>Cop pulls you over for speeding 4mph over
>Asks for License and Registration
>You reach for your wallet, then BAM BLAM BLAT, 3 rounds to the chest
>Cop Screaming at you while you bleed out and die over 20min
>Cop gets off because you made a "movement consistent with drawing a weapon"
American Policing
The whole ugly le 56% meme is really making it obvious its based on european jealousy/envy. I wish this was not happening bc i wish european and american whites could unite againt their common enemy (globalist cultural marxist white ethnomasochists and their Jew enablers)
Alsi, sageing, bc obviously america does not have a cop problem, it has a nigger problem, which the jew OP skillfully avoids
American whites basically never have this niggerish problem
Stfu you're like a leaf that cries every time someone posts the leaf meme. Toughen the fuck up.
there's like 3 threads of this kind right now. people need to learn to read the catalog and stump bumping slide threads. fucking newfags
Triggered mutt detected. You will never be a white European you will always be a filthy disgusting mutt and you live in a nation of degenerate mutts. Die and burn in hell, mutt.
I drive with my wallet on my center console in plain sight with nothing else near it.
Amerimutts got rabies, tics, fleas worms and distemper. put'em down.
Nigel said as he ran with his pint, fleeing yet another truck attack
Post your face and prove us wrong