


Pretty great taste there. I'd swap yellow and blue, but that's just me





Meanwhile, Kukuru goes on her quest to find her mother on the ocean, while floating.

These traditional artists are not for lewding!

Delet this right now.
Do not sexualize the rakugirls.

Red > Yellow > Blue > Pink > Green

>Blue not the best

How dare you.




>Choosing between blandest girl and boy butt
Instant win for Tetora because she's the only one to qualify as a girl, and is nice despite being the most forgotten member of the cast.


kukuru is still the cutest

Gan >= Kukuru > Tetora > Kigu > voiced by shitty ear grater

Has the manga been fully translated?

>all these people hating on marii

it's just nationalist ranting over and over again

hurr Japan was stronger before the war we're too reliant on others Korea and China are fucking shits our rightful clay our culture our industry KUMETA YOU HACK

every single country has this problem we're living in the age of globalism

I think it has.

it's ironic you moron

>i was merely pretending to be retarded

>An author can't make characters with different points of view than him
>He can't criticize it by making the characters look stupid on purpose

Who is the worst 3D Joshiraku?

Also, subs when?

That's the best part about the Joshiraku though.
Cute girls being nationalistic

Just like in 2D, Tetora is the cutest and Foureyes sucks ass.



there is no worst, only PD

The most underrated anime?

>Joshiraku's run ended 4 years ago
God damn it, where did the time go, i'm with post-reading depression after it and still nothing came close to it.
I can't really ask for more though, i think the quality fell a little bit the longer it ran and it wasn't really profitable for the creator.

Dont ask boring questions

Marii > Gan > Kukuru > Tetora > Kigu

This is a realistic depection of a lot of people I meet, they act a certain way just for their image

Anyone care to spoonfeed me in case it did, please? Not even a link, just where i can find it.

It was being translated by a guy on Sup Forums so checking through the archives might be worthwhile. It might also be on madokami, not sure though.

What anime?

I'm going to marry Marii-san!

Who's best grill?

Marii is a boy and even if he were a girl his perpetual crotch-rot would have left him infertile.

Tetora can't get pregnant either because her namesake also prevents anything from entering her womb.


Gan's the one with crotch rot.

This show looks awesome and comfy af, but don't know if it's worth the watch having only basic skills in Japanese and their culture. Looks like it's just full of inside lingual and cultural jokes flying over my head.

There's loads of TL notes here

Where's my love for best Joshiraku?

You should be able to understand most of it If you have been in Sup Forums.

>this is what EOPs actually believe
Most of the jokes either flew over your head, or were re-written by subbers.

Read the tl notes to have the jokes you don't understand explained to you, most of them are universal though. The travel sections are as comfy as it gets.

The tl notes go over the jokes in detail. There weren't many that I had no clue about at all.

If you have to read an explanation, you aren't actually getting the joke.

I might've not gotten the all of the popular culture ones, but political ones are quite obvious, aren't they ?

99% of the people watching it didn't even know what the ED referenced until they did Jugemo on ShouwaGen

Right here

That's what I'm saying. I understood the majority of jokes in the show, the tl notes filled in the few gaps that were left. A lot of the references were fairly obvious and a lot of the jokes themselves were universal.

Marii is tall!