Is this the most useless first world country? I can't think of anything great that Australia has invented

Is this the most useless first world country? I can't think of anything great that Australia has invented

What do they do all day?

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Hope you're not using WIFI, radioactive nigger.

>I can't think of anything great that Australia has invented

>What do they do all day?
Get drunk, fight and shitpost
Sometimes we go into the city to play spot the aussie

My Pop invented Swiss Nips back in the War.

Like the cheese they were full of holes

we invented wine in a goon bag, much more convenient than bottle wine

Black box flight recorder
Spray-on skin
Electronic pacemaker
Google Maps
Medical application of penicillin
Cochlear implant (bionic ear)
Electric drill
Wi-Fi technology
Ultrasound scanner
Gardasil and Cervarix cancer vaccines

>What do they do all day?

get bit by sneks

They beat up pajeatss.

They drink east european tier beer.

They will be flooded with asians.

Their largest car brand just failed.

They smoke meth and fuck each others sisters.

the tank, car radio

first military tank