Philosophy is for NEETS

It is obvious that anyone who studies philosophy in college is a fucking loser.
Philosophy is pointless mental masturbation, only STEM degrees are worth anything these days.

And people who get PhD in philosophy are the biggest educationcucks.....

remember, those who can't do, teach.

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Leaving Platos cave is for NEETS! Studying shadow puppets is a worthwhile persuit.

Philosophers dont produce anything of value and are the adult equivalent of an annoying child constantly asking "why?"

Have you studied any philosophy?

Where do you think the sciences come from?

>t. smallbrain



You need philosophy to validate the Scientific Method, so...


memes are worthless. good take.

Yes, and science comes from the enlightenment weeb

only STEM should be subsidized and taught at universities
everything else is a hobby that can be learnt for free on the internet and has limited real world value

Philosophy and mathematics are the only subjects worth studying.

the definition of Sup Forums

/board closed

and medicine

and thats why the fuck socrates is muh god damn hero, thats a man who chose to live free.

Science predisposes metaphysics and the truth of logic, both of which are the realm of philoophy.

Well when you put it that way

Phd's in philosophy are fucking garbage and a waste of life.

Just for losers

The debate over the relative value of episteme and doxa is thousands of years old. A bunch of fat autistic neckbeards connected by phone lines because they have no friends will hardly be the last word.

Ugh, I meant presupposes


Agreed, who needs to think for themselves?
Let's let the government do it for us.


I unironically agree. Plus philosophy just makes life harder to live. It's better to live in ignorance than to contemplate life through existentialism, nihilism, stoicism, etc. etc.

No wonder normies are happy emulating nigger culture. Philosophy doesn't free you, it just chains you to the dead ideas of defunct dead white men. What's even worse is those millennial who preach eastern religions as if they are fucking zen buddhists kek.

Studying philosophy and religion is a zero sum gain.

>All this depressed idiots.

You can make your mental life into eternal bliss.

You can enjoy the exchange of ideas between the birds in the sky, you can enjoy substance and ether in ways the normies can't even fathom.

But you low level fuckers still think that philosophy are the same 5 greeks and germans.

it just sounds like you're not smart enough to understand them to a degree to use them to improve your life.

Philosophy is for fools that think they are smart

Philosophy used to be one of the most prestigious disciplines in academia. Now it's Marxist brainwashing like so many others

It's fucking bullshit. I actually really enjoy philosophy and sociology and history, but they don't actually teach you anything substantive. They teach you leftist dogma, and people go out into the world thinking these kikes are the authority in their field

Socrates was pleb-tier

Diogenes truly lived up to his philosophy



That's because Jews are some of the most uncreative, awful people in the world. Jews so thoroughly control media that even normies don't pay attention to it anymore

Exactly, taking the world at face value and buying identity gadgets is the smart thing to do.


Your constitution and government are directly inspired by philosophy: Aristotle and constitutional government and the right to bear warms, Montesquieu and the separation of powers, Locke and the notion of basic rights and freedoms, the Physiocrats and the invisible hand of the market, etc.

You do know that everyone across all of history has not thought the same way as you, right? You only hold the opinions that you do because of specific changes in the paradigm of thinking that can be traced back to Descartes' epistemological method, Locke and Hume's empiricism, Kant's liberalism and moral theory, etc.

Btw, philosophy students have the highest LSAT scores, and guess who rights the laws you have to follow?

I wonder if this is a shill thread.

>muh STEM
Understanding tech, engineering, and weapons haven’t saved whites from being dominated by kikes. Maybe STEM is less important than OP thinks

Most people who study philosophy are fucking losers or turbo normal, but philosophy itself isn't barren. Philosophy is full of good arguments and good thinking.

i agree with this. philosophy is not a white academic discipline. Trump should pass a law to put all the philosophers in camps and gas them

why go to college at all?

You can't be a good scientist without a strong understanding of philosophy, or at least the metaphysical part of philosophy. It's essential if you want to actually change paradigms rather than just run rote experiments and lab tests all day like some second rate chink faculty assistant. t. scientist

to learn how to drive nails into a board for your living, i.e., a trade
anything else is degeneracy

>read the republic
>read meditations
>read beyond good and evil
>read the myth of Sisyphus
>take several philosophy classes
>browse /lit/
>life just keeps getting more muddied and worse
>meanwhile Jamal fucks Stacy
Yeah bro, totally not smart enough to see who wins in this situation.

>fucking the kind of white trash who would burn coal is more important than understanding reality on a deeper level

LOL Look at this fucking Pseud.

The problem with liberal arts in general is that IT'S OPEN TO INTERPRETATION. This is a nightmare in the real world where everything is standardised and you need to follow procedures.

If you want to build a house, you need a builder, raw materials, an electrician, a plumber, a welder and finally a real estate agent. A philosopher can only think about building a house.

holy fuck rare

>understanding reality on a deeper level
I got bad news for you, buddy...

ad hominem attack
>anyone who
Hasty generalization
ad hominem
>mental masturbation
false analogy
>only STEM degrees are worth anything these days
four fallacies in one sentence, which might be a record in stupidity

Okay slimedog,

Tell the worth of a PhD or masters in philosophy?

To me, it just seems a bunch of liberal cunts sniffing eachother's arses

120k a year teaching

Can confirm. Took a Marx and Marxism class for my Russian Studies minor because it was my last elective for it and it fit my schedule. Some of THE most faggoty bitches I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.

imagine being this much of a positivist brainlet

summers off. lecture till im old and grey with tenure. fuck young female students... etc.

>Jamal fucks Stacy
This is not happening on a large enough scale to affect your reality. Part of philosophy is disbelieving nonsense. BLACKED is a meme that is not a general trend.

Shit forgot to mention it was philosophy class and not political or economical.



You tell me why getting a PhD in philosophy isn't worthless? What value does it add to society?
Sure you can drop names of important people in the past, but not everyone is going to have a ground breaking thought.

120k no way.

source that shit.


what is the pol sticky? hahahah

im not on Sup Forums crying about the worthlessness of other people's passions or proclivities. You are.

think about that.


Stanford, Berkeley, even SFSU

>fuck young female students
kek. You don't know the promised land of earth sciences m8. tfw 80% attactive females.

bad hygiene from my experience.

Yea, not everyone is going to teach at an elite university. You are dreaming on that one bud.

Call me Doctor. Thank you.

>learning how to think rationally is for losers
>understanding the basis for morality, truth, Justice, motivations and free will is stupid

Literally fucking kys faggot this is the worst shillposg I’ve seen in sometime.

dont you want your children's teachers to be educated?

Says the whiteboi who hasn't ventured off Sup Forums or out of mummy's basement. I can assure you every white girl has been with Pajeet, Jamal, Wongting, or Ricardo before she ever considered you.

well yeah, that's because so many of them are European. Still hot, and the field is incredibly non-competitive because the global warming meme attracts dumb libs who can't into upper level math.

Okay, then you aren't defending your point, then why are you responding?

I am making a claim that philosophy is worthless. Not crying, having a discussion.

>science comes from the enlightenment

Well, I say go dominate then. Top of one's field is a great feeling and plenty of snatch to have as a result

Ironically you are conducting philosophy with this statement.

Reminder that all of STEM is underneath the umbrella of philosophy. Mathematics itself is a logical system. In my experience, a vast majority of STEM students are more like tradesmen similar to a plumber or electrician learning a specific craft, and taking pride in their knowledge and abilities within that craft. It's embarrassing when they poop on the foundations of their trade out of pure ignorance. I have also often met STEM students who can't form a logical argument, quite ironic when they hold themselves in high esteem.

> Philosophy, Physics and Theology

Have all three, speak to God.

thank you I was looking for that image


Most goyim don't even know what philosophy or logic is. It's basically compare and contrast of your surroundings as an individual. Psychology is human behavior. Philosophy and logic is reflection of human behavior which requires an individual to reflect.

Philosophers end up making more than most graduates in other fields. You have to look at the long term wealth. I suppose I could find you a study, but I am not up for research in that now. Look at MBAs compared to philosophy grads

regardless if your a doctor.
Not everyone is going to teach at an elite university.

There are thousands of adjunct professors getting paid shit because they bought into the dream of being a "thinker" its horseshit.

And if you are a prof at berkeley you might as well consider yourself top tier. but not everyone with a 5 year degree in "thinking" is going to get a nice little placement.

I bet you support anifa then?

>This much damage control
I'll assume you might have been recently burned. It's not your fault. There are millions of white girls attracted to white men.

opinion discarded

are you the most retarded person ever?

Studying philosophy and a PhD are two different things. You’re strawmanning a false dichotomy. Philosophy enriches the study of any other discipline by removing superstition and other predudiced beliefs. How can you really innovate if you pretend you already know everything or that those who taught you knew everything?

And Marx wasn’t a philosopher. He built his theories on way too many false assumptions to be considered.

I would not be here if I supported a dogma like antifa.


Pretty sure many of the ceos in wall street have philosophy as there major. Everyone should indulge in philosophy but maybe not spend their whole life on it.

>Tell the worth of a PhD or masters in philosophy?
Subjective or relative, the same as a PhD in any other field. Value within what context? You haven't provided enough information to properly evaluate your question. You might not have made this mistake had you studied some basic linguistic philosophy or logic.

last one is not neccessary

Philo grads usually go on to doing things they enjoy, which is all that matters. When you enjoy what it is you do, then you can focus on other things life has to offer, like vacations in Thailand or a solid wife and kids

Okay, keep on praying you'll meet a "real traditional girl" like Lauren Southern one day kek.


Marx was absolutely a philosopher and philosophers basing their models on false assumptions accounts for a vast majority of all philosophers.

that's just how it is in the modern world. Keep in mind that Greek philosophers were incredibly ripped and Alpha as fuck. With the exception of Diogenes the philosophers weren't NEETs, they were incredibly well to do, physically fit, and had full rich lives and in their spare time philosophized to help their fellow citizens

this makes no sense
so if i dont enjoy a 5hour 5days 7 figure salary i cant have vacations or a solid family?

Marx is a poor example of a philosopher. Moderns are a sorry psychotic bunch, imho

Not sure if the 'Marx' bit was for me but yeah the class counted toward my minor. I just took it because it fit. I much rather have take the Russian literature course.

Why would you commit to a 7 figure salary if you didn't enjoy it?