
/u/ is here to stay
Jun is old and busted

Other urls found in this thread:`

Wait, are they going to bed without taking a bath? What are they, barbarians?

Carol is perfect.

Title: Battle for the bed
Panel 1
Tomo: So what are we gonna do about sleeping arrangements? I'm fine with using the futon...
Panel 2
Misuzu: Well then, goodnight.
Panel 3
Tomo: Just gonna take the bed for yourself without even thinking, huh...that's Misuzu for you.
Panel 4
Carol: Come on in, Tomo!
Tomo: And that's Carol for you...

Can you post yesterday's? I missed it.


When are we gonna get to the lesbian factory!?

Seeing Misuzu and Carol fighting is like seeing a kitten, and bunny brawling.

>no "Tomboys are for..."

Now THIS thread will surely die after a hundred posts

gyarus are so cute

Tomboys are for
These are the things that tomboys are for

Boring. I can usually find the fun in everything too but this is boring as FUCK

Fumita should win a medal of having the most boring 4koma to exist in the current year. BOOOOOOOORING

Between Tomom and Carol, how much more can Misuzu take?

Thankfully for her ,Tomo is pure she she likely never slichked herself to the thoughts of taking Jun
s hard..stuff

What manga is this?

Jun pls

Ore no osanajimi wa konna ni kawaii wake ga nai

Shut up Jun

Its been doing this since forever. Why bitch now? You will still come back tomorrow.


Boku no Tomo



At least google all the characters names in google first user.

A kitten fighing a bunny you say? Behold Carol kicking Misuzu out of the bed:`

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, so this time you might be right, unless /u/ gets wind of this. But remember, you have been wrong all along so this doesn't make you any sort of prophet.

Painfully awkward, unfunny translation.

Tomboys are for
Getting in fights with her
Playing sports with her
Watching kung-fu movies with her and trying to copy the moves
Teasing her and laughing when she gets mad and pouts
Letting her pin you so you can feel her body pressed against yours
Flipping her back over so that you can stare into each other's eyes
Protecting her from bullies even though you know she can handle herself
Walking home with her at sunset after a long day of running around and getting into trouble
Cheering her on and always supporting her, win or lose
Throwing her a victory barbeque where you make all her favorite foods
Massaging her legs, shoulders, and back
Holding her close and telling her you love her
Reassuring her that she is the most beautiful girl in the world when she gets jealous of the more feminine girls
Accepting all of her girlish sensibilities, no matter how much she hates you finding out about them
Patting her head
Getting caught in the rain during a cross country run and having to huddle together with her under an abandoned bus stop waiting for it to pass
Holding her hand in public
Making her try on cute dresses when you're out on a date even though you know she'll never buy one
Buying her sexy black lace lingerie, only for her to wear spats over them
Tracing your finger over the tanlines she got during the summer and feeling how warm her skin is
Having her jump into your arms and kiss you after spending time apart over vacation
Introducing her to your parents
Carrying her over the threshold of your new home to start a life together while she punches you in the shoulder and pouts that she can walk just fine herself
Gently laying her down on the bed
Whispering into her ear how much she means to you while caressing her toned body
Spending an entire night making passionate love to each other
Raising a new generation of tomboys with
Loving unconditionally as you grow old together
These are the things that tomboys are for


>you have been wrong all along
so it's been six months since a thread died that early. it's still happened.

Are these translations getting worse over time?


The set up right now isn't as promising because people are waiting for the upcoming festival. I wish there was some sort of festival like the Nips have over here

Seeing as it's kind of a dull page I'll be posting my other spats and yukata pic

So I must have missed a day but weren't they going to jun's because Tomo was dared to ask him out? What happened with that? Did misuzu cancel the dare?


The colorizebot fucked it a bit though

>Gives up her bed and takes the futon

Tomo is a good host.

you missed the last few days

Could you post the black and white also? Looks good though, aside from the color being messed up.

Fuck. That's cute did he say yes?

I know, but I'm to lazy to do it myself, specially since' I didn't like that drawing that much so I left it unfinished.

alright, but like I said it's not as nice as the other one.
check out the rest of the pages yourself man.

you are a god, user

Welp, see you guys tomorrow.

They're all gonna sleep in the bad next comic



typo or not a typo
that is the question

I love you.

Does Jun just try to cop feels? There's been so many times when he's just inches away from doing so.

>luring her crush with his crush
Who knew Carol's that desperate?

not inches.
Also, the V4 extras are done.


he's a puritan

well done

I want to get /ss/'d by Tomo mom

I want to fuck Misuzu

Ten billion light years in MS Paint. Maybe run this version through the coloring doohickey.

it's an unconscious action.

His mind still struggles to comprehend Tomo, but his body knows.

I'm sure someone could do a better job with it, I just started playing with it.

And here I thought the joke wasn't that hard to translate



At least they got this one right
what did he mean by this

I don't get it

Transparent where?

It's going to be a bitch

Since this is actually kind-of legit: Carol is subtly asking her fiance if he's gay. It's clearer from the better translation posted in an earlier thread.

I got this after playing around with it a bit.


Looks pretty good.

I see, but you got said translation? It's kind too subtle otherwise, and the way I took it it kind of works considering their backstories...

I had to freehand the bottom edge, don't execute me

Jun's self-control is impressive.

I didn't actually notice the lasers coming out of her eyes until now.

Digging it up was a pain.

I think those are supposed to be speedlines, since she turned her head and all.

My try

I thought she was clarifying that he's not into Tomo.

He doesn't treat either one of them as women.

I see now, but I still think she wasn't testing him for gayness until that line, before still feels like she was luring him with the promise of Tomo tomos and then at the end she just throws that question out there.

That translation isn't much beter. Even worse for pushing sexual preference nuance that doesn't exist in japanese page.

Well what the fuck else is the page about? Jealousy? That's boring as shit.

>Yukata with spats
The world isn't ready.

You forgot
>I don't get it


Carol truly is a genius. She is the literal glue of that threesome of freindship

you might have missed my previous pic, or the user who put the idea in our heads.

Why does his shirt say bigot?

>Her accent is so cute!


What do you even do in Jun's situation?

A success for ants.


>wants to be seen as a girl
>literally buys a shirt with the word Boy on it

now off to waifu2x

It's ironic


Compressing and then scaling it like crazy will kill it unfortunately. That colorbot doesn't even work with the 1.8mb size that posted, which is a bit outrageous.

damn looking back carol's got a pretty good poker face, she realizes she cold read mizusu correctly in the third panel

Well judging by the download size for the git repo alone, I won't be able to compile it by tonight let alone color anything on my GPUless laptop, so don't hold your breath.