How would you describe K-On to someone who has never watched animu?
How would you describe K-On to someone who has never watched animu?
a relaxing show about high school girls faffing about in their school's music club
it's more entertaining than it sounds
A heart-wrenching tragedy about a little girl abandoned by her parents to care for her older sister's autism.
Pedo garbage for losers.
>Pedo garbage for losers.
They're all legal, though, user.
A mildly retarded girl forms a band with a lesbian couple and a rich girl with pickle slices for eyebrows.
Ritsu and Yui could pose as one another if they just switched hair-accessories.
Cute girls doing cute things.
Do you realize where you are fucking retard?
gay as h*ck
cute girls being friendly and having dreams but they are kind of lazy(except Ui, but she's not in the group). They make a band together.
A quintessential CGDCT show that is inferior to Non Non Biyori.
I wouldn't. That would be the worst possible conversation imaginable.
One of mankind's greatest achievements.
>still talking about K-ON
One of the crowning achievements of Japanese animation. Beneath the CGDCT exterior there's a wealth of hidden depth, befitting one of the best Iyashikei anime out there.
As much as I loved NNB, nope.
The one with the eyebrows could deadlift a building if it means she can slap your shit.
An anime about Tea club that forms a rock band. They're all girls.
Nice bait.
I'd probably say this just for the sake of keeping normalfags away from K-On.
An antidepressant.
Comfy friendship and bonding that will make you long for a world of purity and music that only exists in drawings. If you went to high school, you will probably connect in some way with this anime.
CGDCT about silly caricatures of human beings doing silly caricature things. Same as any other show of its category, except it sold well.
Preach man, in the end, all moeshit is the same. In fact every anime is the same, just caricatures. Its all garbage that just sells. Its like, have these anime fags ever heard of a book LOL?
a heart felt meditation on youth, the importance of treasured memories and the value of nostalgia while also lamenting the slight sadness of the inevitability of change
K-ON will never die.
An outsider's social commentary about the scarcity of female friendship in modern media and the dissonance of institutional faculties from the very students they're supposed to be educating.
Also, Ritsu best girl.
>episode 12
>Yui runs out of the house in a hurry, but this time she doesn't fall on her ass like on the first episode (symbolism)
>begins to reminisce about all the insecurities she felt on her first day of school
>gives a speech to the show's audience not to worry like she did, because one day they will find something they're good at, something that they can lose themselves into, and a place that means more than anything to them, like she did with the Light Music Club
I would call it... inspirational
>Mugi is cute! CUTE!
>oh, I think they have a band or something? Iunno, go watch it yourself
k-on is the sacred prophecy of the moe kami
This. Humanity should dedicate it's whole existence to creating spacecraft made specifically with the intent to launch copies of K-On! to all the corners of the cosmos. Our gift to the universe. That's a life worth living, and would totally justify our existence wholeheartedly
Non Non Biyori is like, categorically a worse show. Its popularity is baffling
NGE for happy people
Adorable retardation.
Post your three favorite episodes, anons guess who your favorite girl is
Season 1, Episode 2 (Instrument!)
Season 2, Episode 12 (Summer Festival!)
Season 2, Episode 14 (Summer Classes!)
Mugi, too easy.
Season 2, Episode 24 (Graduation Ceremony!)
Season 2, Episode 24 (Graduation Ceremony!)
Season 2, Episode 24 (Graduation Ceremony!)
season 1 ep 12 light music
season 2 ep 3 drummer
season 2 ep 26 visit
This 2bh
also Azusa
that may still come to pass but at heart i'm a yui fag
I'd screw her.
A cartoon about an all girls school's after class music club.
But realistically, I wouldn't say anything at all. Because I'm not a pathetic loser who talks about anime in real life.
This, but I had to explain K-On when my onee-san visited me and noticed my Mugi figurine.