It's time to choose.
It's time to choose
Shishou and Musashi are my favorite FGO girls
My heart-boner leads me elsewhere.
Also, their bodies are the same just mirrored. Lazy artist?
Double paizuri it is then.
I choose this one
i choose best fate girl
I'm taking both and there is nothing you can do to stop me
Of course my queen of the underworld
Like...right now? I...I need more time.
>implying YOU can choose them and not THEY are choosing you
Hah, beta cucks from Sup Forums can't choose such powerful women.
Shitchute isn't even the best lancer anymore.
Right, alter anything is shit.
What is Scathatch going to do with Little Gudao? Is she going to train him to be a Hero? That's the only thing she's going to do right?
Right has a better body but left has a better personality (once you get past the chuuni part)
Small time
Is it wrong for a Master for wanting to force them self on their Servant?
Thanks for reminding me I need to work on my loli Medusa folder.
I'd really like to watch cute chuuni spinoff about lolis, let it be not as garbage as Kaleid though.
I want to raise loli Medusa into a proper woman and my wife.
>cute chuuni spinoff about lolis
FUND IT. With all the Fate lolis into the mesh.
Take that back, nigga. Prisma Illya is a masterpiece.
>Shirou summons Scathatch
>She wipes the floor with Cu
>She supports Shirou becoming a Hero of Justice and trains him to do so.
>Shirou wins the Holy Grail War, becomes a Hero of Justice saving everyone, and reunites with Scat in her domain.
Arthuria a shit.
I know who I want to protect. My answer has remain unchanged for over a decade.
>Take that back, nigga. Prisma Illya is a masterpiece.
It's pretty terrible.
I'd say it only worked for some time at the beginning but now it's just shit.
it would end up becoming weird fujoshit about shota gil and iskander while all the lolis get sidelined.
>she's wearing clothes and not the "bodysuit" (represents nudity)
Make King Hassan their Papa and Gudao/Gudako their older brother/older sister and you have a deal.
I am calling the Servant Police
>Papa Hassan to Jack
Suddenly a new fetish is born. More fanart of that when?
Fuck the police!
Fate / Empire of Dirt never ever translated or released.
I just wanted the porn for it.
Stabby stab stab.
Your heart leads you along a fine path.
Your eyes deceive your however.
One of those is a faker.
And also no longer exists.
Has you're waifu been seen in the latest trendy garment? E.g.
I would watch a mahou shoujo spin-off with those three. I wonder how long would be lily Jeanne name.
>chest tumors
Poop chute
i didnt know meme dress fits best girl so nicely
Matt is very lewd
Turn 360° moonwalk away from the sluts.
The one and only
To anyone who's played Tsukhime, how long is the full game in reality? Do routes overlap greatly, or only at the beginning?
>Worst Apocrypha
>Worst G/O
>Worst Extella.
Damn son. How does she do it?
Fuck off G-man, I am not stepping into your shitty portal.
only one of them is a slut, Jannu is merely pretending.
That's a really nice dress.
I need pvc.
I chose a long time ago.
> My answer has remain unchanged for over a decade.
Just like her body.
Saber, across all time and space.
Either Saber or Tamamo.
>implying I need to choose.
Actual best girl to come out of GO
Was it rape?
I pick my first that I got out of gacha.
>An elegant, virtuous, and glamorous woman in her blooming age.
>On the other hand, her passion towards those she came to like is strong, turning into a personification of maternal love that makes an enemy out of the world for the sake of her child. For her, a lover equals to her own child.
>She would eliminate anything for the sake of her beloved, attempting to protect him in a fanatic manner. While talking of a proper love, she loses sight of social morals when it is for the sake of love, approving all sorts of deeds.
>For Raikou, the Master who became her contractor is a single grace that appeared in the darkness. After all, he is the fated person who, other than Kintoki, accepted her demonic self and formed a contract with her.
>Thus, she is fiercely doting about him. However, because her desire to monopolize is strong, she quickly fall to tears if he puts her aside and will cross-examine him with a crazy look in case of infidelity.
There is nothing wrong with putting dick in crazy.
Can't rape the willing.
I don't really care for fateshit but I've cum multiple times to the purple-haired one.
The other one has that retarded looking hair ornament that pisses me off
a figure
Martha pls, you're a saint.
Obviously I'd choose my wife Scathach
Naturally, my waifu.
Two Scathatch?
Does she try to cope a Ryougi now?
Fuck off Takeuchi
Martha? MARTHA!
>Martha pls, you're a saint.
Martha is a total PUNK
hot damn
I want to sexually harass her and watch her become flustered.
Left please.
>Kiyohime sneaks into the Master's bedroom without permission.
>Serenity sneaks into the Master's bedroom without permission.
>Raikou sneaks into the Master's bedroom without permission.
>Mary and Anne sneaks into the Master's bedroom without permission.
Who are the next Servants in the sneak into the bedroom without permission group? Mordred and Jack?
Jack would probably ask permission, since she's a good kid aside from her weird obsession with dismemberment. Mordred probably wouldn't care.
Jack doesn't need to ask permission when it involves her Mommy (Master) and sneak into the bedroom.
Mordred is probably too dumb to know how to sneak.
It's funny because she's supposed to be 20 years old, and you have that imae of a tall big boobed girl in mind, but some 20 YO girls do have a body like hers.
The only thing I regret is that she can't live more than 2 more years ;_;
You have the image of a tall big boobed girl in mind because that's pretty much how she would have turned out with a normal growth pattern. She'd have resembled her mother quite nicely.
What did ReDrop mean by that outfit?
How long will strange/fake take to end?
Prisma was pretty shit tio begin with, got marginally okay, and then went shit again before it redeemed itself with Shirou and Kotomine monologues. Now that we no longer have flashbacks and monologues, it's gone to shit again.
Really strange anatomy in this illustration. Three obtuse curves for the torso? And that belly button is quite high and far away from the outer pelvis.
That's most fanart these days though.